Software configuration management


Software configuration management

H. Ronald Berlack

(Wiley series in software engineering practice)

Wiley, c1992


Includes bibliographical references (p. [256]-259) and index



Designed for software product developers, provides comprehensive coverage of the theory, practice, and techniques of good software configuration management and a structured approach to implementing these practices on large software development projects. As such, it serves as a step by step guide for project managers who need to plan, implement, and control the process associated with data control. Features include a chapter on software configuration management and automation, including software tools; the teaching of procedures for identifying the code, documents, and data to be controlled as the product definition; and a systematic approach to maximizing reuse of software and implementing change control. A glossary plus an appendix on procedures, forms, and forms control complete this work.


The Need and Importance of Configuration Management in Software Development. A Short History of Configuration Management. Configuration Management Relationships. Configuration Management Defined. Configuration Management in the Software Engineering Environment. The Planning and Organizing of Configuration Management. The Configuration Management Activities: Identification. Performing the Change Control Activity. Performing the Status Accounting Activity. Performing Configuration Audits. Performing Interface Control. Performing Sub-Contractor Control. Establishing and Maintaining the Software Library. Software Tools. Configuration Management with Ada. Performing the Software Support Process. Training Guidelines. Notes. Appendices. Index.

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