Histochemistry and cell biology of autonomic neurons and paraganglia


Histochemistry and cell biology of autonomic neurons and paraganglia

Christine Heym (ed.)

(Experimental brain research series, 16)

Springer-Verlag, c1987

  • : us
  • : gw

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Contains refered proceedings of an international colloquium on nervous transmission held in Heidelberg, Sept. 1986, sponsored by the German Research Foundation



With the discovery of an ever increasing number of biogenetic polypeptides in the autonomic nervous system, it is evident that nervous transmission is controlled and modified not only by a series of classical transmitters but also by a variety of co-transmitters and modulators. Purifi- cation, characterization and synthesis of neuropeptides and peptide families allows the application of specific anti- bodies for radioimmunological, immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical localization. Transmitter interactions and phenotypic neuronal plasticity can be analyzed by pharmacological or surgical manipulations. Biochemical and autoradiographic determination of specific membrane receptors enables the recognition of peptide target struc- tures. In addition, neurophysiological techniques in combi- nation with histochemical methods result in functional interpretations. With regard to somatic manifestations of autonomic nervous disturbances these studies will offer fundamental insights for clinical medicine. This volume contains the refereed proceedings of recent investigations on histochemistry and cell biology of auton- omic neurons and paraganglia which were presented at an international colloquium on nervous transmission in Heidelberg in September 1986. The colloquium was origi- nally planned to be held under the presidency of Olavi Eranko but was continued by the editor after his death. It was sponsored by the German Research Foundation and took place on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the Heidelberg University "Ruperto Carola" as part of the pro- gram in the international "Wissenschaftsforum". Hopefully, the information provided in this book will stimu- late new ideas and research strategies in the field of neu roscience.


