
Arthurian literature

edited by Richard Barber ; advisory editors, Tony Hunt, Toshiyuki Takamiya

D.S. Brewer , Boydell & Brewer, c1981-

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Vols. 17, 19, 21, 24, 28 have individual title, see each record

v. 12-16, edited by James P. Carley and Felicity Riddy

v. 18 edited by Keith Busby

v. 20, 22: General editor, Keith Busby and associate editor, Roger Dalrymple

v. 23: General editor, Keith Busby ; assistant editor, Roger Dalrymple

v. 25-27, 29-35: edited by Elizabeth Archibald, David F. Johnson

Includes bibliographical references


v. 1 ISBN 9780859910811


`[The series] epitomises what is best in Arthurian scholarship today.' ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ROMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE Since the first volume in 1982, edited by Richard Barber, Arthurian Literaturehas appeared annually. Its original purpose was to offer a forum for long scholarly articles on all aspects - literary, historic, and artistic - of the Arthurian legend in Europe in the medieval and early modern periods, and bibliographical studies of all periods. Under new editors, whose first volume is Arthurian Literature 12 (1993), that original intention has been expanded to include shorter items of under 5000 words, along with the regular Updates to earlier volumes. All articles are refereed, and ArthurianLiterature has become the year-book of serious Arthurian scholarship. `An indispensable component of any historical or Arthurian library.' NOTES AND QUERIES

v. 7 ISBN 9780859910958


The second of these annual volumes contains five wide-ranging pieces. In the medieval field, Neil Wright examines Geoffrey of Monmouth's use of Gildas; Beate Schmolke-Hasselmann contributes an important illustrated essay on the Round Table; and Fanny Bogdanow looks at Chretien de Troyes' use of troubadour ideals. Mary Wildman contributes to a bibliography of 20th-century creative literature on Arthur. Finally, Toshiyuki Takamiya and Andrew Armour present atranslation of Soseki's Arthurian story 'Kairo-ko: A Dirge', the only known Arthurian novel in Japanese, dealing with the eternal triangle of Lancelot, Guinevere and Elaine. The updating section includes and account of another MSof the 'Vera Historia de Morte Arthuri'.

v. 3 ISBN 9780859911498


Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.

v. 4 ISBN 9780859911634


Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.

v. 5 ISBN 9780859911917


Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.

v. 8 ISBN 9780859912266


Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.

v. 7 ISBN 9780859912426


Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.

v. 8 ISBN 9780859912839


Continuing its policy of publishing extended explorations of Arthurian subjects, this eighth volume of Arthurian Literature contains four articles. Elizabeth Archibald addresses the reasons for the insertion of the story of Mordred's incestuous birth into many versions of the Arthurian legend (including Malory's) from the early 13th century on, and follows its development from the Vulgate Cycle to later Arthurian narratives. The use of irony to point up aspects of the Lancelot-Guinevere relationship in the prologue to Le Chavalier de la Charrete is explored by Jan Janssens. The early 13th-century Romance of Fergus is introduced and translated by D.D.R. Owen, who finds it of special interest not just because of its uniquely Scottish setting, but also because its use of parody foreshadows later medieval comedy; Scottish concerns also figure in Edward Donald Kennedy's discussion of the 15th-century chroniclerJohn Hardyng's use of the story of Galahad's grail quest, and the changes he made.


Arthur and Mordred: Variations on an Incest Theme - Elizabeth Archibald Un 'Fin' Amant' et l'ironie romanesque: Lancelot et la chanson de change - Jan Janssens Guillaume le Clerc: The Romance of Fergus - D.D.R. Owen *** John Hardyng and the Holy Grail - Edward Donald Kennedy

v. 9 ISBN 9780859912914


This collection of new essays on Arthurian themes contains one on Layamon, two on Chretien, and one on Victorian art. They are as follows: Oliver Goulden, 'Erec et Enide': The Central Section The opening and closing sections of Erec et Enide have always attracted critical attention: Dr Goulden argues that the central section, often neglected, is crucial to our understanding of the poem.Claude Luttrell, The Arthurian Hunt with a White Bratchet:The theme of the hunt with a magical hound is found from the Mabinogion to Malory, and this essay charts its gradual change from the supernatural.W.R.J.Barron and Francoise Le Saux, Aspects of Layamon's Narrative Art: Layamon's Arthurian epic has been regarded as little more than a lively translation of Wace, here his different approach to narrative is examined, and shown to be an original aspect of his work.Christine Poulson, Arthurian Legend in Fine and Applied Art of the 19th and early 20th Centuries: A Catalogue of Artists:Following the bibliographies of modern Arthurian writing in earlier volumes, Dr Poulson presents a catalogue of visual materials. A list by subject will appear in Volume X.


  • Erec et Enide - the structure of the central section, Oliver Goulden
  • two aspects of Layamon's narrative art, W.R.J.Barron and Francoise Le Saux
  • the Arthurian hunt with a white bratchet, Claude Luttrell
  • Arthurian legend in fine and applied art of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries - a catalogue of artists, Christine Poulson.

v. 10 ISBN 9780859913089


The tenth volume of Arthurian Literature continues some ofthe themes of earlier issues, as well as exploring unfamiliar andcontroversial ground. The second part of CHRISTINE POULSON's survey of the Arthurian legend in 19th-century art is an analysisby subject of the works catalogued by artist in Arthurian Literature IX. A. H. W. SMITH provides a substantial update to MaryWildman's bibliography of modern Arthurian literature which appearedin Arthurian Literature II, adding not only recent works butalso many items missing from the earlier list. Mr Smith also contributesan article on Ponticus Virumnius and the text of Gildas, one of themore intriguing mysteries ofArthurian text history, and sets outVirumnius' claim to have seen a poem by Gildas which has since disappeared. ARMEL DIVERRES writes on the origins of Chretien de Troyes'Conte del Graal; he argues that we should seek thepoet's inspiration in the crusading activities of Philip of Flanders, supporting his case with a careful examination of many otherwise difficult passages in the poem.


