Fractal growth phenomena
Bibliographic Information
Fractal growth phenomena
World Scientific, c1992
2nd ed
- : pbk
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Also available is the software designed to complement this text: Fractal growth : demonstrations fractal aggregation models : for IBM and compatible computers & User's manual (23 p.). c1991
Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
The investigation of phenomena involving fractals has gone through a spectacular development in the last decade. Many physical, technological and biological processes have been shown to be related to and described by objects with non-integer dimensions. The physics of far-from-equilibrium growth phenomena represents one of the most important fields in which fractal geometry is widely applied. During the last couple of years considerable experimental, numerical and theoretical information has accumulated concerning such processes.This book, written by a well-known expert in the field, summarizes the basic concepts born in the studies of fractal growth and also presents some of the most important new results for more specialized readers. It also contains 15 beautiful color plates demonstrating the richness of the geometry of fractal patterns. Accordingly, it may serve as a textbook on the geometrical aspects of fractal growth and it treats this area in sufficient depth to make it useful as a reference book. No specific mathematical knowledge is required for reading this book which is intended to give a balanced account of the field.
Table of Contents
- Foreword, B. Mandelbrot
- introduction
- fractal geometry
- fractal measures
- methods for determining fractal dimensions
- local growth models
- diffusion-limited growth
- growing self-affine surfaces
- cluster-cluster aggregation (CCA)
- computer simulations
- experiments on Laplacian growth
- new developments.
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