An index to English periodical literature on the Old Testament and ancient Near Eastern studies


An index to English periodical literature on the Old Testament and ancient Near Eastern studies

compiled and edited by William G. Hupper

(ATLA bibliography series, no. 21)

American Theological Library Association , Scarecrow Press, 1987-

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5
  • v. 6
  • v. 7
  • v. 8
  • : v. 9 (2 pts.)
  • v. 9, pt. 1
  • v. 9, pt. 2


v. 9, pt. 1. Author index and subject index -- v. 9, pt. 2. Subject index J-Z, foreign word index, and citation index


v. 1 ISBN 9780810819849


...Will be welcomed by Old Testament and ancient history scholars because it includes articles that previously have been findable only by meticulous scanning of journals...Recommended for all schools offering graduate work in religion or ancient history. - CHOICE

v. 2 ISBN 9780810821262


This volume is the continuation of Hupper's herculean undertaking to index two centuries of periodical literature from 1769 to 1969. Volume II contains over 7,000 references from more than 600 journals to articles on : Ancient Near Eastern History; Ancient Near Eastern Personalities; Nations and Peoples; Chronology of the Ancient Near East, including Biblical (Hebrew), Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Ptolemaic Chronology; Scientific Thought in the Ancient Near East; Astronomy/Astrology; Ecological and Meteorological Studies; Demography; Place Names; Geological Studies; Geographical Studies; Levitical Cities of Refuge; and an alphabetical listing of articles on cities and places within Israel/Palestine. Nearly 300 entries are given for Jerusalem alone. When completed the entire series is estimated to include over 100,000 entries.

v. 3 ISBN 9780810823198


Vol. III contains 164 sections with references to articles on cities and places outside Israel/Palestine (over 3,000 citations); science and the Bible (including studies on creation and evolution); anthropology; natural history, with alphabetical listings of animals and plants; drug use; leprosy; ancient surgery; archaeological expeditions; modern travel in the Near East; marine archaeology; preservation of archaeological antiquities; architecture; artifacts, including pottery finds and pottery chronology; art; sculpture; and general studies on Assyriology and Egyptology. This volume alone includes a total of over 10,000 references.

v. 4 ISBN 9780810823938


Enumerating articles from two centuries of periodical publications, this volume is devoted entirely to articles dealing with textual and literary criticism of the Old Testament. Included are sections on papyri and ostraca; pre-masoretic and masoretic texts; ancient versions, including the LXX, Vulgate, Coptic, and Syriac; early and modern English translations; foreign language translations (i.e.., other than English); hermeneutics; and translation principles and problems. The section on literary criticism comprises the greater part of the volume, covering authorship, authenticity, unity, the canon, historical reliability, the documentary hypothesis, and O.T. backgrounds. Over 600 entries are listed under the general heading of literary criticism. The remainder of the volume includes a listing of articles on the various books of the Old Testament arranged according to the Hebrew Bible, with subdivisions on major topics throughout.

v. 5 ISBN 9780810826182


In his formidable task of indexing over 600 journals, the editor has compiled articles for this volume covering three major subjects; 'Religiongeschichte'; philological and epigraphical studies; the Bible as literature. These are broken down respectively into over 150 subdivisions including monotheism, syncretism, the levitical priesthood, feasts, the sects of Judaism; the genre of wisdom literature; messianic expectation; mythology and folklore, ancient religions (including Babylonian, Egyptian, Hittite, Greek, and Roman); the alphabet; onomatology; grammatical studies on Egyptian, Semitic (including Canaanite, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Phoenician), Ugaritic, Akkadian, Hittite, Greek, Latin, and Persian. Two extensive sections of Hebrew and Greek lexicography are also included. The last section consists of articles dealing with Hebrew poetry, form criticism, and style.

v. 6 ISBN 9780810828223


This volume deals with the exegesis of the Hebrew Bible. Articles are arranged according to Book, chapter, and verse in ninety-six sections with intervening references to manuscripts of the respective books. Additionally, there are 148 sections on the textual criticism, literary criticism, and exegetical studies of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, Hillel, Josephus, and rabbinic studies. Over ninety pages of references to the book of psalms alone.

v. 7 ISBN 9780810834934


An Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near East Studies, Vol. VII continues the massive project begun by Hupper decades ago to index journals of archaeology, history, language, science, and theology in English language articles from 1769 to the present. The series has proven itself essential to scholars of the old Testament and Ancient Near East Studies Programs. Articles are arranged chronologically under specific topics. Volume VII contains over 100 sections ranging in interest from general studies of Egyptian material to The Rosetta Stone, Sumerian religious texts, Assyrian mythology, Gilgamesh epics, Babylonian daily life, the Code of Hammurabi, and Greek papyri.

v. 8 ISBN 9780810836457


After nearly three decades of research and editing over 600 journals spanning 200 years (from 1769 to 1969), Volume VIII incorporates two major sections: (1) Theological Studies and (2) Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Articles under Theological Studies are classified by subject and include references to articles on the Nature of God, Cosmology, Cosmography, The Doctrine of Man, Sin, Suffering, Heilgeschichte, Ethics, The Future of Life, The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, Symbolism and Typology, and Apologetics, as well as studies on the theology of specific books of the Hebrew Bible. It encompasses a total of 100 divisions and subdivisions. The section on Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls is broken down into to major divisions: The Qumran Community, its practices and doctrines, and Literary Criticism of the "Dead Sea Scrolls," which is further subdivided by each particular scroll. Volume VIII also references articles on: The Influence of the Old Testament on Contemporary Culture, including Art, Literature, and Music. Studies on anti-Semitism, ancient and modern, Zionism, Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Use of the Old Testament in Preaching, and Methods of Studying and Teaching the Old Testament. The entire series of eight volumes covers 1157 sections on all facets of the Ancient Near East and the Old Testament.

: v. 9 (2 pts.) ISBN 9780810878051


After more than four decades of research covering over 600 journals spanning 200 years, this is the final installment of William Hupper's An Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Volume IX contains an author and subject index to the previous eight volumes and also includes indexes on Greek and Hebrew words, other foreign words, Biblical Citations, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, a Cuneiform Sign List, Museum Registration numbers, and new journal citations not included in the other volumes. This unique bibliography covers many obscure and older journals that have not been previously indexed and gives the reader fast and easy access to the material listed, making it ideal for theology students and professors.

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