The Columbia anthology of British poetry


The Columbia anthology of British poetry

edited by Carl Woodring and James Shapiro

Columbia University Press, c1995


British poetry


Includes indexes



A sweeping compendium of British verse from Old and Middle English to the present, including the best work of poets from every corner of the British Isles, The Columbia Anthology of British Poetry offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive single volume available. Carl Woodring and James Shapiro, the same experienced editorial team who brought students and lovers of literature The Columbia History of British Literature, now present a volume that resonates with contemporary significance, yet also takes into account the centuries-old poetic tradition that planted Great Britain centrally in the canon of Western Literature. The Columbia Anthology pays tribute to the renowned works that any include--Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, Blake, Eliot, Auden. But the book also resurrects the voices of excellent poets, particularly women--such as Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Ingram, and Christina Rossetti--who have been unjustifiably ignored until recently. Contemporary British poetry is fully represented as well, with the work of Thom Gunn, Seamus Heaney, Liz Lochhead, and Paula Meehan bringing The Columbia Anthology up to the minute. Unencumbered by extensive notes that divert attention from the spirit of verse, The Columbia Anthology of British Poetry allows readers to discover the poems for themselves. It is a collection poetry lovers will want on their shelves for years to come, to read and enjoy again and again.


  • IntroductionOld English Poetry From Beowulf (c.8th century): Translation by Ruth P.M.Lehmann (1912- ) From Battle of Brunanburh (c.10th century): Translation by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) From The Seafarer (c.10th century): Translation by Ezra Pound (1885-1972)Dafydd Ap Gwilym (c.1320-c.1380) Miss Mai May, translation by Arthur James Johnes (1809-1871)Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1343-1400) From The Canterbury Tales, from The General Prologue: What than Aprill with his shoures soote Words Unto Adam, His Own Scriveyn Anonymous Lyrics and Ballads of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries Money, Money The Unquiet Grave The Blacksmiths I Sing of a Maiden Alone Walking Western WindWilliam Dunbar (1460?-1513?) Meditation in Winter In Praise of WomenJohn Skleton (1436?-1529) Upon a Dead Man's Head Knowledge, Acquaintance, Resort, Favour, with GraceSir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542) Whose List to Hunt They Flee from Me That Sometime Did Me Seek Is It PossibleHenry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517?-1547) Laid in My Quiet Bed When Windsor Walls So Cruel PrisonAnne Askew (c.1521-1546) The Ballad Which Anne Askew Made and Sang When She Was in NewgateAnne Vaughan Locke (c.1530-c.1590) So Foul Is Sin And Loathsome In Thy Sight Sin And Despair Have So Possess'd My HeartQueen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Written on a Wall at Woodstock On Monsieur's DepartureGeorge Gascoigne(c.1539-1577) Gascoigne's Good Morrow Gascoigne's WoodmanshipEdmund Spenser (1552?-1599) Epithalamion From Amoretti: 18: The rolling wheel, that runneth often round 54: Of this world's theatre in which we stay 67: ike as a huntsman after weary chase Amoretti: 54 by Edmund Spenser Amoretti: 67 by Edmund Spenser Amoretti: 75 by Edmund Spenser Amoretti: 80 by Edmund Spenser by Edmund SpenserDover Beach by Matthew Arnold Isolation: To Marguerite - Continued by Matthew Arnold Memorial Verses by Matthew Arnold To An Independent Preacher by Matthew Arnold The Ballad Which Anne Askew Made And Sang When She Was In Newgate by Anne Askewe In Memory Of W.b. Yeats by Wystan Hugh Auden Musee Des Beaux Arts by Wystan Hugh Auden Werena My Heart's Licht I Wad Dee by Grisell Baillie A Child To His Sick Grandfather by Joanna Baillie A Mother To Her Waking Infant by Joanna Baillie On The Expected General Rising Of The French Nation In 1792 by Anna Letitia (aikin) Barbauld The Rights Of Woman by Anna Letitia (aikin) Barbauld To Mr. S.t. Coleridge by Anna Letitia (aikin) Barbauld The Conclusion Of A Letter To The Rev. Mr. C --. by Mary Barber Written For My Son, And