
Progress in particle and nuclear physics

edited by Sir Denys Wilkinson

Pergamon Press, 1978-

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  • v. 42
  • v. 43

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 51



Vol. 13-43 / edited by Amand Faessler



v. 23 ISBN 9780080401485


Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics is a series of volumes which gathers together papers which discuss new developments in the field. Emphasis is made on publishing articles which explore the interface between particle and nuclear physics, especially such matters as the role of mesons, isobars and quarks in nuclear structure and the use of complex nuclei for probing fundamental particle symmetries. Two volumes are published every year.


  • Rare kaon decays, J S Hagelin & L S Litte
  • berg. Resonant neutrino oscillations in matter, S P Mikheyev & A Yu Smir
  • ov. Spin degrees of freedom in hadronic reactions, J Soffer. Probing the nucleus, W M Alberico et al. High energy gamma-ray production in nuclear reactions, H Nifenecker & J A Pinst
  • n. Birth, life and death of hot nuclei, E Suraud et al. Contents of some previous volumes.

v. 25 ISBN 9780080407739


Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics is a series of volumes gathering together papers which discuss new developments in the field. Volume 25 contains a variety of papers concerning a wide spectrum of topics ranging from applied mathematics to observations of nuclear particles at high bombarding energies. Two volumes are published a year.


  • Soliton models for nuclear physics, M C Birse. CP violation and the flavour structure of weak interactions, K Kleinknecht. Weak non-mesonic decays of lambda-hypernuclei, J Cohen. Many-body theory of high energy heavy ion reactions, W Cassing & U Mosel.
  • sospin and F-spin in the interacting boson model, J P Elliott.

v. 28 ISBN 9780080418605


Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics is a series of volumes which gathers together papers discussing new developments in the field. Emphasis is placed on publishing articles that explore the interface between particle and nuclear physics, especially such matters as the role of mesons, isobars and quarks in nuclear structure and the use of complex nuclei for probing fundamental particle symmetries. This volume of Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics publishes the proceedings of the Erice International Workshop on Gamma Ray Spectroscopy. The workshops bring together internationally recognized experts in the field together with young scientists. The experts give reviews of the current status of a topic, followed by seminars, discussions and special workshops. These proceedings publish 44 papers providing a comprehensive and copiously illustrated overview of this rapidly expanding field.


Selected papers: Giant dipole resonances in hot rotating nuclei, D. Schwalm. Quantum chaos and rotational damping, S. Aberg. Microscopic description of vibrational states in deformed nuclei, V. G. Soloviev. Tracking the effects of intruder states in nuclei, L. L. Riedinger et al. New approaches to studies of exotic nuclei, J. H. Hamilton. Multiplicites of bands in 186 Hg, A. V. Ramayya et al. Nuclear superdeformation at high spins, J. Dudek. The spectroscopy of superdeformed bands, J. F. Sharpey-Schafer. The study of very high spin states, P. J. Nolan. Collective properties and shapes of nuclei at very high spins, N. R. Johnson. Recent studies of the high-spin quasi-continuum, B. Herskind et al. Structure at high spin from weak inter-band transitions, G. B. Hagemann. In-beam spectroscopy of exotic nuclei with OSIRIS and beyond, H. Grawe et al. A study of rotational damping in 167 , 168 Yb, S. Leoni et al. Static multipole deformations in nuclei, W. Nazarewicz. Are the low-flying isovector 1 + states scissors vibrations? A. Faessler. One- and two- phonon octupole states in nuclei near 146 Gd, P. Kleinheinz. Transition probabilities in transitional nuclei in the A=130 region, A. Dewald. Lifetimes of superdeformed states in 194 Pb, P. Willsau et al. Collective structures in 199 Pb and 200 Pb, H. Hubel et al. Exotic nuclear deformations in nuclei around 218 Ra, X. Li. EUROBALL: Large gamma ray spectrometers through european collaborations, F. A. Beck. Experiments with a 4pi charged-particle detector and the 8pi spectrometer, A. Galindo-Uribarri. Nuclear spectroscopy with MIPAD, G. Lo Bianco. New physics with cooled ion beams, D. Habs. The giant dipole resonance in hot nuclei, R. A. Broglia et al.

v. 32 ISBN 9780080424903


"Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics" is a series of volumes which discuss new developments in the field at a level suitable for the general nuclear and particle physicist and also, in greater technical depth, to explore the most important advances in these areas. Although the majority of the articles will be in one or other of the fields of the title of the series, a particular effort is made to treat topics of an interface type for which both particle and nuclear physics are important, in particular such matters as the role of mesons, isobars and quarks in nuclear structure and the use of complex nuclei for probing fundamental particle symmetries. Other topics such as the application of nuclear physics in the medical and archaeological fields are also being treated from time to time. Astrophysicists, too, are catered for by the editor's inclusion of articles on nucleo-genesis and related matters. This particular volume publishes the proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, which this year concentrated on the theory and applications of neutrinos.