  • Gildas the poet, A.H.W. Smith
  • the grail and the Third Crusade: thoughts on "Le Conte del Graal" by Chretien de Troyes, Armel Diverres
  • Arthurian legend in the fine and applied art of the 19th and early 20th centuries: a subject index, Christine Poulsen
  • update - a supplementary bibliography of 20th Arthurian literature, A.H.W. Smith.

v. 11 ISBN 9780859913508


The vital index to all previous volumes, I-X; plus new research. Epitomises what is best in Arthurian scholarship today.ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ROMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE Arthurian Literatureis now established as a leading publication for research articles of monograph length on subjects of perennial interest to Arthurians. The Indexto the first ten volumes, representing the years 1980-1990, will be warmly welcomed by Arthurians and other scholars with an interest in medieval and later literature. Additionally an extended biographical essay by JANET GRAYSON draws together material relating to the life and work of Jessie Weston, who, largely working outside the mainstream of scholarly tradition, exercised a powerful influence on Arthurian studies. The regular "Update" feature catalogues Arthurian legend in the fine and applied art of the 19th and early 20th centuries, contributed by ROGER SIMPSON.


  • In quest of Jessie Weston, Janet grayson
  • update - Arthurian legend in fine and applied art in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Roger Simpson
  • index to "Arthurian Literature", volumes I-X, Richard Wright.

v. 12 ISBN 9780859913973


Latest work on Arthur by respected scholars. This is the first volume of Arthurian Literature to be edited by Professor Carley and Professor Riddy. It has a strong English flavour with papers on Malory, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Awntyrs off Arthure, Hardyng, Geoffrey of Monmouth, and court culture under Edward IV. The new editors introduce Notes, shorter explorations of topics currently under scrutiny by Arthurian scholars, and there will be updates of articles contained in previous volumes. Contributorsinclude: RICHARD BARBER, FELICITY RIDDY, BONNIE WHEELER, HELEN PHILLIPS, MARTIN SCHICHTMAN, LAURIE FINKE and N.M. DAVIS.


  • Profiting from the past - history as symbolic capital in the "Historia Regum Britanniae", Martin B. Shichtman and Laurie A. Finke
  • Gawain's rationalist pentangle, N.M. Davis
  • "The Awntyrs off Arthure" - structure and meaning - a reassessment, Helen Phillips
  • John Hardyng's chronicle and the Wars of the Roses, Felicity Riddy
  • romance and parataxis and Malory - the case of Sir Gawain's reputation, Bonnie Wheeler
  • Malory's "Le Morte Darthur" and court culture under Edward IV, Richard Barber
  • Sidonius and Riothamus - a glimpse of the historical Arthur?, Jeremy duQuesnay Adams
  • Arthur in Ireland - the earliest citation in native Irish literature, Ann Dooley
  • the second exhumation of King Arthur's remains at Glastonbury - 19 April 1278, John Carmi Parsons
  • a 15th-century revision of the Glastonbury epitaph to King Arthur, Michelle P. Brown and James P. Carley.

v. 13 ISBN 9780859914499


Latest volume in this series containing the best new work on Arthurian topics. The latest volume of Arthurian Literature includes an edition and study of the widely disseminated Latin translation of Des Grantz Geanz(`De origine gigantum') by James Carley and Julia Crick, with a feminist readingof the poem by Lesley Johnson. Claude Luttrell writes on Chretien's Cliges; Corinne Saunders explores the issue of rape in Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Tale, Neil Wright offers a reconstruction of the Arthurian epitaphin Royal 20 B.XV, Frank Brandsma discusses the treatment of simultaneity in Yvain, Chanson de Roland and a section of the Lancelot en prose, Julia Crick updates the progress on the manuscripts of Geoffrey of Monmouth, and A.H.W. Smith contributes a supplement to the bibliography of twentieth-century Arthurian literature begun in earlier volumes.


Constructing Albion's Past: an Annotated Edition of `De Origine Gigantum' - Woman Displaced: Rape and Romance in Chaucer's `Wife of Bath's Tale' - Corinne Saunders Return to Albion - Lesley Johnson The Heart's Mirror in `Cliges' - Two Newly Located Manuscripts of Geoffrey of Monmouth's `Historia Regum Britannie' and (with James Carley) Constructing Albion's Past: an Annotated Edition of `De Origine Gigantum'Past: an Annotated Edition of `De Origine Gigantum' - The Suggestion of Simultaneity in Chretien de Troyes' `Yvain', in the `Chanson de Roland', and in the `Preparation a la Queste' Section of the `Lancelot en prose'Section of the `Lancelot en prose' - Frank Brandsma A Supplementary Bibliography of Twentieth-Century Arthurian Literature - Andrew H W Smith Constructing Albion's Past: an Annotated Edition of `De Origine Gigantum' - James Carley

v. 14 ISBN 9780859914826


[The series] epitomises what is best in Arthurian scholarship today. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ROMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE The principal article in this issue examines in detail a group of heraldic manuscripts: an armorial of the Knights of the Round Table, with a number of their arms reproduced in full colour, the treatise on Arthurian tournaments byJacques d'Armagnac, and the treatise on blazon by Clement Prinsault. A scholarly edition of the two treatises is provided, and the texts are discussed in an introductory section emphasising the importance of Arthurian heraldry. The arms of 150 knights are painted in the manuscripts and blazoned, and 59 of them are reproduced in 10 pages of full-colour plates. Other articles address the underlying theme of the Conte de Graal, in which Alexanderis seen as representing the negative aspects of charity; Robert de Boron's endeavours to produce a coherent Arthuriad; and correspondences between the Arthurian tellings of two Old French authors, Manessier and Gerbert de Montreuil. Contributors: BARBARA SARGENT-BAUR, FANNI BOGDANOW, LOUISE D. STEVENS, LISA JEFFERSON.


