Atomic and molecular beam methods


Atomic and molecular beam methods

edited by Giacinto Scoles ; associate editors, Davide Bassi, Udo Buck, Derek Lainé

Oxford University Press, 1988-1992

  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 76



v. 2: associated editors, Derek Lainé, Ugo Valbusa

Includes bibliographies and index



v. 1 ISBN 9780195042801


This comprehensive handbook describes new experimental approaches for the growing number of chemists, physicists, and engineers working with atomic and molecular beams. With an emphasis on aspects of design, construction and proper data analysis, contributors explore many topics of microscopic chemical physics such as elastic, inelastic, and reactive molecular collisions, clusters, and free-standing jets. Also included are descriptions of experimental set-ups and examples of data obtained in molecular beam experiments, with clear explanations of their significance and importance. The book is a practical guide that will help in planning the structure of experiments and analysing their results.


  • Part 1 Basic techniques: introduction, G.Scoles
  • free jet sources, D.R.Miller
  • low energy pulsed beam sources, W.R.Gentry
  • other low energy beam sources, H.Pauly
  • high energy beam sources, H.Pauly
  • detection principles, D.Bassi
  • ionization detectors - ion production and mass selection and ion detection, D.Bassi
  • spectroscopic detection methods, U.Hefter and K.Bergmann
  • accommodation, accumulation and other detection methods, M.Zen
  • state selection by non-optical methods, J.Reuss
  • state selection via optical methods, K. Bergmann
  • velocity selection by mechanical methods, C.J.N.van den Meijdenberg
  • velocity measurements via time of flight measurements, D.J.Auerbach
  • molecular beams of clusters, S.Leutwyler and M.Kappes
  • molecular beam epitaxy, K.Ploog
  • molecular beams in high energy physics, U. Valbusa. Part 2 Molecular scattering: general principles and methods, U.Buck
  • elastic scattering - integral cross sections, J.Biesen
  • differential cross sections, U.Buck
  • inelastic scattering - energy loss methods, U.Buck
  • inelastic scattering - optical methods, P.J. Dagdigian
  • reactive scattering - non-optical methods, Y.T.Lee
  • - optical methods, P.J.Dagdigian, scattering experiments which state selectors, S.Stolte
  • scattering experiments with laser excited beams, R.Duren
  • experiments with spin polarized beams, S.Iannotta.

v. 2 ISBN 9780195042818


This is the second volume of an advanced handbook on experimental molecular beam methods, in which seventeen specialists cover the areas of molecular beam spectroscopy and surface scattering. It is designed to be used both as a reference book in the laboratory and as a supplementary text for graduate courses in spectroscopy and gas-surface interactions. The text is split into two parts dealing with these two topics. The spectroscopy part introduces the special features connected with using beams in spectroscopy and then goes on to discuss the subject, going through the spectrum from low to high frequencies. The surface scattering part introduces general instrumentation problems, followed by a series of chapters in which elastic, rotationally inelastic, single-phonon, multi-phonon and chemical scattering are discussed. Scattering from non-ordered surfaces is covered separately. The emphasis throughout is on experimental methods, which includes discussions on data analysis and calibrations. Numerous examples of data are shown and to allow for the understanding of these the theory underlying the most common measurements is also presented.


Part I: Spectroscopy. 1: Spectroscopy of molecular beams: an overview. 2: Magnetic and electric resonance spectroscopy. 3: Beam-maser spectroscopy. 4: Quantum amplifiers and oscillators. 5: Metrology with molecular beams. 6: Infrared laser spectroscopy. 7: Visible and UV spectroscopy: physical aspects. 8: Photofragment spectroscopy. 9: Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy. 10: Fourier-transform methods: infrared. Part II: Surface Scattering. 11: General principles and methods. 12: Elastic scattering of atoms. 13: Rotational inelastic scattering. 14: Single phonon inelastic helium scattering. 15: Multiple phonon inelastic scattering. 16: Scattering from disordered surfaces. 17: Reactive scattering

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