Spoken By Him At His First Putting On Breeches by Mary Barber The Jackdaw Of Rheims by Richard Harris Barham The Tears Of An Affectionate Shepherd Sick For Love by Richard Barnfield Jane Austen by Patricia Beer Lemmings by Patricia Beer The Disappointment by Aphra Behn Epitaph On The Tombstone by Aphra Behn To The Fair Clarinda, Who Made Love To Me by Aphra Behn Huxley Hall by John Betjeman The Licorice Fields At Pontefract by John Betjeman Harebell And Pansy by Laurence Binyon The Unreturning Spring by Laurence Binyon And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time by William Blake The Argument by William Blake The Argument by William Blake The Lamb, Fr. Songs Of Innocence by William Blake The Little Black Boy, Fr. Songs Of Innocence by William Blake London, Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake The Sick Rose, Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake The Tyger [tiger], Fr. Songs Of Experience by William Blake Visions by William Blake Visions by William Blake The Pomegranate by Eavan Boland On The Death Of An Infant Of Five Days Old by Elizabeth Boyd A Dying Viper by Katherine Harris Bradley La Gioconda by Katherine Harris Bradley Eros by Robert Seymour Bridges Low Barometer by Robert Seymour Bridges 1914: 5. The Soldier by Rupert Brooke A Musical Instrument by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnets From The Portuguese: 13 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnets From The Portuguese: 3 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnets From The Portuguese: 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning The Bishop Orders His Tomb At Saint Praxed's Church by Robert Browning Home-thoughts, From Abroad by Robert Browning Meeting At Night by Robert Browning My Last Duchess by Robert Browning Parting At Morning by Robert Browning For A' That And A' That
  • Song by Robert Burns Holy Willie's Prayer by Robert Burns Tam O' Shanter by Robert Burns To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough by Robert Burns Hudibras, Sels. by Samuel (1612-1680) Butler 1-5. by George Gordon Byron Cannons by George Gordon Byron Darkness by George Gordon Byron The Destruction Of Sennacherib by George Gordon Byron She Walks In Beauty by George Gordon Byron Song by George Gordon Byron Ballad by Charles Stuart Calverley Hohenlinden by Thomas Campbell Laura by Thomas Campion An Elegy Upon The Death Of Doctor Donne, Dean Of Paul's by Thomas Carew A Rapture by Thomas Carew Slate Street School by Ciaran Carson A Dialogue by Elizabeth Carter Ode To Wisdom by Elizabeth Carter An Elegy On A Maiden Name by Jane Cave The Poetress's Petition by Margaret Lucas Cavendish Aella: Mynstrelles Songe by Thomas Chatterton Chaucers Wordes Unto Adam, His Own Scriveyn by Geoffrey Chaucer A Knight by Geoffrey Chaucer To The Ladies by Mary Lee Chudleigh I Am by John Clare The Shepherd Boy (1) by John Clare God by Arthur Hugh Clough The Latest Decalogue by Arthur Hugh Clough The Witch by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge Frost At Midnight by Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge Ode To Evening by William (1721-1759) Collins Ode Written In [the Beginning Of The Year] 1746 by William (1721-1759) Collins A Song From Shakespeare's Cymbeline by William (1721-1759) Collins Pindaric Ode: The Muse by Abraham Cowley Written In Juice Of Lemon by Abraham Cowley Departed Youth by Hannah (parkhouse) Cowley The Negro's Complaint by William Cowper Olney Hymns: 35. Light Shining Out Of Darkness by William Cowper Humble Life by George Crabbe The Flaming Heart by Richard Crashaw On George Herbert's Book, The Temple, Sent To A Gentlewoman by Richard Crashaw On Hope by Richard Crashaw The Kiss by Charlotte Dacre May by Dafydd Ap Gwilym To Delia: 34 by Samuel Daniel To Delia: 39 by Samuel Daniel To Delia: 45 by Samuel Daniel To Delia: 52 by Samuel Daniel Battle by John Davidson Thirty Bob A Week by John Davidson Across The Bay by Donald Davie Rejoinder To A Critic by Donald Davie Poem For An Anniversary by Cecil Day Lewis Cooper's Hill by John Denham Labasheedy by Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill Jabberwocky by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson The Walrus And The Carpenter, Fr. Alice In Wonderland by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson The Canonization by John Donne The Ecstasy [extasie] by John Donne Elegy: 16. On His Mistress by John Donne The Good-morrow by John Donne Holy Sonnet: 10 by John Donne Holy Sonnet: 14 by John Donne A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy's Day, Being The Shortest Day by John Donne The Sun Rising by John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning by John Donne Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Nos Vetat Incohare Longam by Ernest Dowson Idea: 61 by Michael Drayton To My Noble Friend Master William Browne: Of The Evil Time by Michael Drayton To The Virginian Voyage by Michael Drayton Macflecknoe
