
Membrane transport in plants

edited by Ulrich Zimmermann and Jack Dainty

Springer-Verlag, 1974

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"In February, 1974, an 'International Workshop on Membrane Transport in Plants' was held at the Nuclear Research Centre, Jülich, West Germany."--Pref

Includes bibliographies and index



In February, 1974, an 'International Workshop on Membrane Transport in Plants' was held at the Nuclear Research Centre, JLiI ich, West Germany. More than two hundred and fifty people, from fourteen countries, took part in this highly successful meeting. A somewhat similar meeting took place in Liverpool, England, two years ago and it became clear there that progress in the field of membrane transport in plants was now so marked that a second, and wider, meeting in Germany was more than fully justified. The members of our pro- gramme committee (U. Zimmermann, Chairman, JLilich (FRG); J. Dainty, Toronto (Canada); F. FLihr, JLilich (FRG); N. Higinbotham, Pullman, Wa. (USA); A. B. Hope, Adelaide (Australia); A. Lev, Leningrad (USSR); U. LLittge, Darmstadt (FRG); HW. NLirnberg, JLilich (FRG); E. A. C. MacRobb-ie, Cambridge (UK); H. Stieve, JLilich (FRG); M. Thellier, Rouen (France); K. Wagener, JLilich (FRG)) decided on a broad spectrum of topics including thermodynamics of transport processes, water relations, primary reactions of photosynthesis, as well as the more conventional aspects of membrane transport. They were thus, for instance, particularly concerned to bring advanced thermodynamical concepts to the attention of biologists and to show physical chemists what the more complex biological systems were like. We have taken considerable editorial liberty with the manuscripts submitted for this book, for we were very conscious of the necessity to make all papers understandable by as wide a circle of readers as possible.


