The Early life history of fish : the proceedings of an international symposium held at the Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory of the Scottish Marine Biological Association at Oban, Scotland, from May 17-23, 1973


The Early life history of fish : the proceedings of an international symposium held at the Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory of the Scottish Marine Biological Association at Oban, Scotland, from May 17-23, 1973

edited by J. H. S. Blaxter

Springer-Verlag, 1974

  • : gw

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographies



Plans for an International Symposium on the Early Life History of Fish were first discussed in 1967 at the F. A. O. Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research {A. C. M. R. R. }. It was considered that studies on fish eggs and larvae were of value in estimating the size of fish stocks, in appraising the stock-recruitment relationship, and in helping to answer questions on the systematics and taxonomy of fish. An A. C. M. R. R. Working Party recommended in 1969 that a Symposium should be held and after discussion with the International Associa- tion of Biological Oceanography {I. A. B. O. } Dr. J. H. S. Blaxter of the Scottish Marine Biological Association {S. M. B. A. } agreed to con- vene the meeting with the help of a steering committee. Various in- ternational agencies were interested in the meeting and agreed to sponsor it in various ways. These agencies included F. A. O. , I. A. B. O. , the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea {I. C. E. S. } and the Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research {S. C. O. R. }. In the final event F. A. O. supported the meeting by publishing the abstracts beforehand, providing travel funds for participants and publishing a report after the meeting. I. A. B. O. and S. C. O. R. provided travel funds and the Royal Society of London and S. M. B. A.


