
Numerical modelling of eddy currents

Andrzej Krawczyk and John A. Tegopoulos

(Monographs in electrical and electronic engineering, 32)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographical references (p.109-114)



Great progress has been made in developing and using numerical methods for solving electromagnetic field problems at low frequency recently. Many of these problems refer to eddy currents which appear in various electromagnetic devices. Originally such problems were tackled by analytical solutions which are limited to simple geometries and linear materials. In practice though all electromagnetic devices have complex boundaries, include non-linear materials, and may be treated exclusively by numerical methods. This book gives systematically the matehmatical simulation of existing methods and discusses the siscretization of relevant equations. The methods described are: finite difference, finite sums, finite element, boundary element, and some variants. Physical connotations of methods and problems are also given.


  • Introduction
  • 1. Methods of eddy current analysis
  • 2. Continuous model of eddy currents
  • 3. Methods of numerical analysis
  • 4. Treatment of special cases
  • 5. Treatment on non-linearities
  • 6. Eddy current due to motion
  • 7. Pre- and postprocessing

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