A century of hero-worship : a study of the idea of heroism in Carlyle and Nietzsche, with notes on Wagner, Spengler, Stefan George, and D.H. Lawrence


A century of hero-worship : a study of the idea of heroism in Carlyle and Nietzsche, with notes on Wagner, Spengler, Stefan George, and D.H. Lawrence

by Eric Bentley

(Beacon paperback, BP 52)(Beacon contemporary affairs series)

Beacon Press, 1957

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references and index

"First edition published in the United States by the J.B. Lippincott Company, 1944. Published in Great Britain as The cult of the superman by Robert Hale, Ltd., 1947" -- T.p. verso

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