  • Or, A Satire Upon The True-blue-protestant Poet by John Dryden A Song For St. Cecilia's Day by John Dryden To The Pious Memory Of The Young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew by John Dryden In Praise Of Women by William Dunbar Meditation In Winter by William Dunbar Wife Who Smashed Television Gets Jail by Paul Durcan Grongar Hill by John Dyer The Emulation by Sarah Fyge Egerton The Repulse To Alcander by Sarah Fyge Egerton Four Quartets: Little Gidding (1-5 Complete) by Thomas Stearns Eliot Marina by Thomas Stearns Eliot The Waste Land: 1. The Burial Of The Dead by Thomas Stearns Eliot On Monsieur's Departure by Elizabeth I Written On A Wall At Woodstock by Elizabeth I Vegetarian World by Mary Ann Evans The Daft Days by Robert Fergusson Ardelia To Melancholy by Anne Finch The Circuit Of Apollo by Anne Finch A Nocturnal Reverie by Anne Finch The Garden Of Proserpine by Veronica Forrest-thomsonLesser Epistles: To A Young Lady With Some Lampreys by John Gay My Own Epitaph by John Gay Patience: Bunthorne's Song by William Schwenck Gilbert The Yarn Of The 'nancy Bell' by William Schwenck Gilbert The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith Song by Oliver Goldsmith The Face In The Mirror by Robert Ranke Graves Not At Home by Robert Ranke Graves Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray Caelica: 56 by Fulke Greville Caelica: 87 by Fulke Greville Caelica: 99 by Fulke Greville Ex Vermibus by Christopher Murray Grieve Lourd On My Hert by Christopher Murray Grieve With The Herring Fishers by Christopher Murray Grieve Lines For A Book by Thomson William Gunn The Man With The Night Sweats by Thomson William Gunn Moly by Thomson William Gunn Beeny Cliff
  • March 1870 - March 1913 by Thomas Hardy Channel Firing by Thomas Hardy The Convergence Of The Twain
  • Lines On Loss Of The Titanic by Thomas Hardy The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy Hap by Thomas Hardy Neutral Tones by Thomas Hardy The Oxen by Thomas Hardy Shelley's Skylark by Thomas Hardy On Not Being Milton by Tony Harrison Study by Tony Harrison Follower by Seamus Heaney From The Frontier Of Writing by Seamus Heaney A New Song by Seamus Heaney The Tollund Man by Seamus Heaney Trust by Felicia Dorothea Hemans Echoes: 35. Margaritae Sorori by William Ernest Henley Echoes: 4. Invictus by William Ernest Henley Affliction (4) by George Herbert The Agony [agonie] by George Herbert The Altar by George Herbert The Collar by George Herbert Easter Wings by George Herbert Jordan (2) by George Herbert Love (3) by George Herbert Redemption by George Herbert Psalm 100 by Mary Sidney Herbert Psalm 84 by Mary Sidney Herbert To The Angel Spirit Of The Most Excellent Sir Philip Sidney by Mary Sidney Herbert Art Above Nature: To Julia by Robert Herrick Corinna's Going A-maying by Robert Herrick Delight In Disorder by Robert Herrick Upon Julia's Clothes by Robert Herrick Once Alien Here by John Hewitt Ovid In The Third Reich by Geoffrey Hill Requiem Of The Plantagenet Kings by Geoffrey Hill When Maggy Gangs Away by James Hogg Sally Simkin's Lament by Thomas Hood Carrion Comfort by Gerard Manley Hopkins Duns Scotus's Oxford by Gerard Manley Hopkins Felix Randal by Gerard Manley Hopkins God's Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins Spring And Fall: To A Young Child by Gerard Manley Hopkins The Terrible Sonnets: 3 by Gerard Manley Hopkins The Windhover: To Christ Our Lord by Gerard Manley Hopkins A Shropshire Lad: 4. Reveille by Alfred Edward Housman A Shropshire Lad: 62 by Alfred Edward Housman Prisoned In Windsor, He Recounteth His Pleasure There Passed by Henry Howard When Windsor Walls Sustain'd My Wearied Arm by Henry Howard Youth And Age by Henry Howard A Childish