Session 1 Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry of Membrane Transport.- Permeation through Ion-Exchange Membranes.- Transport Processes across Membranes with Narrow Pores.- Coupling of Mass Transfer and Chemical Reaction across an Asymmetric Sandwich Membrane.- Multiple Steady States in a Reaction-Diffusion Coupled System.- On the Problem of Nonstationary Ion Fluxes.- The Influence of Double Layer Effects on Chemical Reactions at Charged Interfaces.- Round Table Discussion 1.- Session 2 Water Transport and Osmotic Processes.- A Study of Transcellular Osmosis and the Kinetics of Swelling and Shrinking in Cells of Chara corallina.- Hydraulic Conductivity and Volumetric Elastic Modulus in Giant Algal Cells: Pressure-and Volume-Dependence.- Turgor Pressure Regulation in Algal Cells: Pressure-Dependence of Electrical Parameters of the Membrane in Large Pressure Ranges.- Turgor Pressure Regulation: Modulation of Active Potassium Transport by Hydrostatic Pressure Gradients.- The Location and Measurement of the Resistances to Bulk Water Movement in the Shoots of Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis).- Osmoregulation in Ochromonas.- Osmoregulation Mechanism in the Halophilic Alga Dunaliella parva.- The Role of Malic Acid Fluxes in Regulation of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM): Osmoregulation of Efflux at the Tonoplast.- Round Table Discussion 2.- Session 3 Electrical Properties of Membranes.- Proton Pumping and Generalized Energetics of Transport: A Review.- Light-Dependent Changes of Membrane Potential and Conductance in Riccia fluitans.- Changes in Transport Determining Electrical Parameters of Cell and Chloroplast Membranes Associated with Primary and Associated Photosynthetic Reactions.- Current-Voltage Relationship of the Electrogenic Pump in Acetabularia mediterranea.- Preliminary Results of an Approach to the Quantitative Description of the Action of Light on the Membrane Potential of Nitella.- Dielectric Breakdown of Cell Membranes.- The Effect of pH on the Low Frequency Capacitance of the Membranes of Chara corallina.- Round Table Discussion 3.- Session 4 Solute Transport in Algae and Cellsuspension Cultures.- Time Course of Chloride Fluxes in Hydrodictyon africanum during Alternating Light and Darkness.- Chloride Transport to the Charophyte Vacuole.- NH3 Efflux as a Means for Measuring H+ Extrusion in Nitella.- Light-Dependent Ion Fluxes in Mougeotia: Control by Photosynthesis, not by Phytochrome.- Carbonic Anhydrase and the Driving Force of Light-Dependent Uptake of Cl- and HCO3- by Scenedesmus.- Photoinduced Changes in Electrical Potentials and H+ Activities of the Chloroplast, Cytoplasm, and Vacuole of Phaeoceros laevis.- Active Hexose Transport in Chlorella vulgaris.- Proton Movement Associated with Hexose Transport in Chlorella vulgaris.- Carrier Turnover and Phosphate Uptake in Chlorella pyrenoidosa.- Phosphate Uptake and Photophosphorylation in the Blue-Green Alga Anacystis nidulans.- Transcellular Currents and Ion Fluxes through Developing Fucoid Eggs.- A Shock Effect on the Permeability to Sulphate of Acer pseudoplatanus Cell-Suspension Cultures.- Importance of the Cell Wall in the Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Ions in Free Cells of Acer pseudoplatanus, L..- Round Table Discussion 4.- Session 5 Transport in Isolated Chloroplasts.- Proton Transport and its Relation to Energy Conservation in Isolated Chloroplasts.- Proton Transport and the High-Energy State in Isolated Chloroplasts.- Structural Aspects of the Electrochemical Generator in Photosynthesis of Green Plants.- Variable Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reflects Cation Transfer across Thylakoid Membranes.- Ionic Regulation in Chloroplasts as Monitored by Prompt and Delayed Chlorophyll Fluorescence.- Chloroplast Reflection Coefficients: Influence of Partition Coefficients, Carriers, and Membrane Phase Transitions.- Round Table Discussion 5.- Session 6 ATPases and Transport.- Cation Sensitivity of the Plasma Membrane ATPase of Oat Roots.- Ion Fluxes and Ion-Stimulated ATPase Activities.- On the Reversible ATPase of Plant Mitochondria.- Effects of Divalent Cations and Oligomycin on Membrane ATPases from Roots of Wheat and Oat in Relation to Salt Status and Cultivation.- Session 7 Kinetics of Transport.- Uptake of Sulphate by Barley Roots: Separate Sites for Uptake and Phase Transitions.- Influx Isotherms - their Interpretation and Use.- Multiphasic Amino Acid Transport in Leaf Cells.- The Cellular Electropotential Isotherm as Related to the Kinetic K+ Absorption Isotherm in Low-salt Barley Roots.- Round Table Discussion 6 and 7.- Session 8 Transport in Organs of Higher Plants.- Co-Operation of Organs in Intact Higher Plants: A Review.- Ultrastructure and Ion Localization in Xylem Parenchyma Cells of Roots.- What Do We Know about the Function of Plasmodesmata in Transcellular Transport?.- H+ Fluxes, Cytoplasmic pH and the Control of Salt Accumulation in Plants.- Measurement of Intracellular pH in Roots Using a H+ Sensitive Microelectrode.- Effect of Abscisic Acid on Fluxes of Ions in Barley Roots.- The Effect of Inhibitors on the K+-Dependent Na+ Efflux and the K+-Na+ Selectivity of Barley Roots.- Potassium Uptake with Respect to Cation-Anion Balance in Pea Epicotyl Segments.- Heavy Metals and Sulphhydryl Reagents as Probes of Ion Uptake in Pea Stem.- Effect of Gas Partial Pressure on the Electrogenic Mechanism of Plant Cell Membranes.- Round Table Discussion 8.- Session 9 Regulating Factors in Membrane Transport.- The Photomorphogenic Pigment Phytochrome: A Membrane Effector?.- Evidence for Binding of Phytochrome to Membranes.- Hormonal Control of Ion and Water Transport in the Excised Maize Root.- Modification of Phosphate Transport in Vicia faba by Boron Deficiency, Growth Regulators, and Metabolic Inhibitors.- Hormonal Regulation of Ion Transport in Parenchyma Tissue.- Auxin Transport and in vitro Auxin Binding.- Round Table Discussion 9.

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