`Alexander and the Conte du Graal'. - Barbara Sargent-Baur *** `Robert de Boron's Vision of Arthurian History'. - Fanni Bogdanow `Gerbert and Manessier: The Case for a Connection'. - Louise D. Stephens `Tournaments, Heraldry and the Knights of the Round Table: A Fifteenth-Century Armorial with Two Accompanying Texts'. - Lisa Jefferson

v. 15 ISBN 9780859915182


`[The series is an indispensable component of any historical or Arthurian library.' NOTES AND QUERIES This latest issue of Arthurian Literature continues the tradition of the journal in combining theoretical studies with editions of primary Arthurian texts. There is a special focus on Chretien de Troyes, with articles considering his identity, providing a new reading of Le Chevalier de la Charrete, and giving an account of a discovery of an important new fragment of the First Continuation. Other essays deal with Glastonbury, at the heart of the English Arthurian legend;the Scottish treatment of the Arthur story in the Reformation period; and the Morte Darthur in the context of fifteenth-century chivalric encyclopaedias. Contributors: SARAH KAY, NICK CORBYN, LISA JEFFERSON, AELRED WATKIN, JEANNE KROCHALIS, DAVID ALLAN, KAREN CHEREWATUK


`Who was Chretien de Troyes?'. - `Irony and Gender Performance in `Le Chevalier de la Charrete''. - `A New Fragment of the First Continuation of the Perceval'. - Lisa Jefferson `The Glastonbury Legends'. - `Magna Tabula: The Glastonbury Tablets (Part 1)'. - Jeanne Krochalis ``Arthur Redivivus': Politics and Poetry in Reformation Scotland'. - David Allan `The Shape of English Chivalry at Edward IV's Court: Chivalric Encyclopaedias and Malory's Morte Darthur'. - Karen Cherewatuk

v. 16 ISBN 9780859915311


`An indispensable component of any historical or Arthurian library.' NOTES AND QUERIES This latest issue of Arthurian Literaturecontinues the tradition of the journal in combining theoretical studies with editions of primary Arthurian texts. There is a special focus on Glastonbury Abbey's involvement in Arthurian legend from the twelfth century on, with a contribution on Guenevere's tomb, an annotated edition of the hitherto unpublished Glastonbury relic list, and the second part of the edition of the fourteenth-century Glastonbury tablets begun in Arthurian Literature 15. The volume also includes a study of the youth of the Grail hero, Percival; an annotated translation of the fourteenth-century De origine gigantum; and an important essay by theleading Tudor historian, DAVID STARKEY, on the waysin which Henry VIIII used Malory's Arthur as a model for Tudor kingship. This is the final issue edited by FELICITY RIDDY and JAMES CARLEY; their successor is KEITH BUSBY. Contributors: CHRISTOPHER YOUNG, CHARLES T. WOOD, JEANNE KROCHALIS, JAMES P. CARLEY, MARTIN HOWLEY, CLAUDE LUTTRELL, DAVID STARKEY, RUTH EVANS


`The Character of the Individual in Hartmann von Aue's Erec'. - Christopher J Young `Guenevere at Glastonbury: A Problem in Translation(s)'. - Charles T Wood `Magna Tabula: The Glastonbury Tablets (Part 2)'. - Jeanne Krochalis `Relics as Glastonbury in the Fourteenth Century: An Annotated Edition of British Library, Cotton Titus D.vii, fols.2r-13v' (with Martin Howley).(with Martin Howley). - James Carley `Relics at Glastonbury in the Fourteenth Century: An Annotated Edition of British Library, Cotton Titus D.vii, fols.2r-13v' (with James P. Carley).(with James P. Carley). - Martin Howley `The Upbringing of Perceval Heroes'. - Claude Luttrell `King Henry and King Arthur'. - David R Starkey `Gigantic Origins: An Annotated Translation of De Origine Gigantum'. - Ruth Evans

v. 18 ISBN 9780859916172


Epitomises what is best in Arthurian scholarship today. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ROMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE This latest issue of Arthurian Literaturecontinues the tradition of the journal, combining critical studies with editions of primary Arthurian texts. Varied in their linguistic and chronological coverage, the articles dealwith major areas of Arthurian studies, from early French romance through late medieval English chronicle to contemporary fiction. Topics include Beroul's Tristan, Tristan de Nanteuil, the Anglo-Norman Brut, and the Morte, while an edition of the text of an extrait of Chretien's Erec et Enide prepared by the eighteenth-century scholar La Curne de Sainte-Palaye offers important insights into both scholarship on Chretien, and our understanding of the Enlightenment. The volume is completed with an encyclopaedic treatment of Arthurian literature, art and film produced between 1995 and 1995, acting as an update to The New Arthurian Encyclopedia.Contributors: RICHARD ILLINGWORTH, JANE TAYLOR, CARLETON CARROLL, MARIA COLOMBO TIMELLI, RALUCA RADULESCU, JULIA MARVIN, NORRIS LACY, RAYMOND THOMPSON.


