Salinisation of land and water resources : human causes, extent, management and case studies


Salinisation of land and water resources : human causes, extent, management and case studies

F. Ghassemi, A.J. Jakeman and H.A. Nix

Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies , CAB International, 1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Salinisation of land and water is an increasing problem in many areas of the world, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where irrigation is a contributory factor. This book assesses the extent, human causes and management of salinisation. The first part of the book provides an extended review of general issues, including a history of secondary salinisation, followed by a discussion of the trends in area irrigated, the process of salinisation, extent of land and water salinisation and their associated environmental, economic and social damages. Management options adopted by different countries are also discussed. The second and major part of the book then consists of chapters of case studies of individual countries, showing why salinity occurs in each one. The book is wide ranging in its scope and is aimed at senior students and research workers in geography, crop and soil science, irrigation engineering and environmental studies.


Part 1: General aspects of salinisation 1: Global resource overview 2: Crop and irrigation aspects 3: Salinisation processes and damage 4: Management of salinity - engineering options 5: Management of salinity - other options and aspects Part 2: Salinity problems in selected countries 6: Argentina 7: Australia 8: China 9: Commonwealth of Independent States 10: Egypt 11: India 12: Iran 13: Pakistan 14: South Africa 15: Thailand 16: United States of America a: Appendix I: Summaries b: Appendix II: Some of the institutions involved in salinity investigation c: Glossary d: Subject Index e: Geographical Index

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