
Champs, cordes et phénomènes critiques = Fields, strings and critical phenomena

édité par E. Brézin et J. Zinn-Justin

North-Holland, 1990 , Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science, 1990


Fields, strings, and critical phenomena

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 73



English and French

At head of title: USMG, NATO ASI. Les Houches, session XLIX, 28 juin-5 août 1988

Lectures presented at the Ecole d'été de physique théorique

Includes bibliographical references



This session of the Summer School in Theoretical Physics concentrated on the recent advances in areas of physics ranging from (super)strings to field theory and statistical mechanics. The articles contained in this volume provide a stimulating and up-to-date account of a rapidly growing subject. Discussion focussed on the many points of convergence between field theory and statistical mechanics: conformal field theory, field theory on a lattice, the study of strongly correlated electron systems, as in the Hubbard model, leading to topological Lagrangians, which are perhaps the key of the understanding of high Tc superconductivity or the fractional quantum Hall effect. The critical phenomena in (1+1) dimensions, in the domain in which quantum fluctuations are strong, are described for antiferromagnetic couplings by relativistic theories in which the methods of abelian or non-abelian bosonization are particularly powerful.


Preface. Courses: 1. Applied conformal field theory (P. Ginsparg). 2. Conformal invariance and statistical mechanics (J.L. Cardy). 3. Conformal field theories, Coulomb gas picture and integrable models (J.-B. Zuber). Seminar 1: Symmetries of the XXZ chain and quantum Su(2) (V. Pasquier and H. Saleur). Seminar 2: Recent progress in rational conformal field theory (R. Dijkgraaf). 4. Two-dimensional quantum gravity. Superconductivity at high Tc (A. Polyakov). 5. Exactly solvable models of 2D-quantum gravity on the lattice (V.A. Kazakov). Seminar 3. Conformal invariance, Self-avoiding walks in the plane or on a randon surface (B. Duplantier). 6. Some topics in string theory (A. Neveu). 7. Space-time supersymmetry, effective Lagrangians, and the Moduli space of superconformal field theories (S. Ferrara). 8. Selected topics in lattice field theory (M. Luscher). 9. Principles of numerical simulations (G. Parisi). 10. Field theory methods and quantum critical phenomena (I. Affleck).

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