Reliability and risk analysis : methods and nuclear power applications


    • McCormick, Norman J.


Reliability and risk analysis : methods and nuclear power applications

Norman J. McCormick

Academic Press, 1981

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Includes bibliographical references and index



A prior knowledge of probability theory would be helpful for the material in Part I; likewise, a previous introduction to the engineered safety features of a nuclear reactor makes portions of Part II easier to understand. For those without this background, introductory material is provided in Chapter 2 and the appendixes.


Preface. Introduction. Methods. Probability Concepts. Probability Distributions for Describing Failures. Data Manipulation Concepts. Failure Data. Reliability of Simple Systems. Reliability and Availability of Systems with Repair. Fault Tree Analysis. Event Tree Analysis. Computer Programs for Fault Tree Analysis. Nuclear Power Risks. Risk Concepts. Risks Light Water Reactors. Risks for Liquid Metal Fast Breeder and High Temperature Gas Reactors. Risks for Nuclear Materials Transporation. Risks Nuclear Waste Disposal. Other Risk Assessments. Comparison of Risks. Risk-Benefit Assessments. Risk Acceptance. Epilogue. Appendixes. Some Useful Mathematical Functions. Failure Data. Some Matrix Mathematics. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. Light Water Reactor Safety Systems. Additional Light Water Reactor Safety Study Fault Trees. The Go Method. Answers to Selected Exercises. Index.

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