
Control theory, numerical methods, and computer systems modelling : international symposium, Rocquencourt, June 17-21, 1974

edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions

(Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, 107 . Control theory)

Springer-Verlag, 1975

  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 57



"Sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management."

Organized by Iria Laboria

English or French

Includes bibliographies

Includes index



IRIA-LABORIA + has organized, this year, an International Conference on Control Theory, Numerical Methods and Computer Systems Modelling. This meeting which was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Proce s sing (IFIP) and by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, took place in June (17-21) with the participation of more than 200 specialists among which 55 participants were repre senting 12 different countrie s. This volume of the Springer-Verlag Series "Lecture Notes" contains the lectures presented during the meeting and demonstrates the high interest of the research which is actually carried out in these fields. We specially wish to thank Monsieur DANZIN, Director of IRIA, for the interest he has shown for this Symposium, Professor BALAKRISHNAN who has arranged for IFIP to sponsor our meeting and Professor GRAVES, Director of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management for his support. The IRIA Public Relations has been of a great assistance to the Organization Committee and we wish to thank Mademoiselle BRICHETEAU and her staff for their contribution. At last we expre s s our gratitude to the Se s sions Chairmen and all the speakers for the very interesting discussions they have directed. A. BENSOUSSAN and J.L. LIONS +Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique Laboratoire de Recherche de l'IRIA PREFACE L'IRIA-LABORIA + a organise cette annee une Conference Internationale sur la Theorie du Contrale, les Methodes Nurneriques et la Modelisation des Systernes Informatiques.


Table des Matieres / Table of Contents.- Theorie Du Filtrage / Filtering Theory.- Filtering for linear stochastic hereditary differential systems.- A Kalman-Bucy filtering theory for affine hereditary differential equations.- Linear least-squares estimation of discrete-time stationary processes by means of backward innovations.- Filtrage numerique recursif non-lineaire: resolution du probleme mathematique et applications.- Theorie des Jeux / Game Theory.- A tale of four information structures.- Stochastic differential games and alternate play.- Estimation du saut de dualite en optimisation non convexe.- Contrainte d'etats dans les jeux differentiels.- Some general properties of non-cooperative games.- Rationalite et formation des coalitions dans un jeu regulier a n joueurs.- Controle des Systemes Distribues Stochastiques et des Champs Aleatoires / Control of Stochastic Distributed Parameter Systems and Random Fields.- Identification and stochastic control of a class of distributed systems with Boundary Noise.- Distributed parameter stochastic systems in population biology.- On optimization of random functionals.- Recursive filtering and detection for two-dimensional random fields.- Stochastic state space representation of images.- Controle par feedback d'un systeme stochastique distribue.- Controle Stochastique / Stochastic Control.- A homotopy method for proving convexity in certain optimal stochastic control problems.- On a class of stochastic bang-bang control problems.- Some stochastic systems on manifolds.- Problemes de controle stochastique a trajectoires discontinues.- Theorie du potentiel et controle des diffusions markoviennes.- Controle stationnaire asymptotique.- Problemes en Temps Discret et Methodes Numeriques / Discrete Time Problems and Numerical Methods.- On the equivalence of multistage recourse models in stochastic optimization.- The instrinsic model for discrete stochastic control: some open problems.- Finite difference methods for the weak solutions of the Kolmogorov equations for the density of diffusions and conditional diffusions.- On the relation between stochastic and deterministic optimization.- Solution numerique de l'equation differentielle de RICCATI rencontree en theorie de la commande optimale des systemes hereditaires lineaires.- Reduction of the operator RICCATI equation.- Algorithme d'identification recursive utilisant le concept de positivite.- Controle des Systemes a Parametres Distribues / Control of Distributed Parameter Systems.- Problemes de controle des coefficients dans des equations aux derivees partielles.- Etude de la methode de "boucle ouverte adaptee" pour le controle des systemes distribues.- Estimation des permeabilites relatives et de la pression capillaire dans un ecoulement diphasique.- Une methode d'optimisation de forme de domaine. Application a l'ecoulement stationnaire a travers une digue poreuse.- Controle de Processus de Saut et Applications Aux Modeles de Systemes Informatiques / Control of Jump Processes and Computer Model Applications.- Filtering for systems excited by POISSON white noise.- A minimum principle for controlled jump processes.- Filtering and control of jump processes.- The martingale theory of point processes over the real half line admitting an intensity.- Response time of a fixed-head disk to variable-length transfers.- Problemes de Frontiere Libre et Theorie du Controle / Free Boundary Value Problems and Control Theory.- Stopping time problems and the shape of the domain of continuation.- Problemes de temps d'arret optimaux et de perturbations singulieres dans les inequations variationnelles.- Methodes de resolution numerique des inequations quasi-variationnelles.- Optimisation de structure: application a la mecanique des fluides.- Remarques sur les inequations quasi-variationnelles.- Perturbations singulieres dans un probleme de controle optimal intervenant en biomathematique.- Applications de La Theorie du Controle en Economie, en Controle de Processus Industriel et en Reconnaissance de Formes / Applications of Control Theory in Economics, Process Control and Pattern Recognition.- Theory and applications of self-tuning regulators.- Supply and demand relationships in fisheries management.- Commande stochastique d'un systeme de stockage.- Etudes d'automatique sur une unite pilote d'absorption et son melangeur.- Application du controle stochastique a la gestion des centrales thermiques et hydrauliques.- Automatic Sequential Clustering.

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