Selected papers of Wilhelm P.A. Klingenberg
Bibliographic Information
Selected papers of Wilhelm P.A. Klingenberg
(Series in pure mathematics, v. 14)
World Scientific, c1991
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Description and Table of Contents
This set of selected papers of Klingenberg covers some of the important mathematical aspects of Riemannian Geometry, Closed Geodesics, Geometric Algebra, Classical Differential Geometry and Foundations of Geometry of Klingenberg. Of significance were his contributions to Riemannian Geometry in the Large which opened a new area in Global Riemannian Geometry. He also introduced the Hilbert manifold of closed curves of class H1 on a Riemannian manifold. In connection with his work in closed geodesics, he became interested in the properties of the geodesic flow. Classical results from dynamical systems became useful tools for the study of closed geodesics. He was also credited for drawing closer together Riemannian Geometry and Hamiltonian systems, which had developed separately since the time of H Poincaré.Besides publishing research papers, Klingenberg also wrote a dozen books and lecture notes, among which is the important reference work “Riemannsche Geometrie im Groβen”.
Table of Contents
- Part 1 Classical differential geometry: closed curves on S-squared with bounded winding number. Part 2 Foundations of geometry: beziehungen zwischen einigen affinen schliessungssatzen
- projektive geometrien mit homomorphismus. Part 3 Geometric algebra: uber die arfsche invariante quadratischer formen mod 2
- projektive geometrie und lineare algebra uber verallgemeinerten bewertungsringen
- symplectic groups over local rings. Part 4 Riemmannian geometry: contributions to Riemannian geometry in the large
- on compact Kaehlerian manifolds with positive holomorphic curvature. Part 5 Geodesics: the space of closed curves on a projective space
- der indexsatz fur geschlossene geodatische
- uber die existenz unendlich vieler geschlossener geodatischer
- homology generated by iterated closed geodesics.
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