Prank by Edward James Hughes A Modest Proposal by Edward James Hughes Moon-hops by Edward James Hughes To Paint A Water Lily by Edward James Hughes Rondeau by James Henry Leigh Hunt On Mr. Pope's Characters Of Women by Anne (howard) Ingram The Church Of A Dream by Lionel Pigot Johnson Happiness Not Found by Samuel (1709-1784) Johnson An Ode To Himself by Ben Jonson To Penshurst by Ben Jonson To The Immortal Memory... Noble Pair, Sir Lucius Cary And Sir Henry M by Ben Jonson Epic by Patrick Kavanagh The Hospital by Patrick Kavanagh Spraying The Potatoes by Patrick Kavanagh The Eve Of St. Agnes by John Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John Keats Last Sonnet (original Version) by John Keats Ode On A Grecian Urn by John Keats Ode On Melancholy by John Keats Ode To A Nightingale by John Keats On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer by John Keats Sonnet by John Keats Sonnet On Sitting Down To Read King Lear Once Again by John Keats To Autumn by John Keats Ether Insatiable by May Kendall A Farewel To Worldly Joyes by Anne Killigrew Upon The Saying That My Verses Were Made By Another by Anne Killigrew An Exequy, To His Matchless Never To Be Forgotten Friend by Henry (1592-1669) King Another September by Thomas Kinsella The King by Rudyard Kipling Recessional by Rudyard Kipling Tommy [atkins] by Rudyard Kipling The Enchanted Island, By Danby by Letitia Elizabeth Landon Rose Aylmer by Walter Savage Landor The Description Of Cookham by Aemilia (bassano) Lanyer Aubade by Philip Larkin Church Going by Philip Larkin Next, Please by Philip Larkin Bavarian Gentians by David Herbert Lawrence Love On The Farm by David Herbert Lawrence Piano by David Herbert Lawrence Snake by David Herbert Lawrence An Epistle To A Lady by Mary Leapor Mira's Will by Mary Leapor The Jumblies by Edward Lear Limerick by Edward Lear No Coward Soul Is Mine by Edward Lear The Owl And The Pussy Cat by Edward Lear Remembrance by Edward Lear Fathers And Sons by Tom Leonard Epitaph (on A Commonplace Person Who Died In Bed) by Amy Levy The Grim Sisters by Liz Lochhead Sin And Despair Have So Possess'd My Heart by Anne Vaughan Locke So Foul Is Sin And Loathsome In Thy Sight by Anne Vaughan Locke Freeze-up by Michael Longley Letter To Derek Mahon by Michael Longley The Grasshopper
  • To My Noble Friend Mr. Charles Cotton by Richard Lovelace To Amarantha, That She Would Dishevel Her Hair by Richard Lovelace To Lucasta, [on] Going To The Wars by Richard Lovelace Horatius Speaks by Thomas Babington Macaulay Blue Tit On A String Of Peanuts by Norman Maccaig Gone Are The Days by Norman Maccaig Bagpipe Music by Frederick Louis Macneice Elegy For Minor Poets by Frederick Louis Macneice A Disused Shed In Co. Wexford by Derek Mahon An Unborn Child by Derek Mahon The Passionate Shepherd To His Love by Christopher Marlowe Satire 7: A Cynic Satire by John Marston An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return From Ireland by Andrew Marvell The Mower Against Gardens by Andrew Marvell On Milton's Paradise Lost by Andrew Marvell To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Cargoes by John Masefield Sea-fever by John Masefield The West Wind by John Masefield Itherness by Ellie Mcdonald The Orchid House by Medbh Mcguckian The Sitting by Medbh Mcguckian Lucifer In Starlight by George Meredith Modern Love: 1 by George Meredith Modern Love: 30 by George Meredith The Farmer's Bride by Charlotte Mew A Poet's Fancies: 8. The Modern Poet
  • A Song Of Derivations by Alice Meynell The Shepherdess by Alice Meynell Lycidas by John Milton Sonnet: 18. On The Late Massacre In Piedmont by John Milton Sonnet: 19. On His Blindness by John Milton Sonnet: 23. On His Deceased Wife by John Milton Wild Sports Of The West by John Montague The Harp by Thomas Moore Response To Rimbaud's Later Manner by Thomas Sturge Moore The Haystack In The Floods by William (1834-1896) Morris The Horses by Edwin Muir Scotland, 1941 by Edwin Muir The Briefcase by Paul Muldoon Sushi by Paul Muldoon Angel (2) by John Henry Newman Ode To The Maguire by Eochadh O'hussey Ode: We Are The Music Makers by Arthur William Edgar O'shaughnessy The Rubaiyat, 1879 Edition: 12 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1879 Edition: 27 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1879 Edition: 69 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1879 