Structure and gestalt : philosophy and literature in Austria-Hungary and her successor states
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Structure and gestalt : philosophy and literature in Austria-Hungary and her successor states
(Linguistic & literary studies in Eastern Europe, v. 7)
Benjamins, 1981
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Description and Table of Contents
The majority of the papers in the present volume were presented at, or prepared in conjunction with, meetings of the Seminar for Austro-German Philosophy, a group of philosophers interested in the work of Brentano and Husserl and of the various thinkers who fell under their influence. One long-standing concern of the Seminar has been to trace the origins of present-day structuralism and related movements in the thought of nineteenth-century central Europe.
Table of Contents
- 1. Preface
- 2. On the Poetry and the Plurifunctionality of Language (by Holenstein, Elmar)
- 3. Alois Riegl: The Synchronic Analysis of Stylistic Types (by Iversen, Margaret)
- 4. Bolzano and the Dark Doctrine: An Essay on Aesthetics (by McCormick, Peter)
- 5. Kafka and Brentano: A Study in Descriptive Psychology (by Smith, Barry)
- 6. Brentano and Freud (by Heaton, John M.)
- 7. The Optimum Velocity of Approach: Some Reflections on Kafka's Trial (by Kavanagh, R.J.)
- 8. The Production of Ideas: Notes on Austrian Intellectual History from Bolzano to Wittgenstein (by Smith, Barry)
- 9. Philosophy and National Consciousness in Austria and Hungary: A Comparative Socio-Psychological Sketch (by Nyiri, J.C.)
- 10. Therapeutic Nihilism: How Not to Write about Otto Weininger (by Janik, Allan)
- 11. Philosophy, Animality and Justice: Kleist, Kafka, Weininger and Wittgenstein (by Mulligan, Kevin)
- 12. Prefatory Note
- 13. Identity and Division as a Fundamental Theme of Politics (by Kolnai, Aurel)
- 14. List of Contributors
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