  • 40 years of neutrino physics, F. Reines
  • a review of the homestake solar neutrino experiment, R. Davis
  • GALLEX solar neutrino results and their implications, T.A. Kirsten
  • statistical treatment of the low-level counting data in GALLEX, P. Anselmann and F.X. Hartmann
  • solar flare neutrinos - real or not?, I. Krivosheina
  • BAIKAL neutrino telescope - experience of large phototube quasar-370 application, B.A. Borisovets
  • neutrino physics and supernovae, W. Hillebrandt
  • neutrinos and the evolution of newly born neutron stars, W. Keil
  • MACRO as a detector of neutrinos from stellar gravitational collapse, K. Scholberg
  • neutrinos and the dark matter of the universe, D.O. Caldwell
  • the Mainz neutrino mass experiment, E.W. Otten
  • future perspectives of the Mainz neutrino mass experiment, H. Backe et al
  • the Garching neutrino mass experiments (status report), H. Daniel
  • massive neutrinos as probe of fundamental left-right symmetry of nature, R.N. Mohapatra
  • update on the physics of neutrino mass, J.W.F. Valle
  • double beta decay - some recent results and developments, F.T. Avignone
  • tracking electrons from double beta decay - how far can you push the TPC?, M.K. Moe et al
  • double beta decay and neutrino mass - the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus
  • background recognition in germanium detectors by pulse shape analysis, F. Petry
  • grand unification, nuclear structure and the double beta-decay, A. Faessler
  • two vacua particle number projected random phase approximation, F. Simkovic et al
  • proton-neutron correlations, particle number conservation and double beta decay, A. Bobyk
  • neutrino experiments at nuclear reactors, F. von Feilitzsch
  • KARMEN - neutrino physics at ISIS, B. Zeitnitz, precision tests of the standard model with neutrinos from muon and pion decay, G. Drexlin
  • neutrino electron scattering at ISIS, B. Armbruster et al
  • neutral current coupling constants from neutrino-electron scattering, R. Beyer and G. Radel
  • development of a high resolution cryogenic detector with applications in neutrino physics, A.M. Swift et al
  • contents of some previous volumes. (Part Contents).

