Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the head and neck


Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the head and neck

Celeste N. Powers, William J. Frable

Butterworth-Heinemann, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy continues to evolve as a rapid, safe, and cost effective procedure for the diagnosis of palpable masses. This book is a comprehensive discussion of FNA of the head and neck area. Techniques of FNA specific to this area are described as well as techniques for handling and processing the biopsy sample and the importance of clinical evaluation and clinical correlation with the interpretation of the biopsy. The book is generously illustrated to show specific and differential diagnostic features of the large number of lesions which can affect the head and neck area. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy continues to evolve as a rapid, safe, and cost effective procedure for the diagnosis of palpable masses. This book is a comprehensive discussion of FNA of the head and neck area. Techniques of FNA specific to this area are described as well as techniques for handling and processing the biopsy sample and the importance of clinical evaluation and clinical correlation with the interpretation of the biopsy. The book is generously illustrated to show specific and differential diagnostic features of the large number of lesions which can affect the head and neck area. Celeste Powers and William Frable have written a practical text intended for the non-experts in Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy procedures. The book is intended for pathologists and clinicians interested ina more comprehensive discussion of FNAB of the head and neck area. Discussion also details procedures for handling and processing the biopsy sample and the importance of clinical evaluation and clinical correlation with the interpretation of the biopsy. Chapters on the salivary gland, lymph node, throid, parathyroid, skin, soft tissue and bone lesions are heavily illustrated to give both the general pathologist and cytopathologist specific and differential diagnostic features of the large number of lesions affecting this area. The structure of this text is engineered to present general followed by more specific information on diagnostic problems that occur with the interpretation of FNA biopsy samples.


Techniques Salivary gland Thyroid Lymph nodes Skin and soft tissue Head and neck Conclusion

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