Understanding the fundamental constituents of matter : proceedings of the 1976 International School of Subnuclear Physics (NATO-MPI-MRST Advanced Study Institute) held in Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 23-August 8, 1976 and sponsored by the Sicilian Regional Government and the Weizmann Institute of Science


Understanding the fundamental constituents of matter : proceedings of the 1976 International School of Subnuclear Physics (NATO-MPI-MRST Advanced Study Institute) held in Erice, Trapani, Sicily, July 23-August 8, 1976 and sponsored by the Sicilian Regional Government and the Weizmann Institute of Science

edited by Antonino Zichichi

(The Subnuclear series, 14)

Plenum Press, c1978

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 39



Includes bibliographical references and index

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