The biomedical engineering handbook


The biomedical engineering handbook

editor-in-chief, Joseph D. Bronzino

(The electrical engineering handbook series)

CRC Press, 1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 44



Includes bibliographical references and index



The Biomedical Engineering Handbook contains comprehensive information on every aspect of biomedical engineering. This singular text reflects the current perception of the field, encompassing emerging and expanding disciplines of investigation and application. It includes a complete review of the major physiological systems and presents current and accepted practices involving bioelectric phenomena, biomechanics, biomaterials, biosensors, biomedical signal analysis, imaging, medical instruments and devices, biological effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields, biotechnology, tissue engineering, prostheses and artificial organs, rehabilitation engineering, human performance engineering, physiological modeling, clinical engineering, medical informatics, and artificial intelligence. The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, an indispensable source of information about the design, developments, and use of medical technology to diagnose and treat patients, serves engineers, medical device and instrumentation manufacturers, and biomedical engineering faculty members and academic departments. Edited by one of the pioneers and leaders in biomedical engineering research, education, and bioethics, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook features:


  • (Section Heads) Physiologic Systems, Robert Plonsey, Section Editor Introduction to Physiological Systems, R. Plonsey An Outline of Cardiovascular Structure and Function, D.J. Schneck Endocrine System, D.G. Cramp and E.R. Carson Nervous System, E. Micheli-Tzanakou Visual System, G. Stetten Auditory System, B.M. Clopton and F.A. Spelman Gastrointestinal System, B. Bardakjian Respiratory System, J.D. Bronzino and A.T. Johnson Historical Perspectives: Cardiac Pacing - Historical Highlights, L.A. Geddes Bioelectric Phenomena, Craig S. Henriquez, Section Editor Introduction, C.S. Henriquez Basic Electrophysiology, R.C. Barr Volume Conductor Theory, R. Plonsey The Electrical Properties of Tissues, B.J. Roth Membrane Models, A. Varghese Numerical Methods for Bioelectric Field Problems, C.J. Johnson Principles of Electrocardiography, E.J. Berbari Principles of Electromyography, K.-A. Henneberg Principles of Electroencephalography, J.D. Bronzino Biomagnetism, J. Malmivuo Electric Stimulation of Excitable Tissue, D.M. Durand Biomechanics, Daniel J. Schneck, Section Editor Introduction, D.J. Schneck Mechanics: Basic Concepts, S.L. Hendricks Constitutive Modeling of Biological Materials, J. Vossoughi Mechanics of Hard Tissue, J.L. Katz Mechanics of Blood Vessels, T.R. Canfield and Philip B. Dobrin Joint-Articulating Surface Motion, K. Kaufman and K.-N. An Joint Lubrication, M.J. Furey Musculoskeletal Soft Tissue Mechanics, R.L. Lieber and T.J. Burkholder Mechanics of the Head/Neck, D. Viano and A.I. King Mechanics of the Chest and Abdomen Impact, A.I. King and D. Viano Analysis of Gait, R.B. Davis, P.A. DeLuca, and S. 'unpuu Exercise Physiology, A.T. Johnson and C.R. Dooly Factors Affecting Mechanical Work in Humans, A.T. Johnson and B.F. Hurley Mathematical Models of Human Response to Acceleration, K.H. Diggs Cardiac Biodynamics, A. McCulloch Mechanics of Heart Valves, A.P. Yoganathan, J. Hopmeyer, and R.S. Heinrich Arterial Macrocirculatory Hemodynamics, R.E. Mates Mechanics and Transport in the Microcirculation, A.S. Popel and R.N. Pittman Mechanics and Deformability of Hematocytes, R. Waugh and R.M. Hochmuth The Venous System, A. Shoukas and C.F. Rothe Mechanics of Tissue/Lymphatic Transport, A.R. Hargens and J. L. Villavicencio Cochlear Mechanics, C.R. Steele, G.J. Baker, J.A. Tolomeo, and D.E. Zetes Vestibular Mechanics, W. Grant Biomaterials, Joon B. Park, Section Editor Introduction, J.B. Park Metallic Biomaterials, J.B. Park Ceramic Biomaterials, P.K. Bajpai and W. Billotte Polymeric Biomaterials, H.B. Lee, S.S. Kim, and G. Khang Composite Biomaterials, R. Lakes Biodegradable Polymeric Biomaterials: An Overview, C.