Grain growth in polycrystalline materials II : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials, held in Kitakyushu, Japan, 17-20 May, 1995
Grain growth in polycrystalline materials II : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials, held in Kitakyushu, Japan, 17-20 May, 1995
(Materials science forum, v. 204-206)
Transtech Publications, 1996
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- pt. 1
- pt. 2
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Grain Growth is one of the most fundamental microstructural changes, and occurs in all types of polycrystalline material. It is of major scientific interest, and of great importance in a wide range of industrial applications.
- Analytical Treatments of Normal Grain Growth Statistical Theory of Grain Growth and Its Topological Foundations Solute Effects on the Structural and Migration Behaviour of Grain Boundaries High Pressure Effects on Grain Boundary Migration and Mechanism of Grain Boundary Migration Statistical Theory of Grain Growth: A Generel Approach Computer Simulation of Two-Dimensional Grain Growth with Anisotropic Grain Boundary Energy and Mobility by Vertex Model Grain Growth and Texture Evolution in Thin Films In-Situ Observations of Grain Boundary Migration Grain Growth in Ceramics Texture in 3% Si-Fe Ribbon Cast Directly Factors Affecting Grain Growth of Very Thin Silicon Steel Sheets Recent Development of Technology of Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Modelling the Effects of Nucleation and Growth on Texture Formation in Commercial Steels Grain Growth Control by Solidification Technology Orientation Imaging Microscopy: Bridging the Grain-Boundary Structure-Properties Linkage in Polycrystalline Materials Chemically Induced Interface Migration Grain Boundary Structure and Growth Sequence of Diamond Thin Film Phase Boundary Migration Due to Interdiffusion Grain Boundary Migration in Fe-3%Si Bicrystal Computer Simulation of Grain Boundary in BCC Fe by Embedded Atom Method Monte Carlo Simulation of Interactions between Grain Boundary Migration and Precipitation Correlation of Grain Boundary Energy with Boundary Dislocation Density Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Melting of a Twist =5 Grain Boundary Some Theoretical Considerations on Abnormal Grain Growth Physical Aspects of Grain Growth Phenomena Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling of Grain Growth: A Vertex model Approach Quantitative Analysis of DIGM in Binary Sytems Using a Model of Driving Energy for Alloying Simulation of Normal Grain Growth by the 3-D Statistical Model Normal and Abnormal Grain Growth and Particularly the Behaviour of Large and Small Grains as Predicted by Simulations on the Basis of the Statistical Model A Study on Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Method for Grain Growth Simulation The Influence of Anisotropy on the Recrystallization Kinetics Computer Simulation of Grain Growth in Particle Dispersed Structure Computer Simulation of Grain Growth Induced by Superplastic Deformation Scaling Behavior in Grain Growth 3-D Anisotropic Grain Growth First Simulation Results with a Laguerre Model A Mathematical Model for the Solute Drag Effect on Recrystallization Modelling of the Texture Evolution during Electrodeposition Rate Equation for Grain Growth with Two-Sphere Model Grain Rotation and Microstructure Development in Thin Films of Gold The Role of Anisotropic Grain Boundary Parameters in Grain Growth Formation of (111) Recrystallization Texture in Al-Mg Alloys Deformation, Recrystallization and Premelting in Bicrystals Grain Growth and the Processing of Nanocrystalline Ceramics Formation of Slip Traces during Grain Growth of Thin Metal Sheets Grain Size Control in Foil-Metallurgical Processing of Aluminium Alloy Abnormal Growth of Facted Grains in Liquid Matrix Change in Boundary Misorientation with Subgrain Growth in a Microduplex Stainless Steel The Influence of Texture and Grain Boundary Character Distribution on the Reliability of Aluminium Thin Films Structural Evolution and Validity of Hall-Petch Relationship in an Al-3% Mg Alloy with Submicron Grain Size High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Observations of Grain Boundary Structures in Submicrometer-Grained Al-Mg Alloys The Role of Texture-Related Mobility in the Secondary Recrystallization of ODS Alloys Computer-Aided Investigation of Isothermal Grain Growth in Copper and Brass Grain Boundary Design for Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Thin Film through Abnormal Grain Growth Grain Rotation during Grain Growth of Polycrystalline Aluminium Microstructure Change and Precipitation Behavior during Hot Deformation in Al-5.5Mass%Mg Alloys Grain Growth Process in Al-0.3Mass%Mg Alloy Grain Size Dependence on the Dynamic Characteristics in a Mechanically Alloyed IN905XL Alloy Abnormal Grain Growth in Alumina Abnormal Grain Growth of BaTiO3 with Small Cation Nonstoichiometry Texture Development in Oxides Modified with Reactive Element Addition The Influence of Annealing on Grain Growth in Nanocrystalline CeO2 Ceramics Grain Growth and Texture of Chemical-Vapour-Deposited Refractory Metal and Ceramic Grain Growth Behavior of Fine-Grained Silicon Nitride Ceramics Topological Relationships Valid in Grain Growth Microstructure of Fe3%Si Texture Change during Primary Recrystallized Grain Growth in Fe-3%Si Alloy Grain Growth Behavior during Static Recrystallization of 3%-Silicon Steel Following High Temperature Deformation Effect of Sn on Primary Recrystallization Texture of Fe-Si Alloy The Research on Fine-Grained Cube Texture
- A Soft Magnetic Material for Use in High Frequency Electronic Fields A New Texture Control Process for Grain Oriented Si Steel Texture Selection by Secondary Recrystallization in Grain Oriented Silicon Iron: Competitive Texture Components for Goss Grains Microstructures in Secondary Recrystallized {100}<001> Grains of 3%Si-Fe Secondary Recrystallization in Fe-3.3 Mass % Si Re-Rolled Foil Effect of Hot-Band Annealing Condition on Secondary Recrystallization of Ultra-Low Carbon 2.3%Si-1.7%Mn Steel Precipitation Behaviors of Injected Nitride Inhibitors during Secondary Recrystallization Annealing in Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Influence of Inhibitor Intensity on Secondary Recrystallization in Fe-3%Si Alloy Influence of Secondary Recrystallization Temperature on Secondary Recrystallization Texture in Fe-3%Si Alloy Computer Simulation of the Influence of Inhibitor Intensity on Secondary Recrystallization in Fe-3%Si Alloy Effect of Cold Rolling Reduction on Secondary Recrystallization of 3%Si-Fe Influence of primary Recrystallized Structure on Secondary Recrystallization in Fe-3%Si Alloy Prediction Method of Sharpness of {110} Secondary Recrystallization Texture of Fe-3%Si Alloy Relationship between Primary Recrystallized Structure with Texture and Secondary Recrystallization Kinetics of Fe-3%Si Alloys Influences of Tin and Copper on the Inhibitor Intensities in High-Induction Grain-Oriented Silicon Steel Secondary Grain Growth Behavior of Refractory Metals The Control of Grain Size Particles in Grain Boundary for Superplastic Aluminium Alloys Role of CSL Boundaries during the Recrystallization of a IF Steel Influence of Precipitates on Behavior of Recrystallization and Grain Growth in Extra Low Carbon Ti-Bearing Cold-Rolled Steel Sheets A Study of the Relation between Distribution of Grain Diameters and Metallurgical Properties in Recrystallized Steel Sheet Abnormal Grain Growth in Ti- and Zr-Containing Hot Rolled Electrical Steels The Effect of Nb on Texture Formation and Formability of Cold-Rolled Rephosphorized Sheet Steel Relationship between Structural and Physical Properties in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Ceramics The Microstructural Evolutions during Growth of Zn-Fe Electrodeposits on Steel Substrate Fractal Dimension of Zirkonia Grain in Alumina/Zirconia Ceramic Composites EBSP Studies of Growth Rates during Recrystallization Observation of the Growth of Secondary Recrystallization Grains in Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel by New Ultrasonic Wave Method Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Grain Evolution during Growth of Thin Oxide Films An Experimental Investigation of Grain Boundary Structure Effects on Grain Growth X-Ray Diffraction Measurments of Grain Size as a Function of Orientation in Primary Recrystallized Silicon-Iron In Situ Atomic Resolution Electron Microscopy of Metal-Mediated Crystallization of Semiconductors Analyzing Method of Surface Structures by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
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