Phase transformations in materials
Phase transformations in materials
(Materials science and technology : a comprehensive treatment / edited by R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E.J. Kramer, vol. 5)
VCH, c1991
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- : us
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全69件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
This volume covers phase transformations, a general phenomenon central to understanding the behavior of materials and to creating high-performance materials. From the Contents: Pelton: Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams of Materials. Murch: Diffusion in Crystalline Solids. Binder: Statistical Theories of Phase Transitions/Spinodal Decomposition. Wagner/Kampmann: Homogeneous Second Phase Precipitation. Purdy: Transformations Involving Interfacial Diffusion. Delaey: Diffusionless Transformations. Ruoff: High Pressure Phase Transformations. Pitsch/Inden: Atomic Ordering. Muller- Krumbhaar/Kurz: Solidification.
- Thermodynamics and phase diagrams of materials, A.D.Pelton
- diffusion in crystalline solids, G.E.Murch
- statistical theories of phase transitions, K.Binder
- homogeneous second phase precipitation, R.Wagner
- transformations involving interfacial diffusion, G.R.Purdy
- diffusionless transformations, L.Delaey
- spinodal decomposition, K.Binder
- high pressure phase transformations, A.I.Ruoff
- atomic ordering, W.Pitsch
- solidification, H.Muller-Krumbhaar.
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