Population Studies.- Larval Mortality in Marine Fishes and the Critical Period Concept.- Larval Mortality and Subsequent Year-Class Strength in the Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.).- The Distribution and Mortality of Sole Eggs [Solea solea (L.)] in Inshore Areas.- Seasonal Changes in Dimensions and Viability of the Developing Eggs of the Cornish Pilchard (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) off Plymouth.- Environmental Influences on the Survival of North Sea Cod.- Some Factors Influencing Early Survival and Abundance of Clupeonella in the Sea of Azov.- Some Observations on the Population Dynamics of the Larval Stage in the Common Gadoids.- The Possible Density-Dependence of Larval Mortality and Adult Mortality in Fishes.- Larval Abundance in Relation to Stock Size, Spawning Potential and Recruitment in North Sea Herring.- Relations between Egg Production, Larval Production and Spawning Stock Size in Clyde Herring.- The Use of Data on Eggs and Larvae for Estimating Spawning Stock of Fish Populations with Demersal Eggs.- Significance of Egg and Larval Surveys in the Studies of Population Dynamics of Fish.- Seasonal Fluctuations in the Abundance of the Larvae of Mackerel and Herring in the Northeastern Atlantic and North Sea.- The Distribution and Long Term Changes in Abundance of Larval Ammodytes marinus (Raitt) in the North Sea.- Efficiency Test on Four High-Speed Plankton Samplers.- On the Reliability of Methods for Quantitative Surveys of Fish Larvae.- Investigations on the Distribution of Fish Larvae and Plankton near and above the Great Meteor Seamount.- Distribution.- Nearshore Distribution of Hawaiian Marine Fish Larvae: Effects of Water Quality, Turbidity and Currents.- Vertical and Seasonal Variability of Fish Eggs and Larvae at Ocean Weather Station "India".- The Feeding of Plaice and Sand-Eel Larvae in the Southern Bight in Relation to the Distribution of their Food Organisms.- Vertical Migrations of Larvae of the Atlanto-Scandian Herring (Clupea harengus L.).- Seasonal Variation of Ichthyoplankton in the Arabian Sea in Relation to Monsoons.- Feeding and Metabolism.- Food and Feeding of Larval Redfish in the Gulf of Maine.- Food of the Larval Anchoveta Engraulis ringens J..- Laboratory Studies of Predation by Euphausiid Shrimps on Fish Larvae.- Chemical Changes during Growth and Starvation of Herring Larvae.- Metabolism of Nitrogenous Wastes in the Eggs and Alevins of Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson.- Feeding, Starvation and Weight Changes of Early Fish Larvae.- Quantitative Nucleic Acid Histochemistry of the Yolk Sac Syncytium of Oviparous Teleosts: Implications for Hypotheses of Yolk Utilization.- Physiological Ecology.- Effects of Thermal Shock on Larval Estuarine Fish - Ecological Implications with Respect to Entrainment in Power Plant Cooling Systems.- Survival of Australian Anchovy (Engraulis austvalis) Eggs and Larvae in a Heat Trap.- Effects of Cadmium on Development and Survival of Herring Eggs.- Resistance of Plaice Eggs to Mechanical Stress and Light.- Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide on Development and Survival of Eight Freshwater Fish Species.- Effect of Parental Temperature Experience on Thermal Tolerance of Eggs of Menidia audens.- Effects of Constant and Rising Temperatures on Survival and Developmental Rates of Embryonic and Larval Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill).- Temperature Tolerance of Early Developmental Stages of Dover Sole, Solea solea (L.).- Development of the Respiratory System in Herring and Plaice Larvae.- Effects of Reduced Oxygen on Embryos and Larvae of the White Sucker, Coho Salmon, Brook Trout, and Walleye.- Developmental Events.- Brain Growth of Young Herring and Trout.- Influence of Temperature and Salinity on Embryonic Development, Larval Growth and Number of Vertebrae of the Garfish, Belone belone.- Artificial Gynogenesis and Its Application in Genetics and Selective Breeding of Fishes.- Gynogenesis in Hybrids within the Pleuronectidae.- Behaviour.- Vital Activity Parameters as Related to the Early Life History of Larval and Post-Larval Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis).- Effect of Prey Distribution and Density on the Searching and Feeding Behaviour of Larval Anchovy Engraulis mordax Girard.- Changes in Behaviour during Starvation of Herring and Plaice Larvae.- The Ability of Herring and Plaice Larvae to Avoid Concentrations of Oil Dispersants.- Taxonomy.- The Role of Larval Stages in Systematic Investigations of Marine Teleosts: The Myctophidae, A Case Study.- The Larval Taxonomy of the Primitive Myctophiform Fishes.- Analysis of the Taxonomic Characters of Young Scombrid Fishes, Genus Thunnus.- Present State of Billfish Larval Taxonomy.- The Diverse Patterns of Metamorphosis in Gonostomatid Fishes - An Aid to Classification.- Early Life History of Limanda yokohamae (GuPopulation Studies.- Larval Mortality in Marine Fishes and the Critical Period Concept.- Larval Mortality and Subsequent Year-Class Strength in the Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.).- The Distribution and Mortality of Sole Eggs [Solea solea (L.)] in Inshore Areas.- Seasonal Changes in Dimensions and Viability of the Developing Eggs of the Cornish Pilchard (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) off Plymouth.