Bone marrow and bone tissue : color atlas of clinical histopathology


Bone marrow and bone tissue : color atlas of clinical histopathology

Rolf Burkhardt ; foreword by W. Stich ; translated by H. J. Hirsch

Springer-Verlag, 1971

  • Berlin
  • New York


Farbatlas der klinischen Histopathologie von Knochenmark und Knochen


Farbatlas der klinischen Histopathologie von Knochenmark und Knochen


Plastic stencil inserted in pocket

Translation of Farbatlas der klinischen Histopathologie von Knochenmark und Knochen

Bibliography: p. [17]-19



The clinical significance of histopathology of marrow-containing bone.- a) From a viewpoint of practical diagnosis.- b) From a scientific viewpoint.- Technical requirements of histobiopsy of marrow-containing bone.- a) Biopsy (myelotomy).- b) Histologic preparation.- c) Microtomy.- d) Staining.- e) Microscopy.- Indications for histobiopsy (myelotomy) of marrow-containing bone.- General histomorphology and pathology.- a) Preliminary remarks to histogenesis, morphogenesis, topography and physiology.- b) Normal values.- Illustrations Preliminary remarks.- I. General histopathology of bone marrow and bone.- Cancellous bone of the iliac crest - Normal and abnormal structure.- Persisting individual structure.- Variations due to age.- Pathologic variations.- Structural elements of normal bone growth.- Epiphyseal growth.- Remodelling of bone by tunnelling.- Bone remodelling by apposition.- Enhanced osseous remodelling.- Periosteum and lamina corticalis.- Osteoclast and endothelial cells.- Blood vessels and muscle insertions on periosteum.- Muscle insertions and veins on periosteum.- Endosteum, sinus endothelium and reticulum.- Endosteum and sinus endothelium.- Endosteal cells.- Endosteum and osteoblasts.- Osteoblasts and osteocytes.- Osteocytes.- Osteoblasts and osteoid.- Osteoblasts and matrix formation.- Osteoclasts.- Osteoclast within trabeculae.- Granulopoiesis originating in endosteum.- Proerythroblasts at endosteum.- Tissue mast cells at endosteum.- Megakaryocytes at endosteum.- Vascularization of bone and marrow.- Periosteal arteries and veins.- Perforating artery.- Subcortical artery.- Subcortical arteriole.- Branching of artery-arteriole.- Small marrow artery, cut transversely.- Marrow artery, longitudinally.- Marrow artery, transverse, relaxed.- Marrow artery, transverse, contracted.- Branching marrow artery-arteriole.- Branching arteriole-arterial capillary.- Branching artery-arteriole.- Transition arteriole-capillary sinuses.- Branching small artery-arteriole.- Branching arterial capillaries.- Arterial capillary flowing into sinus.- Comparison of arterial and venous capillary length.- Arterial capillary with increased plasma cells at border.- Sinus with loss of endothelium.- Transverse sections of vessels, comparison.- Capillary sinus flowing into marrow sinus.- Capillary sinuses.- Small marrow sinus.- Medium-sized marrow sinus.- Terminal marrow sinus.- Vessels in lamina corticalis and on periosteum.- Transition of sinus in vein.- Pathological changes of blood vessels.- Oedema of arterial wall and sclerosis of adventitia.- Swelling of arterial wall.- Arteriosclerosis.- Arteriosclerosis and arteriolonecrosis.- Paraprotein deposits and necrosis of vessel wall.- Hyaline degeneration.- Amyloidosis.- Hyaline degeneration in periartetitis.- Chronic arteritis.- Arteritis.- Arteriolitis.- Necrotizing angiitis.- Necrosis of capillary and sinus wall.- Necrotizing capillaritis.- Sclerosis of sinus wall.