
The works of Thomas Nashe

edited from the original texts by Ronald B. McKerrow

Sidgwick & Jackson, 1910

  • v. 1: text
  • v. 2: text
  • v. 3: text
  • v. 4: notes
  • v. 5: introduction and index

  • 青山学院大学 万代記念図書館(相模原分館)

    v. 1: text009319509, v. 2: text009319510, v. 3: text009319511, v. 4: notes009319512, v. 5: introduction and index009319513

  • お茶の水女子大学 附属図書館

    v. 1: textC40/668/1400483600013, v. 2: textC40/668/2400483600021, v. 3: textC40/668/3400483600039, v. 4: notesC40/668/4400483600047, v. 5: introduction and indexC40/668/5400483600054

  • 京都大学 文学研究科 図書館英文

    v. 1: text2B||Na-1||1||(1)591972, v. 2: text2B||Na-1||1||(2)591972A, v. 3: text2B||Na-1||1||(3)591972B, v. 4: notes2B||Na-1||1||(4)591972C, v. 5: introduction and index2B||Na-1||1||(5)591972D

  • 相模女子大学 附属図書館

    v. 1: text938||NA||12615317, v. 2: text938||NA||22615318, v. 3: text938||NA||32615319, v. 4: notes938||NA||42615320, v. 5: introduction and index938||NA||52615321

  • 東京大学 総合図書館

    v. 1: textE200:4790003233723,0003220373, v. 2: textE200:4790003233731,0003220381, v. 3: textE200:4790003233749,0003220399, v. 4: notesE200:4790003233756,0003220407, v. 5: introduction and indexE200:4790003233764,0003220415

  • v. 1. The anatomie of absurditie. A countercuffe giuen to Martin Ivnior. The returne of the renowned Caualiero. The first parte of Pasqvils apologie. Pierce Penilesse his svpplication to the divell. Strange newes of the intercepting certaine letters. Strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters. The foure letters confuted. The terrors of the nights or, a discourse of apparitions
  • v. 2. Christs teares over Iervsalem. The vnfortvnate traveller. The tragedie of Dido
  • v. 3. Havewith yovto Saffron-Walden. Nashes lenten stvffe. Svmmers last will and Testament. Shorter pieces. doubtful works
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    5 v.
  • 大きさ
    23 cm
  • 分類