The Composition of the Tristran of Beroul - R N Illingworth The Lure of the Hybrid: Tristan de Nanteuil, Chanson de Geste Arthurien? - Jane H. M. Taylor L'Extrait du Roman d'Erec et Enide de la Curne de Sainte-Palaye (with Maria Colombo Timelli) - Carleton W Carroll L'Extrait du Roman d'Erec et Enide de la Curne de Sainte-Palaye (with Carleton W. Carroll) - Maria Colombo Timelli 'Talkyng of cronycles of kinges and of other polycyez': Fifteenth-Century Miscellanies, the Brut and the Readership of Le Morte Darthur of Le Morte Darthur - Raluca Radulescu Albine and Isabelle: Regicidal Queens and the Historical Imagination of the Anglo-Norman Prose Brut Chronicles - Julia Marvin Arthurian Literature, Art and Film, 1995-99 (with Raymond H. Thompson) - Norris J. Lacy Arthurian Literature, Art and Film, 1995-99 (with Norris J. Lacy) - Raymond H Thompson

v. 20 ISBN 9780859917988


Studies of major Arthurian works and authors in Old French, Middle High German, Middle English, and of one important novel by C. S. Lewis. Arthurian Literature continues the policy of alternating themed issues and miscellanies. This varied collection includes studies of major Arthurian works and authors in Old French, Middle High German, Middle English, and ofone important novel by C.S. Lewis. A controversial textual crux in Chretien's Yvain, debated vigorously by scholars in the late 1980s, is revisited, while the narrative function of clothing in Chretien's romances comes under review. An enigmatic and linguistically difficult passage from Der jungere Titurel is translated and discussed, and an article on Der arme Heinrich studies this pious tale in the context of its generic affiliations: while not strictly speaking an Arthurian romance, it deserves consideration here as a work of one of medieval Germany's most significant writers of Arthurian romance. There is discussion of Thomas Chestre's adoption of the lai as a vehicle for social criticism in his Middle English adaptation of Marie de France's Lanval; the evolution of Arthurian romance in medieval England is also the primary concern in a study of The Awntyrs off Arthure. The figure of Arthur himself is central to an examination of the Middle English Prose Brut, and the delicate political implications of Malory's Morte Darthur are explored. Finally, C.S. Lewis's transformation and use ofthe figures of Uther Pendragon and Merlin in That Hideous Strength is explored. Contributors: RICHARD BARBER, JANE DEWHURST, TAMAR DRUKKER, CYRIL EDWARDS, DINA HAZELL, DONALD KENNEDY, GERALD SEAMAN, KRISTA SUE-LO-TWU, JANINA P. TRAXLER, MONICA L. WRIGHT.


Reassessing Chretien's Elusive Vanz - Gerald Seaman Their Clothing Becomes Them: The Narrative Function of Clothing in Chretien de Troyes - Monica L. Wright Generic Hybridity in Hartmann von Aue's Der Arme Heinrich - Jane Dewhurst The Grail Temple in Der jungere Titurel [with Cyril Edwards] - Richard Barber The Grail Temple in Der jungere Titurel [with Richard Barber] - Cyril Edwards The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyne: Reliquary for Romance - Krista Sue-Lo Twu The Blinding of Gwennere: Thomas Chestre as Social Critic - Dinah Hazell Malory's Morte Darthur: A Politically Neutral English Adaptation of the Arthurian Story - Edward Donald Kennedy King, Crusader, Knight: The Composite Arthur of the Middle English Prose Brut - Tamar Drukker Pendragon, Merlin and Logos: The Undoing of Babel in That Hideous Strength - Janina P Traxler

v. 22 ISBN 9781843840626


Selection of the latest research in Arthurian studies. The essays in this volume present the most recent fruits of Arthurian scholarship, on texts from Perlesvaus to Albrecht's Jungerer Titurel and the Prose BrutChronicle, together with a detailed examination of the role of Micheau Gonnot's Arthuriad in the evolution of Arthurian romance. The volume also includes an investigation of Arthurian prophecy and the deposition of Richard II. It is completed with an encyclopaedic treatment of Arthurian literature, art and film produced between 1999 and 2004, acting as a continuing update to The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. Contributors: BEN RAMM, FANNI BOGDANOW, ANNETTE VOLFING, HELEN FULTON, JULIA MARVIN, RAYMOND H. THOMPSON, NORRIS J. LACY


Locating Narrative Authority in Perlesvaus: Le Haut Livre du Graal - Ben Ramm Micheau Gonnot's Arthuriad Preserved in Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS f. fr. 112 and its Place in the Evolution of Arthurian RomanceArthurian Romance - Fanni Bogdanow Albrecht's Juengerer Titurel: Translating the Grail - Annette Voelfing Arthurian Prophecy and the Deposition of Richard II - H E Fulton Arthur Authorized: The Prophecies of the Prose Brut Chronicle - Julia Marvin The Arthurian Legend in Literature, Popular Culture and the Performing Arts, 1999-2004 - Raymond H Thompson The Arthurian Legend in Literature, Popular Culture and the Performing Arts, 1999-2004 - Norris J. Lacy

v. 23 ISBN 9781843840978


The most recent research in matters Arthurian, by leading scholars in the field. The essays in this latest volume have a particularly strong focus on English material; they include explorations of Malory's presentation of Sir Dinadan, the connections between ballads and popular romance, and, moving beyond themedieval period, Thomas Love Peacock's The Misfortunes of Elphin. They are complemented by articles on French sources [L'Atre perilleux, the Queste del Saint Graal, and the Perlesvaus], and with an overview of the idea of cowardice and Arthurian narrative.Contributors: ANDREW LYNCH, P. J. C. FIELD, JOYCE COLEMAN, D. THOMAS HANKS JR, RALUCA L. RADULESCU, MARGARET ROBSON, MARTIN CONNOLLY, NORRIS J. LACY, FANNI BOGDANOW, TONY GRAND, ROBERT GOSSEDGE


