Monetary economics in the 1980s : the Henry Thornton lectures, numbers 1-8


Monetary economics in the 1980s : the Henry Thornton lectures, numbers 1-8

edited by Forrest Capie and Geoffrey E. Wood

(Studies in banking and international finance)

Macmillan, 1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 47



Includes bibliographies and index



This volume contains the first eight lectures delivered in honour of Henry Thornton the economist, at City University, London. Seven of the lectures are by monetary economists and one is by a Governer of the Bank of England. There is a discussion of exchange rate behaviour and its implications for the international monetary system and a consideration of the changes in macroeconomics. Thornton's remarks on interest rates are developed and tested against a century of British data. Forrest Capie is also author of "Depression and Protectionism", co-author of "The Inter War Economy: A Statistical Approach" and "Monetary History of the United Kingdom", over 20 journal articles and editor of "Financial Crises and the World Banking System" with Geoffrey E.Wood. Geoffrey Wood is co-author of "The Financing Procedures of British Foreign Trade" and editor of "Monetary Targets" and "Monetarism in the United Kingdom" both with Brian Griffiths.


  • The prospects for an international monetary system, G.Richardson
  • a century of British market interest rates, 1874-1975, A.J.Schwarz
  • turbulence in the foreign exchange markets and macroeconomic policies, J.A.Frankel
  • macroeconomics after a decade of rational expectations - some critical issues, B.T.McCallum
  • Keynes on monetary reform and international economic order, A.H.Meltzer
  • the uncertain future of monetary policy, P.Cagan
  • inflation expectations - from adaptive to rational to?, M.Parkin
  • the disarray in macroeconomics, K.Brunner.

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