Before equal suffrage : women in partisan politics from colonial times to 1920


Before equal suffrage : women in partisan politics from colonial times to 1920

Robert J. Dinkin

(Contributions in women's studies, no. 152)

Greenwood Press, 1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 23



Includes bibliographical references (p. [139]-159) and index



Dispelling the myth that women became involved in partisan politics only after they obtained the vote, this study uses contemporary newspaper sources to show that women were active in the party struggle long before 1920. Although their role was initially limited to attending rallies and hosting picnics, they gradually began to use their pens and voices to support party tickets. By the late 19th century, women spoke at party functions and organized all-female groups to help canvass neighborhoods and get out the vote. In the early suffrage states of the West, they voted in increasing numbers and even held a few offices. Women were particularly active, this book shows, in the minor reformist parties-Populist, Prohibitionist, Socialist, and Progressive-but eventually came to play a role in the major parties as well. Prominent suffrage leaders, such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, entered the partisan arena in order to promote their cause. By the time the suffrage amendment was ratified, women were deeply involved in the mainstream political process.


Introduction The Colonial and Revolutionary Periods The Early National and Jacksonian Periods The Civil War Period The Late Nineteenth Century Reform Politics and Partisan Activity Women Begin to Vote The Final Drive for the Suffrage Amendment

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