Modern techniques of surface science


Modern techniques of surface science

D.P. Woodruff & T.A. Delchar

(Cambridge solid state science series)

Cambridge University Press, c1994

2nd ed

  • : hard
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 41



Includes bibliographical references (p. 563-575) and index



This is a fully revised and expanded edition of a very successful and widely used book. It describes the physical basis of all the principal, and most of the more specialised, techniques currently employed in the study of well-characterised solid surfaces. The coverage of each technique, illustrated with selected examples, is underpinned by discussion of the relevant physical principles, and the complementary aspects of the various methods are also described. Throughout, the emphasis is on understanding the concepts involved, rather than on an exhaustive review of applications. The book will be of great use to final year undergraduate and postgraduate students in physics, chemistry and materials science. It will also be valuable to established researchers in any area of surface science concerned with the acquisition and analysis of experimental data.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Surface crystallography and diffraction
  • 3. Electron spectroscopies
  • 4. Incident ion techniques
  • 5. Desorption spectroscopies
  • 6. Tunnelling microscopy
  • 7. Work function techniques
  • 8. Atomic and molecular beam scattering
  • 9. Vibrational spectroscopies
  • References.

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