- Environmental Influences on the Survival of North Sea Cod.- Some Factors Influencing Early Survival and Abundance of Clupeonella in the Sea of Azov.- Some Observations on the Population Dynamics of the Larval Stage in the Common Gadoids.- The Possible Density-Dependence of Larval Mortality and Adult Mortality in Fishes.- Larval Abundance in Relation to Stock Size, Spawning Potential and Recruitment in North Sea Herring.- Relations between Egg Production, Larval Production and Spawning Stock Size in Clyde Herring.- The Use of Data on Eggs and Larvae for Estimating Spawning Stock of Fish Populations with Demersal Eggs.- Significance of Egg and Larval Surveys in the Studies of Population Dynamics of Fish.- Seasonal Fluctuations in the Abundance of the Larvae of Mackerel and Herring in the Northeastern Atlantic and North Sea.- The Distribution and Long Term Changes in Abundance of Larval Ammodytes marinus (Raitt) in the North Sea.- Efficiency Test on Four High-Speed Plankton Samplers.- On the Reliability of Methods for Quantitative Surveys of Fish Larvae.- Investigations on the Distribution of Fish Larvae and Plankton near and above the Great Meteor Seamount.- Distribution.- Nearshore Distribution of Hawaiian Marine Fish Larvae: Effects of Water Quality, Turbidity and Currents.- Vertical and Seasonal Variability of Fish Eggs and Larvae at Ocean Weather Station "India".- The Feeding of Plaice and Sand-Eel Larvae in the Southern Bight in Relation to the Distribution of their Food Organisms.- Vertical Migrations of Larvae of the Atlanto-Scandian Herring (Clupea harengus L.).- Seasonal Variation of Ichthyoplankton in the Arabian Sea in Relation to Monsoons.- Feeding and Metabolism.- Food and Feeding of Larval Redfish in the Gulf of Maine.- Food of the Larval Anchoveta Engraulis ringens J..- Laboratory Studies of Predation by Euphausiid Shrimps on Fish Larvae.- Chemical Changes during Growth and Starvation of Herring Larvae.- Metabolism of Nitrogenous Wastes in the Eggs and Alevins of Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson.- Feeding, Starvation and Weight Changes of Early Fish Larvae.- Quantitative Nucleic Acid Histochemistry of the Yolk Sac Syncytium of Oviparous Teleosts: Implications for Hypotheses of Yolk Utilization.- Physiological Ecology.- Effects of Thermal Shock on Larval Estuarine Fish - Ecological Implications with Respect to Entrainment in Power Plant Cooling Systems.- Survival of Australian Anchovy (Engraulis austvalis) Eggs and Larvae in a Heat Trap.- Effects of Cadmium on Development and Survival of Herring Eggs.- Resistance of Plaice Eggs to Mechanical Stress and Light.- Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide on Development and Survival of Eight Freshwater Fish Species.- Effect of Parental Temperature Experience on Thermal Tolerance of Eggs of Menidia audens.- Effects of Constant and Rising Temperatures on Survival and Developmental Rates of Embryonic and Larval Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill).- Temperature Tolerance of Early Developmental Stages of Dover Sole, Solea solea (L.).- Development of the Respiratory System in Herring and Plaice Larvae.- Effects of Reduced Oxygen on Embryos and Larvae of the White Sucker, Coho Salmon, Brook Trout, and Walleye.- Developmental Events.- Brain Growth of Young Herring and Trout.- Influence of Temperature and Salinity on Embryonic Development, Larval Growth and Number of Vertebrae of the Garfish, Belone belone.- Artificial Gynogenesis and Its Application in Genetics and Selective Breeding of Fishes.- Gynogenesis in Hybrids within the Pleuronectidae.- Behaviour.- Vital Activity Parameters as Related to the Early Life History of Larval and Post-Larval Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis).- Effect of Prey Distribution and Density on the Searching and Feeding Behaviour of Larval Anchovy Engraulis mordax Girard.- Changes in Behaviour during Starvation of Herring and Plaice Larvae.- The Ability of Herring and Plaice Larvae to Avoid Concentrations of Oil Dispersants.- Taxonomy.- The Role of Larval Stages in Systematic Investigations of Marine Teleosts: The Myctophidae, A Case Study.- The Larval Taxonomy of the Primitive Myctophiform Fishes.- Analysis of the Taxonomic Characters of Young Scombrid Fishes, Genus Thunnus.- Present State of Billfish Larval Taxonomy.- The Diverse Patterns of Metamorphosis in Gonostomatid Fishes - An Aid to Classification.- Early Life History of Limanda yokohamae (Gunther).- Larvae of Some Flat Fishes from a Tropical Estuary.- Morphological Studies of Two Pristigasterinae Larvae from Southern Brazil.- A Comparison of Larvae of the Deepwater and Fourhorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis L. from North America. I. Morphological Development.- Rearing.- Artificial Insemination in Trout Using a Sperm Diluant.- Laboratory Rearing of Common Sole (Solea solea L.) under Controlled Conditions at High Density with Low Mortality.- Progress towards the Development of a Successful Rearing Technique for Larvae of the Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L..- Nutrition de la larve de turbot [Scophthalmus maximus (L.)] avant la metamorphose.- Rearing of Gilt-Head Sparus aurata.- Mass Rearing of the Bass Dicentrarchus labrax L..- Summing-up of the Symposium on the Early Life History of Fish.

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