- Fibrinoid within sinus.- Thrombosis.- Platelet adhesion on endothelium.- Intravascular platelet conglomeration.- Thrombus formation.- Recanalized arterial thrombosis.- Reticular parenchyma and interstices.- Sinus endothelium, reticulum and interstices, normal.- Connexion of sinus and endothelium.- Sinus endothelia.- Reticulum cells.- Reticulum cells and histiocytes.- Storage histiocytes.- Storage histiocytes and phagocytosis.- Monocytes.- Tissue mast cells.- Plasma cells,.- Plasmocytoma cells.- Lymphocytes.- Bone marrow lymphnode with germ centre.- Lymphnode with increased mast cells.- Focal lymphocytic infiltration in suspected lymphatic leukaemia.- Monocytoid cells in Boeck's disease.- Cells in lymphatic neoplasia.- Normal haemosiderin.- Pathological haemosiderin deposits.- Oedema.- Oedema with diffuse necrosis of marrow cells.- Fibrinoid necrosis of marrow cells.- Fibrinoid and fibrin within sinus lumina.- Interstitial amyloidosis.- Interstitial paramyloid in plasmocytoma.- Marrow necrosis in infarction.- Reactive fibrosclerosis in chronic myelitis.- Reactive fibrosclerosis in immunoreactive myelitis.- Reactive fibrosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis.- Reactive fibrosclerosis in tuberculosis.- Fibrosclerosis in polycythaemia vera.- Giant cells of bone marrow.- Megakaryocyte.- Megakaryocyte with inclusions.- Hodgkin cell.- Sternberg cell.- Langhans cell.- Osteoclast.- Atypical megakaryocytes.- Multinuclear megakaryoblast.- Megakaryocyte in mitosis.- Myeloid parenchyma.- Marrow and bony trabeculae, normal findings.- Elements of granulopoiesis.- Marrow parenchyma and capillaries, normal aspect.- Other elements of granulopoiesis.- Elements of erythropoiesis.- Elements of thrombopoiesis.- II. Special histopathology of bone marrow and bone.- Panmyelopathy: acute and subacute myelitis.- Allergic myelitis.- Allergic myelitis due to drugs.- Allergic myelitis in rheumatic fever.- Agranulocytosis due to drugs.- Differential diagnosis: maturation arrest - Pelger anomaly of nuclei.- Myelitis in miliary tuberculosis and staphylococcal sepsis.- Myelitis in florid tuberculosis of lungs.- Myelitis in syphilis.- Myelitis with fibrosclerosis.- Myelitis after radiotherapy.- Myelitis in rheumatic fever.- Panmyelopathy: subacute and chronic myelitis.- Chronic myelitis in rheumatic fever.- Subacute myelitis in rheumatic fever.- Chronic myelitis of obscure (?pathergic) pathogenesis.- Chronic myelitis with fibrosclerosis and marrow atrophy.- Chronic myelitis with marrow atrophy.- Panmyelopathy: hyperergic myelitis in rheumatoid arthritis..- Of long duration.- Of short duration and low activity.- Of short duration and marked activity.- Of short duration with progressive osteoporosis.- Panmyelopathy: hyperergic myelitis.- Disseminated lupus erythematosus.- Wegener's granulomatosis.- Still's disease.- Felty's syndrome.- Panmyelopathy: nephrogenic myelopathy.- In acute interstitial nephritis.- In subacute nephritis.- In hypersensitivity angiitis.- In chronic nephritis.- Panmyelopathy: hepatogenic myelopathy.- In acute hepatitis.- Marrow atrophy after hepatitis.- In cirrhosis of the liver.- Other panmyelopathies.- Hepatogenic myelopathy in pigment cirrhosis.- Tumour myelopathy.- Myelopathy in malignant tertian malaria.- Granulomatous myelitis.- Follicular lymphatic hyperplasia in rheumatoid arthritis.- Follicular lymphatic hyperplasia in splenic pancytopenia.- In Boeck's sarcoidosis.- Tuberculous granuloma.