Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Mössbauer Effect Methodology, New York City, January 28, 1973
Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Mössbauer Effect Methodology, New York City, January 28, 1973
(Mössbauer effect methodology, v. 8)
Plenum Press, c1973
- タイトル別名
Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Mössbauer effect methodology, New York City, Jan. 28, 1973
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全14件
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"A publication of the New England Nuclear Corporation"
Includes bibliographies and index
This is the eighth volume of a continuing series intended to provide a forum for publication of develop- ments in Mossbauer effect methodology and in spectroscopy and its applications. Mossbauer Effect Methodology, Volume 8, records the proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Mossbauer Effect Methodology. The symposium was sponsored by the New England Nuclear Corporation, with emphasis on application and some attention to spectroscopy and methodology. The Symposium was held in the Mercury Ballroom of the New York Hilton on January 28, 1973. Dr. J. J. Zuckerman presided over the afternoon and evening sessions. Almost two hundred participants attended, despite the pressures of travel budget limitations, indicating a continuing high level of interest in the field. Contri- buting Sponsors were Austin Science Associates, Elron, Nuclear Science Instruments and Ranger Electronics. The MOssbauer equipment demonstrated by these organizations continued to evolve and improve year by year, and was well received by symposium participants. A one-year break in the symposium series resulted in submission of a very large number of papers.
A Selection Committee was formed and selected 16 papers for inclusion in the symposium. Regrettably, many worthwhile papers could not be included. Applications were stressed.
Spectroscopy.- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Frozen Europium Ammonia Solutions.- Some Unusual Oxidation States of Antimony. A Mossbauer Investigation.- Emission of Mossbauer Gamma Rays from Crystals.- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Amorphous Semiconductors and Glasses Containing Antimony, Tin, and Iron: A Review.- Applications.- Direct Observation of Magnetic Order in "Ferromagnetic Superconductors" By Means of the 57Iron Mossbauer Effect.- Mixed Oxidation States and Averaged Electronic Environments in Iron Compounds.- Intermolecular Dynamics of Organotin Compounds from Mussbauer and Raman Spectroscopy.- Resolution of Crystallographic Disorder By Coupled Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction and Mossbauer Spectroscopy: Study of the (? - (1)-2-Thiollyl) Iron (II) System.- Mossbauer Effect Studies of Iron Storage and Transport Proteins.- Mossbauer Studies of Implanted Ions in Semiconductors.- The Use of Liquid Crystals in Mossbauer Studies and the Use of the Mossbauer Effect in Liquid Crystal Studies.- Surface Stress Measurement with the Mossbauer Effect.- Methodology.- Mossbauer Isomer Shifts of the 6.2 KeV Gamma Rays of 181Tantalum.- Narrowing of the 14 KeV Emission Line of 57Iron by Resonant Filtering.- Self-Consistent Determination of 57Iron Source Mossbauer Fraction.- Why Misfit When You Already Have X2.
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