-C. Chu Biologic Biomaterials: Tissue-Derived Biomaterials (Collagen), S.-T. Li Soft Tissue Replacements: Blood Interfacing Implants, K.B. Chandran Non-Blood-Interfacing Implants, S.W. Shalaby Hard Tissue Replacements: Bone Repair and Joint Implants, S.-H. Park, A. Llinas, and V.K. Goel Dental Implants, J.C. Keller Orthopedic Prostheses Fixation, J.B. Park Biomedical Sensors, Michael R. Neuman, Section Editor Introduction, M.R. Neuman Physical Measurements, M.R. Neuman Biopotential Electrodes, M.R. Neuman Electrochemical Sensors, C.-C. Liu Optical Sensors, Y. Mendelson Bioanalytic Sensors, R.P. Buck Historical Perspectives: The Electrocardiograph, L.A. Geddes Biomedical Signal Analysis, Banu Onaral, Section Editor Introduction, B. Onaral Biomedical Signals: Origin and Dynamical Characteristics
  • Frequency Domain Analysis, A. Cohen Digital Biomedical Signal Acquisition and Processing, L.T. Mainardi, A.M. Bianchi, and S. Cerutti Compression of Digital Biomedical Signals, A.E. Cetin and H. Koeyman Time-Frequency Signal Representations for Biomedical Signals, G.F. Boudreaux-Bartels and R. Murray Wavelet (Time-Scale) Analysis in Biomedical Signal Processing, N.V. Thakor and D. Sherman Higher-Order Spectra in Biomedical Signal Processing, A.P. Petropulu Neural Networks in Biomedical Signal Processing, E. Micheli-Tzanakou Complexity, Scaling, and Fractals in Biomedical Signals, B. Onaral and J.P. Cammarota Future Directions: Biomedical Signal Processing and Networked Multimedia Communications, B. Onaral Imaging, Karen M. Mudry, Section Editor Introduction, K.M. Mudry X-Ray: X-Ray Equipment, R. Shroy
  • X-Ray Projection Angiography, M. Van Lysel
  • Mammography, M. Yaffee Computed Tomography: Instrumentation, I.A. Cunningham
  • Reconstruction Principles, P. Judy Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Acquisition and Processing, S. Conolly, A. Macovski, and J. Pauly
  • Hardware/Instrumentation, J. Schenck
  • Functional MRI, K.K. Kwong and D.A. Chesler
  • Chemical-Shift Imaging, X. Hu, W. Chen, M. Patel, and K. Ugurbil Nuclear Medicine: Instrumentation, B.Y. Croft
  • SPECT, B.M.W. Tsui Ultrasound: Transducers, R.L. Goldberg and S.W. Smith
  • Ultrasonic Imaging, J.G. Motley
  • Blood Flow Measurement Using Ultrasound, K.W. Ferrara Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, X. Zhou and G. A. Johnson Positron Emission Tomography (PET): Radiopharmaceuticals, T.F. Budinger and H.F. VanBrocklin
  • Instrumentation, T.F. Budinger Electrical Impedance Tomography, D.C. Barber Medical Applications of Virtual Reality Technology, W.J. Greenleaf Medical Instruments and Devices, Wolf W. von Maltzahn, Section Editor Introduction, W.W. von Maltzahn Biopotential Amplifiers, J.H. Nagel Noninvasive Assessment of Arterial Blood Pressure and Mechanics, G. Drzewiecki Cardiac Output Measurement, L.A. Geddes Bioelectric Impedance Measurements, R. Patterson Respiration, L.A. Geddes Clinical Laboratory: Separation and Spectral Methods, R. Roa Clinical Laboratory: Nonspectral Methods and Automation, R.L. Roa Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers, M. Forde and P. Ridgely Implantable Stimulators for Neuromuscular Control, P.H. Peckham and B. Smith External Defibrillators, W.A. Tacker Implantable Defibrillators, E. Duffin Electrosurgical Devices, W.W. von Maltzahn and J.L. Eggleston Mechanical Ventilation, K. Behhehani Parenteral Infusion Devices, G.I. Voss and R.D. Butterfield Anesthesia Delivery Systems, A.W. Paulsen Biomedical Lasers, M.M. Judy Noninvasive Optical Monitoring, R. Flewelling Medical Instruments and Devices Used in the Home, B.R. Bowman and E. Schuck Historical Perspectives: Recording of Action Potentials, L.A. Geddes Biological Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Fields, Charles Polk, Section Editor Introduction, C. Polk Dielectric Properties of Tissues, K.R. Foster Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields: Dosimetry, Cellular, and Animal Effects, M.A. Stuchly Therapeutic Applications of Low-Frequency Sinusoidal and Pulsed Electrical and Magnetic Fields, C. Polk Biologic Effects of Radio Frequency and Microwave Fields: In Vivo and In Vitro Experimental Results, E. Elson Radiofrequency Hyperthermia in Cancer Therapy, C.K. Chou Electroporation of Cells and Tissues, J.C. Weaver Biotechnology, Martin L. Yarmush, Section Editor Introduction, M.L. Yarmush Protein Engineering, A.J. Russell and C. Vieheller Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Engineered Fragments, S. Sundaram and D. Yarmush Antisense Technology, J. LeDoux, J. Morgan, and M. Yarmush Tools for Genome Analysis, R. Kaiser Vaccine Production, J. Aunins, A. Lee, and D. Volkin Gene Therapy, J.M. LeDoux, J.R. Morgan, and M.L. Yarmush Cell Engineering, D.A. Lauffenburger Metabolic Engineering, C. Zupke Tissue Engineering, F. Berthiaume and M.L. Yamush Preservation Techniques for Biomaterials, R. Coger and M. Toner Tissue Engineering, Bernhard O. Palsson and Jeffrey A. Hubbell, Section Editors Introduction, B.O. Palsson and J.A. Hubbell Surface Immobilization of Adhesion Ligands for Investigations of Cell/Substrate Interactions, P.D. Drumheller and J.A. Hubbell Biomaterials: Protein-Surface Interactions, J.A. Chinn Engineering Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering: The 10-100 Micron Size Scale, D. Mooney and R.S. Langer Regeneration Templates, I.V. Yannis Fluid Shear Stress Effects on Cellular Function, C.W. Patrick, Jr., R. Sampath, and L.V. McIntire The Roles of Mass Transfer in Tissue Function, E.N. Lightfoot The Biology of Stem Cells, C.T. Jordan and G. Van Zant Cell Motility and Tissue Architecture, G.A. Dunn Tissue Microenvironments, M.W. Long The Importance of Stromal Cells, B.A. Naughton Tissue Engineering of Bone Marrow, M.R. Koller and B.O. Palsson Tissue Engineering of the Liver, T.H. Kim and J.P. Vacanti Tissue Engineering in the Nervous System, R. Bellamkonda and P. Aebischer Tissue Engineering of Skeletal Muscle, S. Brooks, N.M. Cole, and J.A. Faulkner Tissue Engineering of Cartilage, L.E. Freed and G. Vunjak-Novakovic Tissue Engineering of the Kidney, H.D. Humes Prostheses and Artificial Organs, Pierre M. Galletti, Section Editor Introduction, P.M. Galletti Artificial Heart and Circulatory Assist Devices, G. Rosenberg Cardiac Valve Prostheses, A.P. Yoganathan Vascular Grafts, D.N. Ku and R.C. Allen Artificial Lungs and Blood-Gas Exchanger Devices, P.M. Galletti and C.K. Colton Artificial Kidney, P.M. Galletti, C.K. Colton, and M.J. Lysaght Peritoneal Dialysis Equipment, M.J. Lysaght and J. Moran Therapeutic Apheresis and Blood Fractionation, A.L. Zydney Liver Support Systems, P.M. Galletti and H.O. Jauregui Artificial Pancreas, P.M. Galletti, C.K. Colton, M. Jaffrin, and G. Reach Nerve Guidance Channels, R.F. Valentini Tracheal, Laryngeal, and Esophageal Replacement Devices, Y. Shimizu and T. Nakamura Artificial Blood, M. Intaglietta and R.M. Winslow Artificial Skin and Dermal Equivalents, I.V. Yannis Rehabilitation Engineering, Charles J. Robinson, Section Editor Introduction, C.J. Robinson Rehabilitation Engineering, Science and Technology, C.J. Robinson Orthopedic Prosthetics and Orthotics in Rehabilitation, M. Lord and A. Turner-Smith Wheeled Mobility: Wheelchairs and Personal Transportation, R.A. Cooper Externally Powered and Controlled Orthotics and Prostratics, D.B. Popovic Sensory Augmentation and Substitution, K.A. Kacsmaret Augmentative Communication/Control/Computer Access, B. Romich and G. Vanderheiden Measurement Tools and Process in Rehabilitation Engineering, G.V. Kondraske Rehabilitation Engineering Technologies: Principles of Application, D. Hobson and E. Trefler Historical Perspectives: The Electromyograph, L.A. Geddes Human Performance Engineering, George V. Kondraske, Section Editor Introduction, G.V. Kondraske A Working Model for Human System - Task Interfaces, G.V. Kondraske Measurement of Neuromuscular Performance Capacities, S.S. Smith Measurement of