- Granuloma of unknown origin.- Gaucher's disease.- Pathological erythropoiesis.- Chronic iron deficiency.- Haemorrhagic anaemia.- Sideroachrestic anaemia.- Pernicious anaemia.- Lead poisoning.- Thalassaemia minor.- Microspherocytosis.- Chloramphenicol lesion.- Acquired haemolytic disease.- Pathological thrombopoiesis.- Erythrocytosis.- Werlhof's disease.- Allergic toxic thrombopenia.- Combined disorders of myelopoiesis.- Marrow arrest in Band's syndrome.- Marrow arrest in hypersplenism.- Differentiated myeloid haemoblastoses.- Thrombocythaemia.- Polycythaemia vera, early stage.- Polycythaemia vera, fully developed.- Polycythaemia vera, tendency to fibrosclerosis.- Polycythaemia vera with eosinophilic granuloma.- Acute myelofibrosis in polycythaemia.- Megakaryocytic myelosis (leukaemia) with myelofibrosis following polycythaemia.- Megakaryocytic granulocytic myelosis (leukaemia) following polycythaemia.- Differentiated erythroblastic myelosis (leukaemia) (Heilmeyer-Schoner).- Erythroleukaemic myelosis (leukaemia).- Differentiated granulocytic myelosis (granulocytic leukaemia), untreated.- Differentiated neutrophil granulocytic meylosis (neutrophil granulocytic leukaemia), untreated.- Differentiated granulocytic myelosis (leukaemia) during chemotherapy.- Eosinophil myelosis (leukaemia).- Eosinophil myelosis (leukaemia) with fibrosis.- Promyelocytic myelosis (leukaemia), early stage.- Promyelocytic metamyelocytic myelosis (leukaemia) with eosinophilia.- Promyelocytic myelosis (leukaemia).- Megakaryocytic myelosis (leukaemia).- Megakaryocytic myelosis (leukaemia) with commencing myelofibrosis.- Megakaryocytic promyelocytic myelosis (leukaemia) (? after polycythaemia).- Megakaryocytic eosinophil myelosis (leukaemia).- Immature megakaryocytic myelosis (leukaemia) with myelofibrosis.- Immature megakaryocytic promyelocytic myelosis (leukaemia).- Immature megakaryocytic promyelocytic myelosis (leukaemia) with commencing myelofibrosis.- "Megakaryoblastoma" in granulocytic myelosis (leukaemia).- "Osteoclastoma" in granulocytic myelosis (leukaemia).- The syndrome of myelofibrosis and ostemyelosclerosis.- Myelofibrosis, early stage.- Myelofibrosis, late stage.- Osteomyelosclerosis in childhood.- Osteomyelosclerosis, late stage.- Osteomyelosclerosis, fully developed.- Osteomyelosclerosis, dislodged thrombopoiesis.- Myelofibrosis and osteomyelosclerosis during therapy.- Osteomyelosclerosis before and after therapy.- Myelofibrosis before and after therapy.- Undifferentiated myeloid haemoblastoses.- Megakaryoblastic myelosis (leukaemia).- Undifferentiated erythroblastic myelosis (leukaemia) (Di Guglielmo).- Myeloblastosis (myeloblastic leukaemia) following granulocytic myelosis (leukaemia).- Myeloblastosis (myeloblastic leukaemia) before therapy.- Myeloblastosis (myeloblastic leukaemia) after therapy.- Paramyeloblastosis (paramyeloblastic leukaemia), early stage.- Paramyeloblastosis (paramyeloblastic leukaemia), after treatment.- Paramyeloblastosis (paramyeloblastic leukaemia) with subperiosteal infiltration.- Paramyeloblastosis (paramyeloblastic leukaemia) following granulocytic myelosis.- Large cell paramyeloblastosis (paramyeloblastic leukaemia).- Paramyeloblastosis (paramyeloblastic leukaemia) in childhood.- Monocytoblastosis (monocytoblastic leukaemia).- Atypical small cell haemoblastosis.- Atypical small cell haemoblastosis, remission.- Atypical small cell haemoblastosis, fully developed.- Atypical small cell haemoblastosis, relapse.