Computer aided systems theory - EUROCAST '95 : a selection of papers from the fifth International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory, Innsbruck, Austria, May 22-25, 1995 : proceedings
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Computer aided systems theory - EUROCAST '95 : a selection of papers from the fifth International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory, Innsbruck, Austria, May 22-25, 1995 : proceedings
(Lecture notes in computer science, 1030)
Springer-Verlag, c1996
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
This book presents a collection of revised refereed papers selected from the contributions to the Fifth International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory, EUROCAST '95, held in Innsbruck, Austria in May 1995.
The 42 full papers contained have been contributed by CAST theoreticians, tool-makers, designers, and appliers and reflect the full spectrum of activities in the area. The papers are organized in sections on systems theory, design environments, complex systems design, and specific applications.
Table of Contents
On the structure of discrete systems.- Identification and recognition through shape in complex systems.- A logical approach to system construction.- Task management system.- Toward a unified theory of discrete event systems.- Intersensorial transformations: General systems description and implications.- Proving system properties by means of trigger-graph and Petri nets.- Refinement mapping for general (discrete event) systems theory.- A system-theoretic approach to planning and programming.- Equality of functions in CAST.- Basins of attraction estimation through symbolic graphical computing techniques.- Temporal and functional verification of a symbolic representation of complex systems.- Modelling differential equations by basic information technology means.- System theoretic aspects of software architectures.- A language for describing complex-evolutive software systems.- An architecture for process modelling and execution support.- A formal semantics for a graphical model representation in system design.- A user-interface for a microsystems high-level simulator.- CAST extensions to DASME to support Generalized Information Theory.- Symbolic computing aided design of nonlinear PID controllers.- Discrete Event simulation in an environment for Temporal Expert Systems.- TOMSPIN - a tool for modelling with stochastic petri nets.- Hybrid evolutionary programming: The tools for CAST.- Automatic induction of DEVS structures.- Systems Engineering and infrastructures for open computer based systems.- Object-oriented high level modeling of complex systems.- Multifacetted, object oriented modeling in the transportation domain.- EaSy-Sim: A tool environment for the design of complex, real-time systems.- Systems level specification and modelling of reactive systems: Concepts, methods, and tools.- DEVS-based endomorphic agents: Control through deliberative and reactive planning.- Software processes, work flow and work cell design - Separated by a common paradigm?.- High-performance parallel computing for analyzing urban air pollution.- Performance analysis of a dual robot system using a geometric concurrency model.- Computer aided rule extraction from examples.- Cast methods for generation of non-orthogonal complete transforms.- Cast system approach for visual inspection.- Finite dimensional generalized baker dynamical systems for cryptographic applications.- of the Aristotle's final causation in CAST concept and method of incursion and hyperincursion.- A semantic logic for CAST related to Zuse, Deutsch and McCulloch and Pitts computing principles.- Validation of a model of an AGVs scheduling heuristic using radio-taxi data.- Training simulator for Garona Nuclear Power Plant.- Supervisory control and data acquisition system for the gas flow networks.
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