Sensory-Motor Control Performance Capacities, R.D. Jones Measurement of Information-Processing Performance Capacities, G.V. Kondraske and P.J. Vasta High-Level Task Analysis: Mental Components, K.J. Maxwell Task Analysis and Decomposition: Physical Components, S.N. Imrhan Human-Computer Interface Design Issues, K.J. Maxwell Applications of Human Performance Measurements to Clinical Trials to Determine Therapy Effectiveness and Safety, P.J.H. Beehler and K. Syndulko Applications in Rehabilitation Engineering, M. Strauss and J. Gunderson Applications of Quantitative Assessment of Human Performance in Occupational Medicine, M. Parniannpour Design of Respiratory Masks to Improve Human Performance, A.T. Johnson and C.R. Dooly Human Performance Engineering: Computer-Based Design and Analysis Tools, P.J. Vasta and G.V. Kondraske Human Performance Engineering: Challenges and Prospects for the Future, G. Kondraske Physiologic Modeling, Simulation, and Control, Howard Jay Chizeck, Section Editor Introduction, H.J. Chizeck Modeling Strategies in Physiology, J.L. Palladino, A. Noordergraaf, and G. Drzewiecki Compartment Models for Physiologic Systems, C. Cobelli and M.P. Saccomani Cardiovascular Models and Control, W. D. Timmons Respiratory Models and Control, C.-S. Poon Neural Networks for Physiologic Control, J.J. Abbas Methods and Tools for Identification of Physiologic Systems, V.Z. Marmarelis Clinical Care of Patients with Closed-Loop Drug Delivery Systems, E.A. Woodruff Control of Movement, D.B. Popovic The Fast Eye Movement Control System, J.D. Enderle Clinical Engineering, Yadin David, Section Editor Introduction, Y. David Clinical Engineering: Evolution of a Discipline, J.D. Bronzino Management and Assessment of Medical Technology, Y. David and T.M. Judd Risk Factors, Safety, and Management of Medical Equipment, M.L. Gullikson Career Opportunities for Clinical Engineering, W.A. Morse Clinical Engineers as Innovators and Product Developers, P.A. Oberg Clinical Engineering Program Indicators, D.D. Autio and R.L. Morris Quality Improvement and Team Building, J.P. McClain Clinical Engineering: Coordinated Services, J.O. Rowan A Standards Primer for Clinical Engineers, A. Wald Regulatory and Assessment Agencies, M.E. Bruley and V.H. Coats Clinical Engineering Issues in Developing Countries, H.O. Al-Fadel Medical Informatics, Luis G. Kun, Section Editor Introduction, L.G. Kun Hospital Information Systems: Their Function and State, T.A. Pryor Computer-Based Patient Records, J.M. Fitzmaurice Informatics and Clinical Imaging, M.H. Loew Computer Networks in Health Care, S. Sengupta Overview of Standards Related to the Emerging Health Care Information Infrastructure, J.S. Blair Non-AI Decision Making, R. Summers and E.R. Carson Design Issues in Developing Clinical Decision Support and Monitoring Systems, J.N. Goethe and J.D. Bronzino Artificial Intelligence, Stanley Finkelstein, Section Editor Introduction, S.M. Finkelstein History and Development of Artificial Intelligence Methods for Medical Decision Making, C.A. Kulikowski Artificial Neural Networks: Definitions, Methods, Applications, D.A. Zanher and E. Micheli-Tzanakou Clinical Decision Systems, P. Nykanen and N. Saranummi Expert Systems: Methods and Tools, R. Summers and E.R. Carson Knowledge Acquisition and Representation, C. Garbay Knowledge-Based Systems for Intelligent Patient Monitoring and Management in Critical Care Environments, B.M. Dawant Medical Terminology and Diagnosis Using Knowledge Bases, P.L.M. Kerkhof Natural Language Processing in Biomedicine, S.B. Johnson Historical Perspectives: Electroencephalography, L.A. Geddes Regulations and Organizations, Joseph D. Bronzino, Section Editor The Role of Professional Societies in Biomedical Engineering, S. Laxminarayan, J.D. Bronzino, J.E.W. Beneken, S. Usai, and R.D. Jones Health Technology Assessment: The Evidentiary Base of Medical Practice, T.V. Holohan Regulation of Biomaterials and Medical Devices, E.P. Mueller, A. Ciarkowski, and K. McDermott Index

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