Beyond Shame: Chivalric Cowardice and Arthurian Narrative - Andrew Lynch Malory's Forty Knights - Peter J.C. Field Fooling with Language: Sir Dinadan in Malory's Morte Darthur - Joyce Coleman William Caxton, Wynkyn de Worde and the Editing of Malory's Morte Darthur - D Thomas Hanks Jr Ballard and Popular Romance in the Percy Folio - Raluca Radulescu Local Hero: Gawain and the Politics of Arthurianism - Margaret Robson Promise-postponement Device in The Awntyrs off Arthure: a Possible Narrative Model - Martin Connolly L'Atre perilleux and the Erasure of Identity - Norris J. Lacy The Theme of the Handsome Coward in the Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal - Fanni Bogdanow A Time of Gifts? Jean de Nesle, William A. Nitze and the Perlesvaus - Tony Grand Thomas Love Peacock's The Misfortunes of Elphin and the Romantic Arthur - Robert Gossedge

v. 25 ISBN 9781843841715


The most recent research in matters Arthurian, by leading scholars in the field. The essays in this volume represent a wide range of Arthurian subjects, reaching as far back as the sixth century, and as far forward as the nineteenth; they include studies of Arthur as an icon of an independent England in the reign of Henry VIII, the source of Geoffrey of Monmouth's knowledge of Merlin, Malory's Morte Darthur, and the works of Chretien - both in literature and in depictions of scenes from his romances in ivory caskets from the Middle Ages and beyond. Of special interest is the appearance for the first time in print of a newly discovered Arthurian text: a letter in Anglo-Norman French purportedly written by Morgan le Fay. Elizabeth Archibald is Professor of English, University of Durham; DAVID F. JOHNSON is Professor of English, Florida State University. CONTRIBUTORS: CAROLYNE LARRINGTON, MARTINE MEUWESE, STEWART MOTTRAM, RALUCA RADULESCU, NICOLAI TOLSTOY, MICHAEL TWOMEY


Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Merlin Legend - Nikolai Tolstoy-Miloslavsky The Enchantress, the Knight and the Cleric: Authorial Surrogates in Arthurian Romance - Carolyne Larrington `Morgan le Fay, Empress of the Wilderness': A Newly-Recovered Arthurian Text in London, BL Royal 12.C.ix - Michael W. Twomey Malory's Lancelot and the Key to Salvation - Raluca Radulescu Chretien in Ivory - Martine Meuwese `An Empire of Itself': Arthur as an Icon of an English Empire, 1509-1547 - Stewart Mottram

v. 26 ISBN 9781843842118


Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. Delivers some fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARYSUPPLEMENT The Arthurian material collected in this volume ranges widely in time and space, from a Latin romance based on Welsh sources to the post-Christian Arthur of modern fiction and film. It begins with a tribute to the late Derek Brewer, a reprinting of the classic introduction to his edition of the last two tales of Malory's Morte Darthur. Further subjects covered include a possible source manuscript for Malory's first tale; the "Arthuricity" of the little-known Latin romance Arthur and Gorlagon; images of sterility and fertility in the continuations of Chretien's Conte du Graal; and early modern responses to Geoffrey of Monmouth's account of Arthur's dealings withRome. Norris Lacy ranges widely over the evolution of the Arthurian legend, and Ronald Hutton considers representations of both Christian and pagan religion in modern novels and cinema. The volume ends with a bibliographical supplement on recent additions to Arthurian fiction. CONTRIBUTORS: Derek Brewer, Jonathan Passaro, Amanda Hopkins, Thomas Hinton, Sian Echard, Norris Lacy, Ronald Hutton, Raymond Thompson.


General Editors' Preface Introduction to the Morte Darthur, Parts 7 and 8 - Derek S Brewer Malory's Text of the Suite du Merlin - Jonathan Passaro Why Arthur at all? The Dubious Arthuricity of Arthur and Gorlagon - Amanda Hopkins The Aesthetics of Communication: Sterility and Fertility in the Conte del Graal Cycle - Thomas Hinton 'Whyche thyng semeth not to agree with other histories...': Rome in Geoffrey of Monmouth and his early modern readers - Sian Echard Arthurian Texts in their Historical and Social Context - Norris J. Lacy The Post-Christian Arthur - Ronald Hutton Supplement: The Arthurian Legend in Literature, Popular Culture, and the Performing Arts, 2004-2008 - Raymond H Thompson Supplement: The Arthurian Legend in Literature, Popular Culture, and the Performing Arts, 2004-2008 - Norris J. Lacy

v. 27 ISBN 9781843842583


Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. Delivers some fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT The influence and significance of the legend of Arthur are fully demonstrated by the subject matter and time-span of articles here. Topics range from early Celtic sources and analogues of Arthurian plots to popular interest in King Arthur in sixteenth-century London, from the thirteenth-century French prose Mort Artu to Tennyson's Idylls of the King. It includes discussion of shapeshifters and loathly ladies, attitudes to treason, royal deaths and funerals in the fifteenth century and the nineteenth, late medieval Scottish politics and early modern chivalry. Elizabeth Archibald is Professor of English, University of Durhaml; Professor David F. Johnson teaches in the English Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Aisling Byrne, Emma Campbell, P.J.C. Field, Kenneth Hodges, Megan Leitch, Andrew Lynch, Sue Niebrzydowski, Karen Robinson.