Milestones in SIF Cell Research.- Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators.- Regulatory Peptides in the Autonomic and Sensory Nervous Systems.- Biochemical and Immunological Aspects of Gastrointestinal Hormones.- Chemical Coding of Autonomic Neurons.- Peptides and Transmitters in Para- and Prevertebral Ganglia and Their Projections.- Peptide Immunohistochemistry of Guinea Pig Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglia.- Sensory Transmitter Candidates and Their Role in the Periphery.- Cardiodilatin as a Neuropeptide (Cardiac Polypeptide Hormones Are also Neuropeptides).- Immunohistochemistry of Histamine and Histidine Decarboxylase in SIF Cells and Intestinal Nerves.- The Enteric Nervous System, with Particular Reference to the Enkephalin and VIP-PHI Neurons.- Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Signaling in the Adrenal Medulla.- Immunohistochemistry of Opioid Peptides in Guinea Pig Paraganglia.- Localization of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) in Chromaffin Cells and Nerve Terminals in Adrenal Medulla.- Substance P in the Carotid Body.- Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide-lmmunoreactive Nerve Fibers in Carotid Body and in Carotid Sinus.- Fluorescence Histochemical and Microspectrofluorometric Study of Three Different Catecholamines in Rat Uterus and Paracervical Ganglion.- Chemical Analysis of Catecholamines in Uterine Tissue of Rat: Evidence for the Presence of Noradrenaline as well as Dopamine and Adrenaline.- The Distribution of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) in the Opossum Esophagus in Relation to Function.- Peptidergic and Catecholaminergic Innervation in Rat and Human Brown Adipose Tissue.- Enzymes and Proteins.- Molecular Biology of Catecholamine Synthesis, Storage and Release.- Chromaffin Cells: A Novel Source for Neuronotrophic Factors.- Localization of Lysosomal Enzymes in Chromaffin Cells of the Rat Carotid Body.- Distribution of the Ca++ Binding Protein Chromogranin A in the Pancreatic Islets.- Immunohistochemical Localization of a Nucleoside- Triphosphate-ADP-Phosphotransferase in Endocrine and Nervous Tissues.- Light and Electron Microscopic Immunocytochemical Study of the Localization of Actin and Tubulin in In-Situ Adrenal Chromaffin Cells of Normal and Restraint-Stressed Rats.- Immunocytochemical Demonstration of GABA-Metabolizing Enzymes in the Superior Cervical and Nodose Ganglia of the Rat.- Ultrastructure and Synaptic Organization.- Cytochemistry of Membranes in Sympathetic Ganglia.- Synaptic Organization of the Intermediolateral Nucleus of the Thoracic Spinal Cord: Monoamine Histochemistry and Peptide Immunohistochemistry.- Synaptic Connections of Carotid Chemo- and Baroreceptor Primary Afferents in the Nucleus of the Tractus Solitarius in the Rat.- Ultrastructural Studies of the Microcircuitry of Catecholaminergic Neurons in the Nuclei of the Solitary Tract.- Electron Microscopic Studies on the Organization of Peptide Nerve Terminals in the Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion.- Anatomy and Morphology of Chromaffin Paraganglia Associated with the Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion in Cats.- Phylogenesis, Ontogenesis and Ageing.- Paraneurons: Immunocytochemical and Phylogenetic Aspects.- Phylogenetic Aspects on Regulatory Peptides in Particular Islet Hormones in Some Lower Vertebrates.- Endocrine-Autonomic Relationships: Neural Crest and Placodal Contributions to the Enteric Nervous System.- Developmental Aspects of Carotid Body Glomus Cells.- Developmental Signals Controlling Sympathoadrenal Cell Differentiation in the Rat: The Role of Glucocorticoid Hormones and Neuronotrophic Proteins.- 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Developing Sympathetic Tissue.- Coexistence of Noradrenaline and Neuropeptides in Human Fetal Paraganglia.- Histochemical and Cytochemical Localizations of Catecholamine and Peptide-Like Reactivity in Aged Primate Stellate Ganglia.- Coexistence of Enkephalin-, VIP-, Somatostatin- and Substance P-Like Immunoreactivities in the Abdominal Paraganglia of Senescent Male Fisher-344 Rats.- Quantitative Studies on the Autonomic Innervation of the Human Detrusor Muscle: Effects of Age and Outlet Obstruction.- Perturbations and Lesions.- Stress Effects on Central Autonomic Peptide Immunocytochemistry.- Cells in Sympathetic Ganglia After Stress.- Ultrastructural Changes Induced in Rat Carotid Bodies and Superior Laryngeal Nerve Paraganglia by Chronic Hypoxia.- Paraganglionic Cell Response to Chronic Imipramine: A Structural Model.- Expression and Regulation of Catecholaminergic Phenotypic Traits in Autonomic Primary Sensory Neurons.- "Immunotech" and Computer-Assisted Image Analysis Used Together for Studying Peptide Transmitter Perturbations.- Morphometric Analysis of Alkaline Phosphatase Stained Capillaries in Rat Sympathetic Ganglia: Changes During Development and Ageing.- Cytofluorimetric Scanning Studies on Axonal Transport in Reserpinized Adrenergic Nerves.- A Morphometric and Biochemical Study on the Effect of Unilateral Adrenalectomy on the Adrenal Medulla in Neonatal and Adult Rats.- Experiments on the Connectivity of Axotomized Rat Sympathetic Neurones.- The Effect of Hydrocortisone on the Number of 5-Hydroxytryptamine- and Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-lmmunoreactive Cells in the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Rat.- The Influence of Hypothyroidism on the Rat Adrenergic Nerve Plexus: Quantitative Image Analysis of Plexus Density in Auerbach's Plexus and the Right Atrium.- Myenteric Ganglia: Size and Number of Neurones in Different Animal Species and in the Hypertrophic Intestine.- Transmission, Excitation, and Second Messengers.- Properties of Intramural Neurones Cultured from the Heart and Bladder.- Peptides and Transmission in Mammalian Sympathetic Ganglia and Spinal Cord.- A Presynaptic Action of Vasopressin in the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Rat.- Autonomic Control of Penile Erectile Tissue.- Effect of Noradrenaline on the Electrical Activities of Lateral Horn Cells in Cat Spinal Cord Slices.- Muscarinic Transsynaptic Events and Their Functional Significance in Ganglionic Transmission in Mammals.- Immunocytochemistry of Cyclic GMP in the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Rat: A Combined Quantitative Immunofluorescence and Pharmacological In-Vitro Study.

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