Clays and the environment


Clays and the environment

B. Velde (ed.)

(Origin and mineralogy of clays / B. Velde (ed.), v. 1)

Springer-Verlag, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Origin and Mineralogy of Clays, the first of two volumes, lays the groundwork for a thorough study of clays in the environment. The second volume will deal with environmental interaction. Going from soils to sediments to diagenesis and hydrothermal alteration, the book covers the whole spectrum of clays. The chapters on surface environments are of great relevance in regard to environmental problems in soils, rivers and lake-ocean situations, showing the greatest interaction between living species and the chemicals in their habitat. The book is of interest to scientists and students working on environmental issues.


1 Geology of Clays.- 2 Composition and Mineralogy of Clay Minerals.- 3 Origin of Clays by Rock Weathering and Soil Formation.- 4 Erosion, Sedimentation and Sedimentary Origin of Clays.- 5 Compaction and Diagenesis.- 6 Hydrothermal Alteration by Veins.- 7 Formation of Clay Minerals in Hydrothermal Environments.

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