General Editors' Foreword - Elizabeth Archibald and David F. Johnson Commemoration in La Mort le roi Artu - Emma Campbell '..."if indeed I go"': Arthur's Uncertain End in Malory and Tennyson - Andrew Lynch The Intruder at the Feast: Negotiating Boundaries in Medieval Insular Romance - Aisling Byrne What Women Really Want: The Genesis of Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Tale - Peter J.C. Field Monstrous Appetite and Belly-Laughs: A Reconsideration of the Humour in The Weddyng of Syr Gawen and Dame Ragnell - Paul Frazer, Reviews Editor Speaking [of] Treason in Malory's Morte Darthur - Megan G. Leitch Lancelot of the Laik: A Scottish Mirror for Princes - Karen Robinson Prince Arthur's Archers: Innovative Nostalgia in Early Modern Popular Chivalry - Kenneth Hodges

v. 29 ISBN 9781843843337


Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. It delivers fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT The influence and significance of the legend of Arthur are fully demonstrated by the subject matter and time-span of articles here, ranging from a mid twelfth-century Latin vita of the Welsh saint Dyfrig to the early modernArthur of the Dutch. Topics addressed include the reasons for Edward III's abandonment of the Order of the Round Table; the 1368 relocation of Arthur's tomb at Glastonbury Abbey; the evidence for our knowledge of the French manuscript sources for Malory's first tale, in particular the Suite du Merlin; and the central role played by Cornwall in Malory's literary worldview. Meanwhile, a survey of the pan-European aspects of medieval Arthurian literature, considering key characters in both familiar and less familiar languages such as Old Norse and Hebrew, further outlines its popularity and impact. Elizabeth Archibald is Professor of English, University of Durham;Professor David F. Johnson teaches in the English Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Dorsey Armstrong, Christopher Berard, Bart Besamusca, P.J.C. Field, Linda Gowans, Sjoerd Levelt, JulianM. Luxford, Ryan Naughton, Jessica Quinlan, Joshua Byron Smith


General Editors' Foreword Edward III's Abandoned Order of the Round Table - Christopher Berard King Arthur's Tomb at Glastonbury: The Relocation of 1368 in Context - Julian Luxford Benedict of Gloucester's Vita Sancti Dubrucii: An Edition and Translation - Joshua Byron Smith New Evidence for an Interest in Arthurian Literature in the Dutch Low Counties in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries - Sjoerd Levelt Malory's Source-Manuscript for the First Tale of Le Morte Darthur - P J C Field Malory's Sources - and Arthur's Sisters - Revisited - L M Gowans Peace, Justice and Retinue-Building in Malory's 'The Tale of Sir Garethy of Orkney' - Ryan Naughton Mapping Malory's Morte: The (Physical) Place and (Narrative) Space of Cornwall - Dorsey Armstrong The Fringes of Arthurian Fiction - Bart Besamusca and Jessica Quinlan

v. 30 ISBN 9781843843627


Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. It delivers fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT The richness and interdisciplinarity of the Arthurian tradition are well represented by the essays collected here, which range from early Celtic texts to twentieth-century children's books, and include discussion of Welsh, Irish,English, French and Latin material in both literary and historical contexts. Many of the articles focus on less well-known late medieval versions of the legend, a somewhat neglected area until recently: an Irish Grail narrative, the Burgundian prose Erec, the enormous prequel Perceforest, Ysaie le Triste, Le Conte du Papegau, and Froissart's Melyador (the last three discussed as exercises in nostalgia). Meanwhile, anotherchapter approaches Sir Gawain and the Green Knight from the perspective of forest ecology. The contributions represent expanded and revised versions of selected papers given at the XXIIIrd Triennial Congress of the International Arthurian Society held in Bristol in July 2011; they include two of the plenary lectures, one on "Celtic Magic" and one on the reception of Geoffrey of Monmouth in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Elizabeth Archibald is Professor of English Studies at Durham University, and Principal of St Cuthbert's Society; David F. Johnson is Professor of English at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Richard Barber, Nigel Bryant, Aisling Byrne, Carol J. Chase, Sian Echard, Helen Fulton, Michael W. Twomey, Patricia Victorin.


Magic and the Supernatural in Early Welsh Arthurian Narrative: Culhwch ac Olwen and Breuddwyd Rhonabwy - Helen Fulton How Green was the Green Knight? Forest Ecology at Hautdesert - Michael W. Twomey Edward III's Arthurian Enthusiasms Revisited: Perceforest in the Context of Philippa of Hainault and the Round Table Feast of 1344 - Richard Barber Pagan Gods and the Coming of Christianity in Perceforest - Nigel Bryant Malory's Sources for the Tale of the Sankgreal: Some Overlooked Evidence from the Irish Lorgaireacht an Tsoidigh Naomhtha - Aisling Byrne 'Transmuer de rime en prose': The Transformation of Chretien de Troyes's Joie de la Cour episode in the Burgundian Prose Erec [1450-60] - Carol Chase La Retro-ecriture ou l'ecriture de la nostalgie dans le roman arthurien tardif: Ysaie le Triste, Le Conte du Papegau et Melyador de Froissart - Patricia Victorin Remembering Brutus: Aaron Thompson's British History of 1718 - Sian Echard

v. 31 ISBN 9781843843863


Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. It delivers fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT The studies collected in this volume demonstrate the enduring vitality of the Arthurian legend in a wide range of places, times and media. Chretien's Conte du Graal features first in a study of the poem's place in its Anglo-Norman context, followed by four essays on Malory's Morte Darthur. Two of these deal with the significance of wounds and wounding in Malory's text, while the third explores the problematic aspects of sleep and the "slepynge knight" in that same romance. The fourth considers "transformative female corpses" as, quite literally, the embodiment of critical comment on the chivalric community in the Morte Darthur. There follow two studies of the Arthurian legend captured in material objects: the first concerns the early twelfth-century images on a marble column from the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela, the second a twentieth-century tapestry created by Lady Trevelyan for the family home at Wallington Hall. The volume closes with an essay that brings us into the twenty-first century, with an assessment of Kaamelott, an irreverent French Pythonesque television series. ElizabethArchibald is Professor of English Studies at Durham University, and Principal of St Cuthbert's Society; David F. Johnson is Professor of English at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Karen Cherewatuk,Tara Foster, Joan Tasker Grimbert, Erin Kissick, Irit Ruth Kleiman, Megan Leitch, Roger Simpson, K.S. Whetter.


