
Food intake and energy expenditure

edited by Margriet S. Westerterp-Plantenga, Elisabeth W.H.M. Fredrix, Anton B. Steffens ; editorial advisor, Harry R. Kissileff

CRC Press, c1994


Bibliography: p. 387-400

Includes index



Food Intake and Energy Expenditure discusses the relationship between the consumption of food by humans and other animals and its utilization by the body. This book not only integrates the concepts and facts from the various fields that comprise food intake science, but also presents important findings from current research throughout the world. The first part of this book investigates the psychobiology of ingestion with an emphasis on human eating behavior. Part II highlights the animal model with respect to food intake regulation. Part III concentrates on the effects of feeding-in particular, the energy expenditure in humans. The final part places the contents of the first three parts into the context of evolution in humans and in herbivores.


Psychobiology of Human Food Intake: Current Issues in Intake Psychobiology, D.A. Booth and J.A. Weststrate. Concepts and Methods in the Psychobiology of Ingestion, D.A. Booth and J.A. Weststrate. Palatability and the Intake of Foods and Drinks, D.A. Booth. Recognizing and Liking Foods and the Consequences for Nutrition, D.A. Booth. Physiological and Cultural Bases for Eating Disorders, D.A. Booth. Physiology and Endocrinology of Food Intake Regulation: Neuroscience of Energy Substrate Homeostasis, A.J.W. Scheurink. Feeding, Digestion, Absorption, and Thermic Effect of Food, J.H. Strubbe. Endocrine Regulation of Metabolism, J.H. Strubbe. Regulation of Food Intake, J.H. Strubbe. Circadian Rhythms of Food Intake, J.H. Strubbe. Neuro-Endocrine Factors, J.H. Strubbe. Obesity, J.H. Strubbe. Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, J.H. Strubbe. Central Nervous Mechanisms During Exercise, A.B. Steffens. Energy Expenditure: Energy from Food, K.R. Westerterp. Energy Expenditure, K.R. Westerterp. Body Composition, K.R. Westerterp. Limits of Energy Expenditure, K.R. Westerterp. Balance between Energy Intake and Energy Expenditure, K.R. Westerterp. Nutrient Utilization and Energy Balance, K.R. Westerterp. Body Weight Regulation, K.R. Westerterp. Food Intake, Energy Expenditure, and Evolution: Effects of Nutrition on Reproductive Capacity, B.R. Olson. Feeding and Evolution, W.D. van Marken-Lichtenbelt, R.H. Drent, and M.S. Westerterp-Plantenga. Glossary References Index

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