Analytic and probabilistic methods in number theory : proceedings of the International Conference in honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24-28 September 1991
Bibliographic Information
Analytic and probabilistic methods in number theory : proceedings of the International Conference in honour of J. Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24-28 September 1991
(New trends in probability and statistics, v. 2)
VSP , TEV, 1992
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"The conference 'Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory'" -- Pref
Description and Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
- Part 1 Diophantine approximations and transcendental number theory: polynomials of minimal Diophantic relative deviations from zero on the interval, E. Aparicio Bernardo
- a theorem of Gelfond via Schneider's method, P. Bundschuh
- an estimation of the difference between two zeros of a polynomial, A. Dubickas
- on the arithmetic properties of the values of E-functions, A.B. Shidlovskii
- approximation of irrationals by m/n, satisfying f(m/n)=a, V. Stakenas. Part 2 Forms and congruences: discriminants of decomposable forms, J.H. Evertse and K. Gyory
- on some entire modular forms of half integral weight on the group Gamma0(4N), G. Lomadze
- on solutions of linear congruences, V.I. Nechaev. Part 3 Metric number theory: the method of trigonometric sums and lower estimates of Hausdorff dimension, V.I. Bernki and N.A. Pereverseva
- the optimal zone for large-deviations of the denominators of continued fractions, G. Misevicius
- ergodic properties of multi-dimensional subtractive algorithms, F. Schweiger. Part 3 Multiplicative number theory: Selberg's inequality in arithmetic progressions, C. Calderon
- smoothing and inversion inequalities, A.S. Fainleib
- the mean values of multiplicative functions defined on a semigroup, A. Maciulis
- semigroup elements free of large prime factors, E. Manstavicius
- on multiplicative functions with regularity properties, K. Nagasaka et al
- on an analytic problem considered by Sierpinski and Ramanujan, A. Schinzel
- distribution of prime vectors in integral lattices, M.I. Tulyaganova
- multiplicative functions of special type in short intervals, P. Varbanec. Part 5 Distribution of additive functions: smoothness of the distributions of arithmetic functions, G.J. Babu
- on the Erdos-Wintner theorem in Banach spaces, J. de la Cal
- additive arithmetic functions and processes with independent increments, B. Grigelionis
- on the modulus of continuity of the distribution of some arithmetical functions, K.H. Indlekofer and I. Katai
- topics on arithmetic functions with rational arguments, Z. Kryzius
- measure theory and arithmetical functions, J.L. Mauclaire
- generalizations of Kubilius' class of additive functions, I.Z. Ruzsa
- the multi-dimensional local theorem for additive arithmetic functions, G. Stepanauskas
- the von Mises theorem in number theory, J. Siaulys
- the law of large numbers in the case of shifted primes, N.M. Timofeev. Part 6 Zeta-functions and algebraic number theory: on some formulae in analytic number theory, T. Fryska
- the Atkinson formula near the critical line, A. Laurincikas
- large value estimates for Hecke polynomials, M. Maknys. Part 7 Computational number theory and applications: on normal bases of algebraic number fields, S.A. Stepanov and I.E. Shparlinski
- number theory and number crunching, P. Zinterhof.
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