Chretien's Conte Du Graal between Myth and History - Irit Ruth Kleiman Malory's Thighs and Launcelot's Buttock: Ignoble Wounds and Moral Transgression in the Morte Darthur - Karen Cherewatuk Weeping, Wounds, and Worshyp in Malory's Morte Darthur - Kevin S Whetter Sleeping Knights and 'Such Maner of Sorow-Makynge': Affect, Ethics and Unconsciousness in Malory's Morte Darthur - Megan G. Leitch Mirroring Masculinities: Transformative Female Corpses in Malory's Morte Darthur - Erin Kissick Tristan and Iseult at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela - Joan Tasker Grimbert Trevelyan Triptych: A Family and the Arthurian Legend - Roger Simpson Kaamelott: A new French Arthurian Tradition - Tara Foster

v. 32 ISBN 9781843843962


Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. It delivers fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT The essays collected here put considerable emphasis on Arthurian narratives in material culture and historical context, as well as on purely literary analysis, a reminder of the enormous range of interests in Arthurian narrativesin the Middle Ages, in a number of different contexts. The volume opens with a study of torture in texts from Chretien to Malory, and on English law and attitudes in particular. Several contributors discuss the undeservedly neglected Stanzaic Morte Arthur, a key source for Malory. His Morte Darthur is the focus of several essays, respectively on the sources of the "Tale of Sir Gareth"; battle scenes and the importance of chivalric kingship; Cicero's De amicitia and the mixed blessings and dangers of fellowship; and comparison of concluding formulae in the Winchester Manuscript and Caxton's edition. Seven tantalizing fragments of needlework, all depictingTristan, are discussed in terms of the heraldic devices they include. The volume ends with an update on newly discovered manuscripts of Geoffrey of Monmouth's seminal Historia regum Britanniae, the twelfth-century best-seller which launched Arthur's literary career. Elizabeth Archibald is Professor of English Studies at Durham University, and Principal of St Cuthbert's Society; David F. Johnson is Professor of English at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contibutors: David Eugene Clark, Marco Nievergelt, Ralph Norris, Sarah Randles, Lisa Robeson, Richard Severe, Jaakko Tahkokallio, Larissa Tracy


Wounded Bodies: Kingship, National Identity, and Illegitimate Torture in the English Arthurian Tradition - Larissa Tracy The Place of Emotion: Space, Silence and Interiority in the Stanzaic Morte Arthur - Marco Nievergelt Another Source for Malory's 'Tale of Sir Gareth' - Ralph Norris 'Warre and Worshyppe': Depictions of Battle in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - Lisa Robeson Malory's 'Chivalric Cliques': Public and Private Felyshyp in the Arthurian Community - Richard Severe Scribal Modifications to Concluding Formulae in the Winchester Manuscript - David Eugene Clark Heraldic Imagery in the Embroidered Tristan Narratives - Sarah Randles Update to the List of Manuscripts of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae - Jaakko Tahkokallio

v. 33 ISBN 9781843844501


Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new research into Arthurian matters. It delivers fascinating material across genres, periods, and theoretical issues. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT A wide range of Arthurian material is discussed here, reflecting its diversity, and enduring vitality. Geoffrey of Monmouth's best-selling Historia regum Britannie is discussed in the context of Geoffrey's reception in Wales and the relationship between Latin and Welsh literary culture. Two essays deal with the Middle English Ywain and Gawain: the first offers a comparative study of the Middle English poem alongside Chretien's Yvainand the Welsh Owein, while the second considers Ywain and Gawain with the Alliterative Morte Arthure in their northern English cultural and political context, the world of the Percys and the Nevilles. It isfollowed by a discussion of Edward III's recuperation of his abandoned Order of the Round Table, which offers an intriguing explanation for this reversal in the context of Edward's victory over the French at Poitiers. The final essay is a comparison of fifteenth- and twentieth-century portrayals of Camelot in Malory and T.H. White, as both idea and locale, and a centre of hearsay and gossip. The volume is completed with a unique and little-known medievalGreek Arthurian poem, presented in facing-page edition and modern English translation. Elizabeth Archibald is Professor of English Studies at Durham University, and Principal of St Cuthbert's Society; David F. Johnson is Professor of English at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Christopher Berard, Louis J. Boyle, Thomas H. Crofts, Ralph Hanna, Georgia Lynn Henley, Erich Poppe


From 'The Matter of Britain' to 'The Matter of Rome': Latin Literary Culture and the Reception of Geoffrey of Monmouth in Wales - Georgia Lynn Henley Chretien's British Yvain in England and Wales - Erich Poppe Edward III's Abandoned Order of the Round Table Revisited: Political Arthurianism after Poitiers - Christopher Berard 'Thanked be God there hath been but a few of myne auncytours that hathe dyed in their beddes': Border Stories and Northern Arthurian Romances - Ralph Hanna T. H. White's Representation of Malory's Camelot - Louise J. Boyle Hippotes ho Presbutes: The Old Knight. An edition of the Greek Arthurian poem of Vat. gr. 1822 - Thomas Howard Crofts

v. 34 ISBN 9781843844839


The continued influence and significance of the legend of Arthur are demonstrated by the articles collected in this volume. The enduring appeal and rich variety of the Arthurian legend are once again manifest here. Chretien's Erec et Enide features first in a case study of the poet's endings and medieval theories of poetic composition. Next follows an essay that comes to the rather surprising-but- convincing conclusion that the "traitor" spoken of in the opening lines of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is neither Aeneas nor Antenor, but Paris. Another essay dealing with Sir Gawain, this time in Malory's Morte Darthur, offers among other things an answer to the question of how Gawain knows the exact hour of his death. Few native Irish Arthurian tales have come down to us: a discussion of "The Tale of the Crop-Eared Dog" shows it to be both bizarre and popular, as witnessed by the many manuscripts in which it is preserved. The materiality of the Arthurian legend is represented here by a detailed treatment of the lead cross supposedly found in the grave of King Arthur at Glastonbury Abbey in 1191. Finally, this volume continues Arthurian Literature's tradition of publishing unfamiliar or previously unknown Arthurian texts, in this instance an original Middle English translation of the story of the sword in the stone, from the Old French Merlin. ELIZABETH ARCHIBALD is Professor of English Studies at Durham University, and Principal of StCuthbert's Society; DAVID F. JOHNSON is Professor of English at Florida State University, Tallahassee. Contributors: Lindy Brady, David Carlton, Neil Cartlidge, Nicole Clifton, Oliver Harris, Richard Moll, Rebecca Newby.


