
Genetic differentiation and dispersal in plants

edited by P. Jacquard, G. Heim, and J. Antonovics

(NATO ASI series, ser. G . Ecological sciences ; v. 5)

Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division [by] Springer-Verlag, c1985

  • : U.S.
  • : G.W.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



"Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Population Biology of Plants held at Montpellier, May 21-25, 1984"--T.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This volume is based on a workshop on "Population Biology of. Plants The Interfaces (Genetics, Physiology, Demography, Biogeography)", with a specific profile on "Diversification of Plant Populations in relation to Modes of Reproduction and Dispersal Genetic and Physiological Mechanisms", held in Port-Camargue, France, from May 21-25, 1984. This workshop was initiated by the "Unit of Population and Community Biology", in Montpellier, and sponsored by the NATO Scientific Affairs Division (ARW grant 876/83) and by the CNRS (Table ronde). All populations are subjected to environmental "screening". Given a genetic diversity whose expression can be modified by a degree of demographic and individual plastici ty (at the morphological and physiological levels), they present a structure related to their environment. Ideally populations should be studied simultaneously from the point of view of the population geneticist, the physiologist and the demographer . These specific approaches only become fully meaning full in the "light of Evolution". Among the evolutionary forces that quantitatively act on the frequencies, objects of interest of workers specialising in Population Biology are selection and drift. An other main object of the study must be dispersal. But, its playing extent - relative to the other forces - in the adjustment to the environment is not fully recognized.


Genetic Differentiation: Variation in Single Genes or Molecular Variation.- Chemical Diversification Within the Dactylisglomerata L. Polyploid Complex (Gramineae).- Enzymatic Variability of Beechstands (Fagussylvatica L.) on Three Scales in Europe.- Geographic Origins, Genetic Diversity and the Molecular Clock Hypothesis in the Oryzeae.- Breeding System and Genetic Structure of a Chenopodiumalbum Population According to Crop and Herbicide Relation.- Does Cytoplasmic Variation in Plantagolanceolata Contribute to Ecological Differentiation?.- Genetic Differentiation: Variation in Phenotype and Fitness.- Adaptation, Differentiation and Reproductive Systems in Loliumperenne.- Preferentials Associations among Characters in Crosses Between Pearl Millet (Penisetumtyphoides) and its Wild Relatives.- Genetic Diversity of the Foxtail Millet (Setariaitalica).- Morphological Variation, Breeding System and Demography at Populational and Subpopulational Levels in Armeriamaritima (Mill.) Willd.- Gynodioecy in Thyme, Thymusvulgaris L. : Evidence from Successional Populations.- Pines, Plantains and Thyme: Three Examples of Frequency - Dependant Selection.- Habitat, Genetic Structure and Dynamics of Perennial and Annual Populations of the Asian Wild Rice Oryzaperennis..- Genetic and Environmental Constraints to Selection Response for Juvenile Characters in Geraniumcarolinianum.- The Effects of Neighbors as Environments: Characterisation of the Competitive Performance of Danthoniaspicata Genotypes.- Genotypic and Phenotypic Variation Within Rumexacetosella L. Populations Along a Secondary Succession.- Regulation of a Shortgrass Steppe Plant Community in Time and Space: Physiology and Genetics.- Genetic Differentiation and Phenotypic Plasticity in Populations of Plantogolanceolata in Response to Nutrient Levels..- Ion Transport Differentiation Between Populations from Four Contrasting Soils, in the Mediterranean Ruderal Plant Species Dittrichiaviscosa W. Greuter (ex. Inulaviscosa Aiton)..- Dispersal: Gene Flow.- Gene flow in Trifoliumrepens. An Expanding Genetic Neighbourhood.- The Estimation of Gene Flow Parameters from a Continuous Population Structure.- Protogyny in Plantagolanceolata Populations: an Adaptation to Pollinisation by Wind?.- Adjacent Populations of Cocksfoot (Dactylisglomerata L.): A Detailed Study of Allozyme Variation Across Constrasting Habitats.- Gene Flow and Population Structure in Coffeacanephora Coffee Populations in Africa.- Dispersal : Phenotype Dispersal.- The Fitness of Dispersed Progeny: Experimental Studies with Anthoxanthumodoratum.- A One Species - One Population Plant : How Does the Common Fig Escape Genetic Diversification?.- Horizontal Structure of Populations: Migration, Adaptation and Drift : an Experimental Study of Thymusvulgaris.- Seed Dimorphism for Dispersal : Physiological, Genetic and Demographical Aspects.- Heterocarpy, Fruit Polymorphism and Discriminating Dissemination in the Genus Fedia (Valerianaceae)..- Conference Commentary.- Species Index.

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