
Spin waves and magnetic excitations

volume editors, A.S. Borovik-Romanov, S.K. Sinha

(Modern problems in condensed matter sciences, v. 22.1-22.2)

North-Holland , Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1988

  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 51



Includes indexes



v. 1 ISBN 9780444870681


``Spin Waves and Magnetic Excitations'' describes both simple spin waves (magnons) and complicated excitations in magnetic systems. Wide classes of magnetic substances are taken into consideration such as ferro- and antiferromagnetic dielectrics and itinerant magnets which contain both d- and f-electrons. The chapters, presented in logical succession, contain detailed analytic experimental results from the last 15 years. The following subjects are covered: - various methods of magnetic excitation investigations such as neutron scattering from magnetic excitations, spin-wave excitation by radio-frequency radiation, light scattering from magnons and observation of magnetic excitations within the light-absorption spectrum; - oscillations of magnetic electron systems coupled with phonons, nuclear spin systems and localized impurity modes; - low-dimensional magnets, amorphous magnets and spin glasses.


Part I - Preface. Contents. Introduction. 1. Spin waves in magnetic dielectrics. Current status of the theory. (M.I. Kaganov and A.V. Chubukov). 2. Light scattering from spin waves (A.S. Borovik-Romanov and N.M. Kreines). 3. Optical magnetic excitations (V.V. Eremenko, Yu. G. Litvinenko and E.V. Matyushkin). 4. Spin waves above the threshold of parametric excitations (V.S. L`vov and L.A. Prozorova). 5. Theory of spin excitations in the rare earth systems (P.-A. Lindgard). 6. 4f moments and their interaction with conduction electrons (P. Fulde and M. Loewenhaupt). 7. Neutron scattering studies of magnetic excitations in itinerant magnets (H.A. Mook). Author index. Subject index. Materials index. Cumulative index.

v. 2 ISBN 9780444870780


``Spin Waves and Magnetic Excitations'' describes both simple spin waves (magnons) and complicated excitations in magnetic systems. Wide classes of magnetic substances are taken into consideration such as ferro- and antiferromagnetic dielectrics and itinerant magnets which contain both d- and f-electrons. The chapters, presented in logical succession, contain detailed analytic experimental results from the last 15 years. The following subjects are covered: - various methods of magnetic excitation investigations such as neutron scattering from magnetic excitations, spin-wave excitation by radio-frequency radiation, light scattering from magnons and observation of magnetic excitations within the light-absorption spectrum; - oscillations of magnetic electron systems coupled with phonons, nuclear spin systems and localized impurity modes; - low-dimensional magnets, amorphous magnets and spin glasses.


Part II - Preface. Contents. Introduction. 1. Spin-wave resonance in metals (Z. Frait and D. Fraitova). 2. Excitations in low-dimensional magnetic systems (V.L. Pokrovsky, M.V. Feigel'man and A.M. Tsvelick). 3. Theory of magnetic excitations in disordered systems (I.Ya. Korenblit and E.F. Shender). 4. Spin dynamics of amorphous magnets (J.W. Lynn and J.J. Rhyne). 5. Magnetic excitations in spin glasses (S.M. Shapiro). 6. Magnetic impuritons in antiferromagnetic dielectric crystals (V.V. Eremenko and V.M. Naumenko). 7. Magnetoelastic excitations (V.G. Bar'yakhtar and E.A. Turov). 8. Nuclear spin excitations (M.I. Kurkin and E.A. Turov). Author index. Subject index. Materials index. Cumulative index.

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