v. 38 ISBN 9780080431017


  • Foreword. Identical superdeformed bands (B. Hass). High spin spectroscopy of exotic nuclei (H. Grawe et al. ). Development of segmented Ge detectors for future gamma-ray arrays (J. Eberth et al. ). DIAMANT and EUROGAM: improvements in the observation limits and study of the 90 Ru and 44 Ti compound nuclei decay (M.M. Aleonard et al. ). Superdeformation around 144 Gd (R.M. Lieder et al. ). Single-step link from yrast SD band in 143 Eu (A. Axelsson at al. ). Vibrational excitations in deformed nuclei in rare-earth and actinide regions (V.G. Soloviev et al. ). Excitation and decay properties of the 13 1 o3 1
  • 2 + > (J. Enders et al. ). Physics with GAMMASPHERE and beyond (I.Y. Lee). Coulomb excitation and transfer reactions (J. Gerl et al. ). Recoil distance transient field g-factor measurement using EUROBALL cluster detectors (A. Jungclaus et al. ). Shears bands in Pb isotopes (H. Hubel). The octupole susceptibility of superheavy nuclei (S. Cwiok et al. ). Cluster effects in 180 Hg (L.-O Jonsson). High-spin spectroscopy near the deformed N#Z#38 shell gap: the light Rb isotopes (K.P. Lieb et al. ). Physics with Ge-Miniball-arrays (D. Habs et al. ). Collective model description of high-spin states (S. Kuyucak). Relativistic description of high spin states (P. Ring, A.V. Afanasjev). Isotope shifts in the relativistic mean field theory (G.A. Lalazissis). Recent news from VAMPIR (K.W. Schmid). Complex MONSTER: a new model for large scale nuclear structure studies (E. Bender et al. ). Microscopic aspects of identical bands in the A=70 mass region (A. Petrovici et al. ). Nuclear structure calculations with realistic effective interactions (A. Covello et al. ). What shape is generated by the rotation of a hot spherical nucleus? (A.L. Goodman). K -Dependence in the gamma-decay of hot nuclei (M. Guttormsen et al. ). Study of band mixing in the rotational quasi-continuum (A. Bracco et al. ). Magnetic dipole properties in deformed nuclei (A. Faessler). A EUROBALL module at the S-DALINAC-investigation of elementary electric and magnetic excitation modes (P. von Neumann-Cosel). Study of f 7/2 N=Z nuclei at GASP (C.A. Ur et al. ). Deformed bands in xenon, barium and cerium nuclei (P. von Brentano et al. ). The triaxial rotation vibration model in the Xe-Ba region (U. Meyer et al. ). A mixed symmetry 2 + state in 132 Ce (I. Wiedenhover et al. ). Heuristic quantization of the cranking model (T. Nakatsukasa, Y.R. Shimizu). Structural change in the cranked HFB bands (K. Iwasawa et al. ). Signature inversion in odd-odd deformed nuclei (L.L. Riedinger et al. ). Giant resonances built on highly excited states: a test-ground for nuclear dynamics (V. Baran et al. ). New cold and ultra hot binary and cold ternary spontaneous fission modes for 252 Cf and new band structures with gammasphere (J.H. Hamilton et al. ). Study of isometric states in neutron-rich nuclei produced by spontaneous fission of 252 Cf (C. Gautherin et al. ).

v. 39 ISBN 9780080432946


Non-perturbative Dynamics in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (M. Shifman). Hadron Physics from the Global Color Model of QCD (P.C. Tandy). Rho-omega Mixing, Vector Meson Dominance and the Pion Form-Factor (H.B. O'Connell et al. ). Rare Kaon Decays (P. Buchholz, B. Renk). Parity and Time Reversal Violation in Neutron-nucleus Reactions (V.E. Bunakov, L.B. Pikelner). Fermionic Molecular Dynamics (H. Feldmeier, J. Schnack). The Search for the Liquid-gas Phase Transition in Nuclei (J. Pochodzalla). Photon and Gluon Induced Processes in Relativistic Heavy-ion Collisions (F. Krauss et al. ). Halo Behavior of Strange Particles in Nuclei (Y. Akaishi, T.Yamazaki). Probing Nucleon Spin Structure (G. P. Ramsey). Contents of some Previous Volumes.

v. 41 ISBN 9780444500182


This volume contains 5 articles on differing aspects of nucelar and particle physics, with many literary references.

v. 42 ISBN 9780444502469


Hardbound. The proceedings of this workshop focus on recent developments in and research on heavy ion collisions. Furthermore it covers the physics which can be carried out by radioactive beams and with heavy ion storage rings. It contains review articles which examine in depth the latest research results and presents a state-of-art view of this fast exanding field. All the chapters are written by leading experts active in the field today.

v. 43 ISBN 9780444503060


Taking the format of two hardbound volumes a year, this series discusses new developments in the field at a level suitable for the general nuclear and particle physicist, and also, in greater technical depth, to explore the most important advances in those areas. Although the majority of the articles will be in one or other of the fields of the title of the series, a particular effort is made to treat topics which combine both particle and nuclear physics, in particular the role of mesons, isobars and quarks in nuclear structure and the use of complex nuclei for probing fundamental symmetries.

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  • ISBN
    • 0080230520
    • 0080250203
    • 0080250394
    • 008027109X
    • 0080271170
    • 0080271529
    • 0080300375
    • 0080315003
    • 008031743X
    • 0080323006
    • 0080336671
    • 0080368816
    • 0080373690
    • 0080401481
    • 0080407617
    • 0080407730
    • 0080411401
    • 0080411630
    • 0080418600
    • 0080420400
    • 0080423280
    • 0080424902
    • 0080424996
    • 0080426476
    • 0080428967
    • 0080431011
    • 0080432948
    • 0444500189
    • 0444502467
    • 0444503064
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    26 cm