Programming language implementation and logic programming : 5th International Symposium, PLILP '93, Tallinn, Estonia, August 25-27, 1993 : proceedings
Programming language implementation and logic programming : 5th International Symposium, PLILP '93, Tallinn, Estonia, August 25-27, 1993 : proceedings
(Lecture notes in computer science, 714)
Springer-Verlag, c1993
- : us
- : gw
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全44件
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Includes bibliographical references
This volume contains the proceedings of the Fifth
International Symposium onProgramming Language
Implementation and Logic Programming (PLILP '93), held in
Tallinn, Estonia, in August 1993. The series of PLILP
symposiums was established to promote contacts and
information exchange among scientists who share common
interests in declarative programming techniques, logic
programming, and programming languages imnplementation.
Researchers from the fields of algorithmic programming
languages as well as logic, functional, object-oriented, and
constraint programming constitute the audience of PLILP.
The volume contains three invited talks and 24 selected
contributed papers grouped intoparts on: integration of
different paradigms, constraint programming, staticanalysis
and abstract interpretation, grammars, narrowing,
parallelism, and implementation techniques. The volume
closes with six abstracts of systems demonstrations and
Executable specifications for language implementation.- Avoiding dynamic delays in functional logic programs.- A debugging model for functional logic programs.- A conservative approach to meta-programming in constraint logic programming.- The versatility of handling disjunctions as constraints.- Efficient bottom-up abstract interpretation of prolog by means of constraint solving over symbolic finite domains (extended abstract).- Improvements in compile-time analysis for Ground Prolog.- A new top-down parsing algorithm for left-recursive DCGs.- Specification and implementation of grammar couplings using attribute grammars.- Programming language specification and prototyping using the MAX system.- Flang and its implementation.- Efficient lazy narrowing using demandedness analysis.- A demand driven computation strategy for lazy narrowing.- Functional programming languages with logical variables: A linear logic view.- Objects with state in contextual logic programming.- A novel method for parallel implementation of findall.- A parallel implementation for AKL.- Inlining to reduce stack space.- A WAM-based implementation of a logic language with sets.- An OR parallel Prolog model for distributed memory systems.- Executing bounded quantifications on shared memory multiprocessors.- A lattice of abstract graphs.- Higher-order chaotic iteration sequences.- Proving the correctness of compiler optimisations based on strictness analysis.- Abstract complexity of prolog based on WAM.- Development of rewriting strategies.- Narrowing approximations as an optimization for equational logic programs.- Pagode: A back end generator.- SelfLog: Language and implementation.- Embedding declarative subprograms into imperative constructs.- Stack management of runtime structures in distributed implementations.- Efficient register allocation for large basic blocks.- Generation of synchronization code for parallel compilers.
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