Handbook of pragmatics


Handbook of pragmatics

edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert

J. Benjamins, c1995-

  • : [set] : eur
  • : [set] : us
  • manual : eur
  • manual : us
  • 1995 installment : eur
  • 1995 installment : us
  • 1996 installment : eur
  • 1996 installment : us
  • 1997 installment : eur
  • 1997 installment : us
  • 1998 installment : eur
  • 1998 installment : us
  • 1999 installment : eur
  • 1999 installment : us
  • 2000 installment : eur
  • 2000 installment : us
  • 2001 installment : eur
  • 2001 installment : us
  • 2002 installment : eur
  • 2003-2005 installment : eur
  • 2006 installment
  • 2007 installment
  • 2008 installment
  • 2009 installment
  • 2010 installment
  • 2011 installment
  • 2013 installment
  • 2014 installment
  • 2015 installment
  • 2016 installment
  • 21st annual installment


1997 installment has author statement: Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert, Chris Bulcaen

2013, 2015, 2016 installment has author statement: Jan-Ola Östman, Jef Verschueren

Includes bibliographical references and index

With one ring-binder for 4 years of installments

Ring-binder accompanying 1998 installment has "Continued I" on spine; accompanying 2003-2005 installment has "Continued III" on spine; accompanying 2007 installment has "Continued IV" on spine; accompanying 2010 installment has "Continued V" on spine


1995 installment : us ISBN 9781556195037


The Handbook of Pragmatics, published under the auspices of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), provides easy access, for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with converging interests in the use and functioning of language, to the field of linguistic pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social, and cultural study of language and communication. It is a continuously updated state-of-the-art report, functioning as a tool to enhance cross-disciplinary intelligibility in this necessarily interdisciplinary domain of scholarship. While the bulk of the Handbook is published in loose-leaf format to allow for annual updating, this bound Handbook Manual was designed to provide as much as possible of the necessary background information on formative and related traditions and methods of research. An introductory chapter on "The pragmatic perspective" is followed by over one hundred articles situating pragmatics in relation to various traditions in the cognitive sciences, social sciences, cultural studies, philosophy of language, and linguistic proper, and exploring a range of important methodological tools.

: [set] : us ISBN 9781556195112


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Bilingualism and multilingualism (by Heller, Monica)
  • 2. Case and semantic roles (by Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida)
  • 3. Channel (by Slembrouck, Stef)
  • 4. Code-switching (by Eastman, Carol M.)
  • 5. Context and contextualization (by Auer, Peter)
  • 6. Conversational implicature (by Lakoff, Robin T.)
  • 7. Correlational sociolinguistics (by Dittmar, Norbert)
  • 8. Creoles and creolization (by Mufwene, Salikoko S.)
  • 9. Culture (by Sarangi, Srikant)
  • 10. Functional sentence perspective (by Sgall, Petr)
  • 11. Hermeneutics (by Van de Craen, Piet)
  • 12. Honorifics (by Irvine, Judith T.)
  • 13. Interlanguage pragmatics (by Kasper, Gabriele)
  • 14. Intercultural communication (by Hinnenkamp, Volker)
  • 15. Language policy, language planning and standardization (by Herbert, Robert K.)
  • 16. Mass media (by Jucker, Andreas H.)
  • 17. Phatic communion (by Senft, Gunter)
  • 18. Register (by Dittmar, Norbert)

1996 installment : us ISBN 9781556195129


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Authority (by Wilson, John)
  • 2. Collaboration in dialogues (by Aronsson, Karin)
  • 3. Consciousness and language (by Chafe, Wallace)
  • 4. Frame semantics (by Petruck, Miriam R.L.)
  • 5. Grounding (by Warvik, Brita)
  • 6. Humor (by Attardo, Salvatore)
  • 7. Jargon (by Martin Rojo, Luisa)
  • 8. Lexical semantics (by MacLaury, Robert E.)
  • 9. Markedness (by Comrie, Bernard)
  • 10. Politeness (by Kasper, Gabriele)
  • 11. Polyphony (by Roulet, Eddy)
  • 12. Pragmatic particles (by Foolen, Ad)
  • 13. Public discourse (by Sarangi, Srikant)
  • 14. Social institutions (by Watts, Richard J.)
  • 15. Text type (by Pilegaard, Morten)

1997 installment : us ISBN 9781556195273


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Karl Buhler (by Musolff, Andreas)
  • 2. Dialect (by Macaulay, Ronald K.S.)
  • 3. Discourse markers (by Lenk, Uta)
  • 4. Wilhelm von Humboldt (by Nerlich, Brigitte)
  • 5. Implicitness (by Bertuccelli Papi, Marcella)
  • 6. Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski (by Senft, