Conference terminology : a manual for conference-members and interpreters in English, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Hungarian


Conference terminology : a manual for conference-members and interpreters in English, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Hungarian

(Glossaria interpretum, 1)

Elsevier, 1976

2nd ed., rev. and augm


Terminologie des conférences


大学図書館所蔵 件 / 110



[Edited by] Jean Herbert ... [et al.]



Analysis of the great demand for this work over a number of years has revealed that conference participants and interpreters, for whom the manual was primarily intended, are by no means alone in appreciating the usefulness and reliability of this unique publication. Whilst the editor has taken account of a small number of linguistic refinements and preferences in recent conference usage and has carefully reviewed the original material, he has seen no reason to enlarge the scope or alter the format of the previous edition - both these features of an essentially concise handbook having clearly met the practical requirements of its many users. For this edition the number of languages has been increased to include Hungarian.


A. Types of MeetingsB. Preparation of the Meeting 1. Invitations and Convocations 2. Conditions Under which the Meeting is Held 3. Recruitment of Staff, ContractsC. Documents 1. Basic Documents 2. Agenda, Resolutions, Programmes, etc 3. Reports, Memoranda, etc 4. Minutes, Bulletins Press Releases, Records 5. List of Delegates, etc 6. Subdivision of a Document 7. Amendments, Addenda, Corrigenda 8. Preparation, Duplication, and Distribution 9. The International InstrumentD. Composition of a Conference 1. Participants 2. Officers 3. Secretariat 4. Equipment of the HallE. Votes and Elections 1. Purpose and Conditions of a Vote or an Election 2. Forms and Methods of Voting, and Electoral Procedure 3. Conclusion of the Vote or Election 4. Announcement of the Result 5. Consequences of the Voting (the Election)F. Debates 1. Opening of the Debate 2. Chairmanship 3. Order of Items 4. Granting and Withdrawal of the Right to Speak 5. Enforcement of the Rules of Procedure, Precedents 6. The Debate 7. Motions and Decisions 8. Maintenance of Order 9. Closure of the DebateAlphabetical Indexes 1. English 2. Francais 3. Espanol 4. Pycc??? 5. Italiano 6. DeutschA. Categories de ReunionsB. Preparation de la Reunion 1. Invitations et Convocations 2. Conditions de la Reunion 3. Recrutement du personnel, ContratsC. Documents 1. Documents de Base 2. Ordre du jour, Resolutions, Programmes, etc 3. Rapports, Memoires, etc 4. Proces-Verbaux, Bulletins, Communiques, Comptes Rendus des Debats 5. Liste des Delegues, etc 6. Subdivision d'un Document 7. Amendements, Additifs, Rectificatifs 8. Preparation, Reproduction et Distribution 9. L'instrument InternationalD. Composition D'une Conference 1. Participants 2. Bureau 3. Secretariat 4. Amenagement de la SalleE. Votes et Elections 1. Objet et Ouverture du Scrutin ou de L'election 2. Formes de Vote, Modes de Votation, Procedure Electorale 3. Fin du Vote, de l'election 4. Proclamation du Resultat 5. Consequences du vote (de l'election)F. Debats 1. Ouverture du Debat 2. Presidence 3. Determination de l'ordre de Discussion 4. Octroi et Retrait de la Parole 5. Application du Reglement et Precedents 6. Deroulement des Debats 7. Motions et Decisions 8. Police de la Salle 9. Arret du DebatIndex Alphabetiques 1. English 2. Francais 3. Espanol 4. Pycc??? 5. Italiano 6. Deutsch?. Clases de Reuniones?. Preparacion de Una Reunion 1. Invitaciones y Convocatorias 2. Condiciones de la Reunion 3. Reclutamiento de Personal, ContratosC. Documentos 1. Documentos Esenciales 2. Orden del dia, Resoluciones, Programas, etc. 3. Informes, Memorias, etc. 4. Actas, Boletines, Comunicados, Resumenes de los Debates 5. Lista de Delegados, etc. 6. Subdivision de un Documento 7. Enmiendas, Adiciones, Correcciones 8. Preparacion, Reproduccion y Distribucion 9. El Instrumento InternacionalD. Composicion de Una Conferencia 1. Participantes 2. La Mesa 3. Secretaria 4. Disposicion de la SalaE. Votaciones Y Elecciones 1. Objeto y Apertura de la Votacion ? Eleccion 2. Formas y Procedimientos de Votacion, Procedimiento Electoral 3. Cierre de la Votacion, de la Eleccion 4. Proclamacion del Resultado 5. Consecuencias de la Votacion (de la Eleccion)F. Debates 1. Apertura del Debate 2. Presidencia 3. Orden del Debate 4. Concesion y Retirada de la Palabra 5. Aplicacion del Reglamento, Precedentes 6. Desarrollo de los Debates 7. Mociones y Decisiones 8. El Orden en la Sala 9. Clausura del DebateIndices Alfabeticos 1. English 2. Francais 3. Espanol 4. Pycc??? 5. Italiano 6. DeutschA. PA??????? ??TE?OP?? ??CE??H???. ?O??OTOBKA ??CE?AH?? 1. ?p???a?e??? ? ????? 2. ??????? ?????a ?ac??a??? 3. ????? ??????a?a, ?????a???B. ?O??MEHT? 1. O??????? ????????? 2. ???????a ???, ?????????, ?????a??a ? T.A. 3. ????a??, ?a?????? ? T.A. 4. ?????????, ????e?e??, ?????e???, ???e?? 5. C????? ?e?e?a??? ? T.A. 6. ????a??e?e??? ?????e??a 7. ????a???, ??????e???, ????a??e??? 8. C???a??e??e, ?a?????e??e ? ?a???e?e?e??e 9. Me????a?????? ???????e??, a???. COCTAB KOH?EPEH??? 1. ??ac??????e 2. ??e?????? 3. Ce??e?a??a? 4. ?c???????? ?a?a?. ?O?OCOBAH?E ? B??OP? 1. O??????e ? ?e?? ???????a??? ??? ??????? 2. ????? ? ?e???? ???????a???, ?????a?e???a? ????e???a 3. 3a?????e ???????a???, ??????? 4. ????????a?e??e ?e?????a?a 5. ????e?????? ???????a??? (???????)E. ?PEH?? 1. O??????e ??e??? 2. ??e??e?a?e?????? 3. O??e?e?e??e ??????a ??????e??? 4. ??e????a??e??e ????a ? ???e??e ????a 5. ????e?e??e ??a??? ????e???? ? ??e?e?e??? 6. ??e??? 7. ??e????e??? ? ?e?e??? 8. ??????? ? 3a?e 9. 3a?????e ??e???A??AB?TH?E ??A3ATE?? 1. English 2. Francais 3. Espanol 4. Pycc??? 5. Italiano 6. DeutschA. Genere Delle RiunioniB. Preparazione Della Riunione 1. Inviti e Convocazioni 2. Condizioni Della Riunione 3. Reclutamento del Personale, ContrattiC. Documenti 1. Documenti di Base 2. Ordine del Giorno, Risoluzioni, Programmi, ecc. 3. Relazioni, atti, ecc. 4. Processi Verbali, Bollettini, Comunicati, Resoconti dei Dibattiti 5. Elenco dei Delegati, ecc. 6. Suddivisione di un Documento 7. Emendamenti, Aggiunte, Correzioni 8. Preparazione, Riproduzione e Distribuzione 9. Strumento InternazionaleD. Composizione di Una Conferenza 1. Partecipanti 2. Ufficio di Presidenza 3. II Segretariato 4. Sistemazionc Della SalaE. Votazioni ed Elezioni 1. Apertura