Illusory Ends in Chretien de Troyes' Erec et Enide - Rebecca Newby Who is the Traitor at the Beginning of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? - Neil Cartlidge Sir Gawain's Death and Prophecy in Malory's Morte Darthur - Nicole Clifton Late Medieval Irish Kingship, Egerton 1782, and the Irish Arthurian Romance Eachtra an Mhadra Mhaoil ('The Story of the Crop-Eared Dog') - Lindy Brady 'Which I have beholden with most curiouse eyes': The Lead Cross from Glastonbury Abbey - Oliver Harris The Arundel Coronatio Arthuri: A Middle English Sword in the Stone Story from London, College of Arms MS Arundel 58 - David Carlton The Arundel Coronatio Arthuri: A Middle English Sword in the Stone Story from London, College of Arms MS Arundel 58 - Richard Moll

v. 35 ISBN 9781843845454


The continued influence and significance of the legend of Arthur are demonstrated by the articles collected in this volume. The rich vitality of both the Arthurian material itself and the scholarship devoted to it is manifested in this volume. It begins with an interdisciplinary study of swords belonging to Arthurian and other heroes and of the smithswho made them, assessed both in their literary contexts and in "historical" references to their existence as heroic relics. Two essays then consider the use of Arthurian material for political purposes: a discussion of Caradog's Vita Gildae throws light on the complex attitudes to Arthur of contemporaries of Geoffrey of Monmouth in a time of political turmoil in England, and an investigation into borrowings from Geoffrey's Historia in a chronicle of Anglo-Scottish relations in the time of Edward I, a well-known admirer of the Arthurian legend, argues that they would have appealed to the clerical élite. Romance motifs link the subsequent pieces: women and their friendships in Ywain and Gawain, the only known close English adaptation of a romance by Chrétien, and the mixture of sacred and secular in The Turke and Gawain, with fascinating alchemical parallels for a puzzling beheading episode. This is followed by a discussion of the views on native and foreign sources of three sixteenth-century defenders of Arthur, John Leland, John Prise and Humphrey Llwyd, and their responses to the criticisms of Polydore Vergil. In twentieth-century reception history, John Steinbeck was an ardent Arthurian enthusiast: an essay looks at the significance of his annotations to his copy of Malory as he worked on his adaptation, The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights. The volume moves to even more recent territory with an exploration of the adaptations of Malory and other Arthurian writers that occur in the comic books by Geoff Johns about Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman, King of Atlantis. The book is completed by a reprint of a classic essay by Norris Lacy on the absence and presence of the Grail in Arthurian texts from the twelfth century on.


Arthurian Swords I: Gawain's Sword and the Legend of Weland the Smith - Richard Barber Rex rebellis et vir pacificus: Civil War and Ecclesiastical Peacekeeping in the Vita Gildae of Caradog of Llancarfan - Andrew Rabin Once and Future History: Textual Borrowing in an Account of the First War of Scottish Independence - Christopher Michael Berard 'Me rewes sore': Women's Friendship, Affect and Loyalty in Ywain and Gawain - Usha Vishnuvajjala The Sacred and the Secular: Alchemical Transformation in The Turke and Sir Gawain - Natalie Goodison 'The native place of that great Arthur': Foreignness and Nativity in Sixteenth-Century Defences of Arthur - Mary Bateman John Steinbeck's 'Wonder-Words' - Elaine Treharne and William J. Fowler The Once and Future King of Atlantis: The Arthurian Figure in Geoff Johns's Aquaman: Death of a King - Carl B. Sell Arthur and/or the Grail - Norris J. Lacy

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関連文献: 5件中  1-5を表示
  • Blood, sex, Malory : essays on the Morte Darthur

    edited by David Clark and Kate McClune ; general editors, Elizabeth Archibald and David Johnson

    D.S. Brewer 2011 Arthurian literature / edited by Richard Barber ; advisory editors, Tony Hunt, Toshiyuki Takamiya 28

    : hardcover


  • The European dimensions of Arthurian literature

    edited by Bart Besamusca and Frank Brandsma ; general editor, Keith Busby

    D.S. Brewer 2007 Arthurian literature / edited by Richard Barber ; advisory editors, Tony Hunt, Toshiyuki Takamiya 24


  • Celtic Arthurian material

    edited by Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan

    D.S. Brewer 2004 Arthurian literature / edited by Richard Barber ; advisory editors, Tony Hunt, Toshiyuki Takamiya 21


  • Comedy in Arthurian literature

    edited by Keith Busby with Roger Dalrymple

    D.S. Brewer 2003 Arthurian literature / edited by Richard Barber ; advisory editors, Tony Hunt, Toshiyuki Takamiya 19


  • Originality and tradition in the middle Dutch "Roman van Walewein"

    edited by Bart Besamusca and Erik Kooper

    D. S. Brewer , Boydell & Brewer 1999 Arthurian literature / edited by Richard Barber ; advisory editors, Tony Hunt, Toshiyuki Takamiya 17


  • ISBN
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    • 1843840626
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