Edition: 71 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1879 Edition: 72 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1879 Edition: 73 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1889 Edition: 13 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1889 Edition: 19 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1889 Edition: 68 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1889 Edition: 70 by Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat, 1889 Edition: 74 by Omar Khayyam Anthem For Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen To The Body by Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore The Impossible Pictures by Tom Paulin The War Song Of Dinas Vawr by Thomas Love Peacock Epitaph On Her Son Hector Philips by Katherine Philips Friendship In Emblem, Or The Seal, To My Dearest Lucasia by Katherine Philips To The Welsh Language by Katherine Philips A Winter In Wales by Hester Lynch (salusbury) Piozzi Epistle To A Lady by Alexander Pope The Rape Of The Lock by Alexander Pope The Talented Man by Winthrop Mackworth Praed When Thou Must Home by Sextus Propertius Amores [the Loves]: Book I. Elegy 15 by Publius Ovidius Naso Amores [the Loves]: Book I. Elegy 4 by Publius Ovidius Naso Amores [the Loves]: Book I. Elegy 5 by Publius Ovidius Naso Amores [the Loves]: Book Iii. Elegy 1 by Publius Ovidius Naso Amores [the Loves]: Book Iii. Elegy 6 by Publius Ovidius Naso My Body In The Walls Captived by Walter Raleigh The Nymph's Reply To The Shepherd by Walter Raleigh Verses Made The Night Before His Beheading by Walter Raleigh Break Of Day In The Trenches by Isaac Rosenberg A Birthday by Christina Georgina Rossetti Cobwebs by Christina Georgina Rossetti An Echo From Willow-wood by Christina Georgina Rossetti Monna Innominata, A Sonnet Of Sonnets: 11 by Christina Georgina Rossetti Song (10) by Christina Georgina Rossetti Up-hill by Christina Georgina Rossetti The Blessed Damozel by Dante Gabriel Rossetti The House Of Life: 49. Willowwood (1) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti The House Of Life: 50. Willowwood (2) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti The House Of Life: 51. Willowwood (3) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti The House Of Life: 52. Willowwood (4) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Sudden Light by Dante Gabriel Rossetti The Woodspurge by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Proud Maisie, Fr. The Heart Of Midlothian by Walter Scott Eyam by Anna Seward The Phoenix And The Turtle by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 116 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 129 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 130 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 138 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 18 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 23 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 30 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 55 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 60 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 66 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 73 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 86 by William Shakespeare Sonnet: 94 by William Shakespeare Adonais
  • An Elegy On The Death Of John Keats by Percy Bysshe Shelley The Cloud by Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode To The West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley Song To The Men Of England by Percy Bysshe Shelley Astrophel And Stella: 1 by Philip Sidney Astrophel And Stella: 15 by Philip Sidney Astrophel And Stella: 27 by Philip Sidney Astrophel And Stella: 31 by Philip Sidney Astrophel And Stella: 54 by Philip Sidney Still Falls The Rain