e Oggetto Dello Scrutinio ? dell'elezione 2. Forme di Votazione, Modi di Votazione, Procedura Elettorale 3. Conclusione Della Votazione, dell'elezione 4. Proclamazione del Risultato 5. Conseguenze Della Votazione (dell'elezione)F. Discussione 1. Apertura della Discussione 2. Presidenza 3. Fissazione dell'ordine di Discussione 4. Accordare e Ritirare la Parola 5. Applicazione del Regolamento e Precedenti 6. Svolgimento della Discussione 7. Mozioni e Decisioni 8. Ordine Nella Sala 9. Chiusura Della DiscussioneIndici Alphabetiche 1. English 2. Francais 3. Espanol 4. Pycc??? 5. Italiano 6. DeutschA. Arten Von ZusammenkunftenB. Vorbereitung Der Zusammenkunft 1. Einladungen und Einberufungen 2. Konferenzbedingungen 3. Personaleinstellung, VertrageC. Dokumente Und Urkunden 1. Grundlegende Urkunden 2. Tagesordnung, Entschliessungen, Resolutionen (CH), Programme, usw 3. Berichte, Denkschriften usw 4. Protokolle, Bulletins, Kommuniques, wortliche Berichte der Debatten 5. Delegiertenliste, usw 6. Unterteilung eines Schriftstuckes 7. Abanderungen, Zusatze, Berichtigungen 8. Vorbereitung, Vervielfaltigung und Verteilung 9. Die Internationale UrkundeD. Zusammensetzung Einer Konferenz 1. Teilnehmer 2. Das Prasidium, das Bureau 3. Das Sekretariat 4. Einrichtung des KonferenzsaalesE. Abstimmungen Und Wahlen 1. Eroeffnung und Gegenstand der Abstimmung Oder der Wahl 2. Abstimmungsarten, Wahlverfahren 3. Schluss der Abstimmung, der Wahl 4. Verkundung des Ergebnisses 5. Folgen der Abstimmung (der Wahl)F. Aussprachen 1. Eroeffnung der Aussprache 2. Vorsitz 3. Bestimmung der Reihenfolge in der Aussprache 4. Erteilung und Entziehung des Wortes 5. Anwendung der Geschaftsordnung, Prazedenzfalle 6. Ablauf der Aussprachen 7. Antrage und Beschlusse 8. Hausordnung 9. Schluss (Abbruch) der DebatteAlphabetische Woerterverzeichnisse 1. English 2. Francais 3. Espanol 4. Pycc??? 5. Italiano 6. DeutschA. A Gyulesek, Fajaik, SzervezetukB. A Gyules Elokeszitese 1. Meghivas es OEsszehivas 2. Az UElesezes feltetelei 3. A Szemelyzet Kivalasztasa/Alkalmazasa. SzerzodesekC. Okmanyok, UEgyiratok 1. Alapveto Jelentosegu Okmanyok 2. Napirend, Hatarozatok, Programok stb. 3. Jelentesek, Beszamolok, Emlekiratok stb. 4. Jegyzokoenyvek, Bulletinek, Sajtokoezlemenyek, Teljes Szoevegu Jegyzokoenyvek 5. A Delegatusok, Kuldoettek Nevsora stb. 6. Az UEgyirat Belso Tagozodasa 7. Modositas, Kiegeszites, Helyesbites 8. Elokeazites, Sokszorositas, Szetosztas 9. Nemzetkoezi OkiratD. A Konferencia OEsszetetele 1.Resztvevok 2. Az Elnokseg, Vezetoseg 3.Titkarsag 4. Az UElesterem BerendezeseE. Szavazas Es Valasztas 1. A Szavazas Vagy valasztas Megnyitasa, Targya 2. A Szavazas Modja, Valasztasi Eljaras 3. A Szavazas/Valasztas Lefolytatasa 4. Eredmenyhirdetes 5. A Szavazas/Valasztas KoevetkezmenyeiF. Tanacskozas, Vita 1. A Tanacskozas Megnyitasa 2. Elnoekles 3. A Tanacskozas Sorrendjenek Megallapitasa 4. A Szo megadasa es Megvonasa 5. Az UEgyrend Alkalmazasa. Precedensek 6. A Tanacskozas Lefolyasa 7. Javaslatok es Hatarozatok 8. Az UElesterem Rendje 9. A Tanacskozas Bezarasa (Megszakitasa)Beturendes Szojegyzekek l.Angol 2. Francia 3. Spanyol 4. Orosz 5. Olasz 6. Nemet 7. Magyar

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