The intellectual life of Western Europe in the Middle Ages


The intellectual life of Western Europe in the Middle Ages

by Richard C. Dales

(Brill paperbacks)

E.J. Brill, 1992

2nd rev. ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographical references and index



This work presents a connected account of western European thought from the Patristic age to the mid-fourteenth century. Dales aims to keep his reader close to the sense of the texts, which he translates, frequently at some length, or summarizes in his exposition. He attempts to include important matters which are generally omitted in broad treatments - the chapter on the tenth century is the longest in the book - but the author's choice of topics is fully justified by his special intimacy with what he elects to discuss, particularly the hexameral tradition (ancient and medieval), the scientific tradition, twelfth-century treatises on nature and cosmology, discussions of the eternity of the world, and the thought of Robert Grosseteste. This adds a personal and distinctive character to the word. Dales stresses throughout the diversity and vigor of medieval thought, qualities which he illustrates widely from Latin and vernacular poetry and literature of various kinds as well as from philosophical and theological texts.

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