The least worst death : essays in bioethics on the end of life


The least worst death : essays in bioethics on the end of life

Margaret Pabst Battin

Oxford University Press, 1994

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 60



Includes index



: pbk ISBN 9780195082654


In this collection of essays by one of the foremost philosophers writing about issues of death and dying, the dilemmas raised by contemporary medicine concerning the way we die are explored. The volume focuses on the issues of withdrawing and withholding care, euthanasia, and suicide. Battin has written an extensive introduction which identifies the principle ethical issues and surveys the current political and social ferment over right-to-die issues. The essays range from treatments of the moral and philosophical issues to essays in practice and policy.


Introduction. The Politics of Dying: Current Ferment and Background Philosophical Issues I. Withdrawing and Withholding Care 1: The Least Worst Death 2: The Eclipse of Altruism: The Moral Price of Deciding for Others 3: Is There a Duty to Die?: Age-Rationing and the Just Distribution of Health Care 4: Dying in 559 Beds: Efficiency, "Best Buys," and the Ethics of Standardization in National Health Care II. Euthanasia 5: Euthansia: The Fundamental Issues 6: A Dozen Caveats Concerning the Discussion of Euthanasia in the Netherlands 7: Fiction as Forecast: Euthanasia in Alzheimer's Disease? 8: Voluntary Euthanasia and the Risk of Abuse III. Suicide 9: Suicide: The Basic Issues 10: Manipulated Suicide 11: Prohibition and Invitation: The Paradox of Religious Views about Suicide 12: Assisted Suicide: Can We Learn from Germany 13: Suicide: A Fundamental Human Right?

: hbk ISBN 9780195085921


A collection of the author's essays on death and dying, which specifically explores the dilemmas raised by contemporary medicine, such as the withdrawal of medical care, euthanasia and suicide. The author also surveys the current political and social ferment over the right-to-die movement.

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