A Unified approach to interior point algorithms for linear complementarity problems


A Unified approach to interior point algorithms for linear complementarity problems

M. Kojima ... [et al.]

(Lecture notes in computer science, 538)

Springer-Verlag, c1991

  • : gw
  • : us


Interior point algorithms for linear complimentarity problems

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 61



Includes bibliographical references



Following Karmarkar's 1984 linear programming algorithm, numerous interior-point algorithms have been proposed for various mathematical programming problems such as linear programming, convex quadratic programming and convex programming in general. This monograph presents a study of interior-point algorithms for the linear complementarity problem (LCP) which is known as a mathematical model for primal-dual pairs of linear programs and convex quadratic programs. A large family of potential reduction algorithms is presented in a unified way for the class of LCPs where the underlying matrix has nonnegative principal minors (P0-matrix). This class includes various important subclasses such as positive semi-definite matrices, P-matrices, P*-matrices introduced in this monograph, and column sufficient matrices. The family contains not only the usual potential reduction algorithms but also path following algorithms and a damped Newton method for the LCP. The main topics are global convergence, global linear convergence, and the polynomial-time convergence of potential reduction algorithms included in the family.


Summary.- The class of linear complementarity problems with P 0-matrices.- Basic analysis of the UIP method.- Initial points and stopping criteria.- A class of potential reduction algorithms.- Proofs of convergence theorems.

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