Anatomy and MRI of the joints : a multiplanar atlas
Anatomy and MRI of the joints : a multiplanar atlas
Raven Press, c1989
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全24件
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Includes bibliographies and index
Just as the advent of computed tomography required radiologists to become familiar with axial cross-sectional anatomy, the emergence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) now makes it necessary to understand cross-sectional anatomy in multiple planes. In the joints, where MRI can produce images of extremely high contrast and resolution, the radiologist must also learn to identify many anatomic structures that have never been clearly visualized on images before. To help you gain the knowledge you need to interpret these images, Drs. Middleton and Lawson have produced a comprehensive atlas that correlates anatomy with MR images. Its unique format, using MR images, explanatory line drawings, and color photographs from cadaver sections, is specifically designed to enable you to quickly and accurately identify the anatomic structures seen on MR images. Chapters of the book cover the temporomandibular joint, shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, vertebral column, hip, knee, and ankle. Each chapter begins with concise text and line drawings describing and illustrating key anatomic structures.
In the latter portion of each chapter, high resolution axial, sagittal, and coronal MR images from volunteers are correlated with color photographs of anatomic sections from frozen cadavers. As MRI becomes the preferred technique for imaging studies of the joints, Anatomy and MRI of the Joints: A Multiplanar Atlas is one of the most important references you can own. Be sure to order your copy today
The Temporomandibular Joint--J. Bruce Kneeland / The Shoulder--William D. Middleton / The Elbow--Stephan J. Macrander / The Wrist--William D. Middleton / The Finger--Scott Erickson / The Vertebral Column--Lowell Sether / The Hip--Thomas L. Lawson / The Knee--Gary W. Hinson and William D. Middleton / The Ankle--William D. Middleton
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