Evaluating and monitoring the health of large-scale ecosystems



Evaluating and monitoring the health of large-scale ecosystems

edited by David J. Rapport, Connie L. Gaudet, Peter Calow

(NATO ASI series, Series I . Global environmental change ; vol. 28)

Springer-Verlag, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



"Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Evaluating and Monitoring the Health of Large-Scale Ecosystems", held at Montebello, Quebec, Canada, October 10-15, 1993"--T.p. verso

"Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division."

Includes bibliographical references



This is a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of approaches for evaluating and monitoring the health of large-scale ecosystems. The examples drawn from a range of large-scale systems - desert to marine - provide the reader with a clear understanding of the meaning and practical implications of the ecosystem health paradigm for integrated natural resource management. Further, tools and approaches for evaluating large-scale systems from the use of biomarkers to remote sensing are described in detail. The book is an invaluable source for environmental managers, scientists, students and institutions working in the fields of ecosystem evaluation and management.

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