Thermophysical properties of materials


Thermophysical properties of materials

Göran Grimvall

(Series of monographs on selected topics in solid state physics, 18)

North-Holland, 1986


Bibliography: p. 312-328

Includes index



This book considers how properties such as elasticity, heat capacity, thermal expansion, electrical and thermal conductivity are influenced by, e.g. crystal structure, lattice defects, macroscopic inclusions, temperature, pressure, electric and magnetic fields.


Preface. 1. Energies and structures of lattices. 2. Crystal defects. 3. Elastic properties. 4. Harmonic lattice vibrations. 5. Phonons in real crystals: Anharmonic effects. 6. Atomic vibrations in defect lattices. 7. Thermal properties of few-level systems and spin waves. 8. Thermodynamic properties of conduction electrons. 9. Heat capacity of real solids. 10. Thermal expansion and related properties. 11. The electrical conductivity of metals and alloys. 12. Thermal conductivity. 13. Transport, elastic and thermal-expansion parameters of composite materials. 14. Anisotropic materials. 15. Correlation and estimation of thermophysical parameters. Appendices. References. Author index. Subject index. Materials index.

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