You are thinking of teaching? : opportunities, problems, realities
You are thinking of teaching? : opportunities, problems, realities
(The Jossey-Bass education series)
Jossey-Bass, c1993
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全7件
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You Are Thinking of Teaching? is a lovely essay on theconsideration of teachin. It asks those who are thinking ofteaching to ask questions, to ponder their decision, and to pursuethe information they need to make a reasoned choice. There isnothing like it in the professional literature, which makes it allthe more valuable.
?Pat Walsey, senior researcher for change, Coalition of EssentialSchools
1. Justifying this Book.
2. Who Is "You"
3. When Should You Decide?
4. Why Teaching?.
5. Satisfaction from Student and Parents.
6. Satisfaction from Colleagues.
7. You Know More than You Think and More than They Give You Creditfor.
8. The Teacher of Whom?
9. Change, Resistance, and Reflection.
10. Understanding Children and the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
11. The Nonreading Professional.
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