  • The Raids, 1940. Night And Dawn by Edith Sitwell Knowledge, Acquaintance, Resort, Favour, With Grace by John Skelton Upon A Dead Man's Head by John Skelton Jubilate Agno: My Cat Jeoffrey [or, Lines 697-780.] by Christopher Smart On A Bed Of Guernsey Lilies by Christopher Smart Elegiac Sonnet: 44. Written In The Church Yard At Middleton In Sussex by Charlotte (turner) Smith On The Aphorism: L'amitie Est L'amour Sans Ailes by Charlotte (turner) Smith Away, Melancholy by Florence Margaret Smith Not Waving But Drowning by Florence Margaret Smith The Battle Of Blenheim by Robert Southey The Truly Great by Stephen SpenderA Sonnet by James Kenneth Stephen Songs Of Travel: 44 by Robert Louis Stevenson A Sessions Of The Poets by John Suckling Upon My Lady Carlisle's Walking In Hampton Court Garden by John Suckling In Sickness (1714) by Jonathan Swift Mrs. Harris's Petition: To Excellencies The Lords Justices Of Ireland by Jonathan Swift Stella's Birthday, 1725 by Jonathan Swift The Garden Of Proserpine by Algernon Charles Swinburne The Higher Pantheism In A Nutshell by Algernon Charles Swinburne The Lake Of Gaube by Algernon Charles Swinburne Faint Love by Arthur Symons Nerves by Arthur Symons The Star by Jane Taylor The Charge Of The Light Brigade by Alfred Tennyson The Higher Pantheism by Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam A.h.h.: 108 by Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam A.h.h.: 124 by Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam A.h.h.: 27 by Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam A.h.h.: 35 by Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam A.h.h.: 50 by Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam A.h.h.: 54 by Alfred Tennyson In Memoriam A.h.h.: 7 by Alfred Tennyson The Princess: Song by Alfred Tennyson Tithonus by Alfred Tennyson Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives The Flower by Dylan Thomas On Sir J- S- Saying In A Sarcastic Manner, My Books Would Make Me Mad by Elizabeth Thomas As The Team's Head Brass by Philip Edward Thomas October by Philip Edward Thomas Centuries by Ronald Stuart Thomas Pisces by Ronald Stuart Thomas Love by Francis Thompson A Hymn On The Seasons by James (1700-1748) Thomson William Blake by James (1834-1882) Thomson A Death In The Desert
  • In Memory Of Homer Vance by Charles Tomlinson A Word In Edgeways by Charles Tomlinson Innocence by Thomas Traherne Shadows In The Water by Thomas Traherne Alone Walking by Anonymous Battle Of Brunanburh, Sels. by Anonymous Beowulf, Sels. by Anonymous The Blacksmiths by Anonymous I Sing Of A Maiden by Anonymous Money, Money by Anonymous The Seafarer, Sels. by Anonymous The Unquiet Grave by Anonymous Western Wind by Anonymous The Retreat by Henry Vaughan They Are All Gone by Henry Vaughan To The Most Excellently Accomplished Mrs. Katherine Philips by Henry Vaughan Of English Verse by Edmund Waller Song by Edmund Waller To A Fair Lady Playing With A Snake by Edmund Waller Empty Space by Oscar Wilde Against Constancy by John Wilmot A Satire [or, Satyr] Against Mankind by John Wilmot To My Niece Dorothy, A Sleepless Baby by Dorothy Wordsworth Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 by William Wordsworth Daffodils by William Wordsworth Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth Lucy (2) by William Wordsworth Ode: Intimations Of Immortality From Recollections Of Early Childhood by William Wordsworth The Simplon Pass by William Wordsworth The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth Sonnet On Catherine Wordsworth by William Wordsworth Thought Of A Briton On The Subjugation Of Switzerland by William Wordsworth The World
  • Sonnet by William Wordsworth Epitaph by Mary Wortley Montagu Verses Addressed To Imitator Of First Satire Of Horace by Mary Wortley Montagu A Crown Of Sonnets Dedicated To Love: 1 by Mary Sidney Wroth Pamphilia To Amphilanthus: 1 by Mary Sidney Wroth Urania : Am I Thus Conquer'd? by Mary Sidney Wroth Urania : You Blessed Stars by Mary Sidney Wroth The Lover Showeth How He Is Forsaken by Thomas Wyatt Rime 190 (imitated From Petrarch) by Thomas Wyatt Varium Et Mutabile by Thomas Wyatt Among School Children by William Butler Yeats Coole Park, 1929 by William Butler Yeats Crazy Jane Talks With The Bishop by William Butler Yeats The Lake Isle Of Innisfree by William Butler Yeats Lapis Lazuli (for Henry Clifton) by William Butler Yeats Leda And The Swan by William Butler Yeats Sailing To Byzantium by William Butler Yeats The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats

「Nielsen BookData」 より

  • ISBN
    • 0231101805
  • LCCN
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  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    New York
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxxi, 891 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
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