- Atypical small cell haemoblastosis prior to therapy.- Atypical small cell haemoblastosis, developing into megakaryocytic myelosis (leukaemia).- Atypical polymorphic haemoblastosis.- Differentiated lymphatic haemoblastoses.- Differentiated lymphadenosis (lymphocytic leukaemia), focal type..- Differentiated lymphadenosis (lymphocytic leukaemia), diffuse type..- Differentiated lymphadenosis (lymphocytic leukaemia), medullary type.- Differentiated lymphadenosis (lymphocytic leukaemia) with periosteal infiltration.- Differentiated lymphadenosis (lymphocytic leukaemia) with increase of plasma cells.- Predominantly differentiated lymphadenosis (lymphocytic leukaemia) in childhood.- Lymphoreticulosis in childhood.- Lymphatic and lymphoreticular neoplasias.- Lymphoblastosis (lymphoblastic leukaemia), before therapy.- Lymphoblastosis (lymphoblastic leukaemia), remission.- Mast cell reticulosis.- Lymphosarcomatosis.- Lymphoreticulosis.- Lymphoreticulosis with occasional giant cells.- Waldenstrom's disease.- Plasmocytoma.- Differentiated plasmocytoma, diffuse spread.- Differentiated plasmocytoma, focal spread.- Polymorph plasmocytoma, changes due to therapy and giant cells..- Anaplastic plasmocytoma.- Large cell plasmocytoma.- Plasma cell leukaemia.- Hodgkin's disease.- Paragranuloma.- Hodgkin's granuloma.- Hodgkin's sarcoma.- Reticular neoplasia.- Reticulosarcomatosis.- Ewing's sarcoma.- Letterer-Siwe disease.- Hand-Schuller-Christian disease.- Osteopathies.- Osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis.- Osteomalacia.- Osteomalacia, stage of repair.- Osteomalacia, hypertrophic form.- Osteitis fibrosa generalisata, initial stage.- Osteitis fibrosa generalisata, fully developed, before therapy.- Osteitis fibrosa generalisata, after operation for parathyroid adenoma.- Osteitis fibrosa generalisata, severe changes.- Osteitis deformans (Paget).- Osteitis deformans (Paget), sclerosing type.- Osteitis deformans (Paget), rarefying type.- Osteitis deformans (Paget), senile type.- Osteosclerosis and erythrocytosis.- Marble bone disease.- Fibrous dysplasia of bone, fibrosarcomatous degeneration.- Thyrotoxicosis of adult skeleton.- Thyrotoxicosis of senile skeleton.- Hypothyroidism of senile skeleton.- Hypothyroidism of juvenile skeleton.- Hypoparathyroidism.- Primary hypogenitalism, suspected Klinefelter's syndrome.- Cushing's syndrome.- Secondary hypogonadism.- Osteogenesis imperfecta.- Chondrodysplasia.- Bony remodelling in margin of infarct.- Osteoma-like proliferation in plasmocytoma.- Cancellous bone remodelling in plasmocytoma.- Myxochondroma.- Tumour metastases.- Carcinoma of breast, diffuse small cell type.- Carcinoma of breast, solid growth.- Carcinoma of breast, trabecular growth.- Carcinoma of breast with endophytic osteoplasia.- Carcinoma of breast with osteoclasia.- Carcinoma of breast with trabecular stroma.- Carcinoma of breast with tumour-like bony reaction.- Small cell carcinoma, ?bronchial Ca.- Adenocarcinoma (?thyroid).- Hurthle cell carcinoma.- Carcinoma of stomach.- Mucous carcinoma.- Carcinoma of colon.- Hypernephroma.- Carcinoma of prostate.- Adenocarcinoma.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

  • ISBN
    • 3540050590
    • 0387050590
  • LCCN
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  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 原本言語コード
  • 出版地
    Berlin ; New York
  • ページ数/冊数
    xii, 115 p.
  • 大きさ
    32 x 30 cm
  • 分類
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