Jung on evil
Bibliographic Information
Jung on evil
(Encountering Jung)(Princeton paperbacks)
Princeton University Press, c1995
- : pbk
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
Well-known for his articulation of the "shadow side" of human individuality and culture, C. G. Jung wrote a great deal about the question of evil throughout his life and in scattered places in his work. In this book his position is pieced together from many sources. In his early work on the unconscious, for instance, he considered the role of evil in the mental processes of the severely disturbed. Later, he viewed the question of moral choice within the framework of his ideas about archetypes and discussions about moral choices, conscience, and the continual ethical reflection that is necessary for all of us. The material here includes letters to Freud and Father Victor White and selections from his writings ranging from his Answer to Job to his travel piece on North Africa.
Table of Contents
Introduction11A letter to Freud252Introduction to the religious and psychological problems of alchemy273The spirit Mercurius424The problem of the fourth495Two letters to Father Victor White726Good and evil in analytical psychology847The shadow958North Africa989A psychological view of conscience10410Answer to Job11911The fight with the shadow17412After the catastrophe181Sources and acknowledgements200Index201
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