Making imperial mentalities : socialisation and British imperialism


Making imperial mentalities : socialisation and British imperialism

edited by J.A. Mangan

(Studies in imperialism / general editor, John M. MacKenzie)

Manchester University Press , Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 38



Includes bibliographies and index



This volume is designed to explore the intellectual, cultural and technical aspects of imperialism in the era of European world supremacy. The intention of the authors is to present a multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural study and thus the economic, political and military dimensions of imperialism are not ignored. This book is intended as a companion volume to "Benefits Bestowed". It studies education, youth organizations and patriotic festivals, emigration, a variety of religious issues, elite formation and the influence of examination boards, as well as confronting aspects of the education, socialization and liberation of women. British imperial territories from the West Indies to Malaysia, Canada, New Zealand and India are discussed. Changing racial attitudes during the early 19th century through the 20th century are examined: the assimilationist ideas of the early 19th century which gave way to coarser racial concepts later in the century and to a cultural relativism in the 20th century. The contribution of Christian missionaries to educational processes, their relationship with the imperial authorities, and the effect that missionaries, youth organizations and other educational agencies may have had on the role of women are also considered.


  • Making imperial mentalities, J.A.Mangan
  • Slavery, social death and imperialsim - the creation of a Christian black elite in the West Indies, 1820-1845, Patricia Rooke
  • Sisters under the skin-imperialsm and the emancipation of women in Malaya, 1891-1914, Janice N.Brownfoot
  • The joys of jingoism-drill and dance as symbols of imperialism, Anne Bloomfield
  • "Mothers for the Empire@? the Girl Guide association, 1909-1939, Allen Warren
  • Victorians, socialisation and imperialism, consequences for post-imperial India, T.V.Sathymurthy
  • The informing presence - Christian imperialists of the Raj - left, right and centre, Gerald Studdert-Kennedy
  • White supremacy and the rhetoric of educational indoctrination - a Canadian case-study, Timothy J.Stanley
  • "A part of Pakeha society" - Europeanising the Maori child, J.M.Barrington and T.H.Beaglehole
  • Processes of colonial control - the Bermuda school question, 1926-1954, Robert Nicholas Berard
  • examinations and empire - the Cambridge certificate in the colonies, 1857-1957, A.J.Stockwell.

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関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • Studies in imperialism

    general editor, John M. MacKenzie

    Manchester University Press , Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press

