Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science : 16th International Workshop WG '90, Berlin, Germany, June 20-22, 1990 : proceedings


Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science : 16th International Workshop WG '90, Berlin, Germany, June 20-22, 1990 : proceedings

R.H. Möhring, ed

(Lecture notes in computer science, 484)

Springer-Verlag, c1991

  • : gw
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 57



"The 16th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG'90)"--Pref

Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume gives the proceedings of WG '90, the 16th in a series of workshops. The aim of the workshop series is to contribute to integration in computer science by applying graph-theoretic concepts. The workshops are unusual in that they combine theoretical aspects with practice and applications. The volume is organized into sections on: - Graph algorithms and complexity, - VLSI layout, - Multiprocessor systems and concurrency, - Computational geometry, - Graphs, languages and databases, - Graph grammars. The volume contains revised versions of nearly all the papers presented at the workshop. Several papers take the form of preliminary reports on ongoing research.


Optimal parallel algorithms for sparse graphs.- Finding minimally weighted subgraphs.- On the complexity of some coloring games.- A generalized best-first search method in graphs.- Avoiding matrix multiplication.- Induced subraph isomorphism for cographs is NP-complete.- On feedback problems in planar digraphs.- Recognizing binary hamming graphs in O(n 2 log n) time.- Vertex-disjoint trees and boundary single-layer routing.- Bounds on the quality of approximate solutions to the group Steiner problem.- Two polynomial problems in PLA folding.- The VLSI layout problem in various embedding models.- Approximating the minimum net expansion: Near optimal solutions to circuit partitioning problems.- Deterministic message routing in faulty hypercubes.- On complexity of a message-routing strategy for multicomputer systems.- Embeddings of treelike graphs into 2-dimensional meshes.- Diagnosis of t/s-diagnosable systems.- Deciding 1-solvability of distributed task is NP-hard.- Remarks on some concurrency measures.- On the rectilinear art gallery problem algorithmic aspects.- Separation problems and circular arc systems.- Genus of orders and lattices.- Comparing the expressibility of two languages formed using NP-complete graph operators.- Decomposition of linear recursive logic programs.- On the transition graphs of automata and grammars.- Algebraic approach to graph transformation based on single pushout derivations.

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