Relativistic quantum mechanics : wave equations
Relativistic quantum mechanics : wave equations
(Theoretical physics : text and exercise books, v. 3)
Springer-Verlag, c1990
- : gw
- : us
- タイトル別名
Relativistische Quantenmechanik
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全69件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes index
Translation of: Relativistische Quantenmechanik
The key to understanding quantum theory is to reinforce lecture attendance and textual study by working through plenty of representative and detailed examples. Firm belief in this principle led the author to develop his teaching style and to transform it into a text. This text features a large number of examples and exercises involving many of the most advanced topics in quantum theory. These examples give practical demonstrations of how to use the often subtle mathematics behind quantum theory. It presents a very important part of relativistic quantum mechanics: the wave equations for spin 0 and spin +. Chapter 1 deals with the Klein-Gordon equation and its properties and applications. The following chapters introduce the Dirac equation, investigate its covariance properties and present various approaches to obtain solutions. Numerous applications are discussed in detail, including the two-centre Dirac equation, hole theory and PCT symmetry, Klein's paradox and relativistic symmetry principles. The extensive presentation of the mathematical tools and the 62 worked examples and problems make this a useful text for the advanced quantum mechanics course.
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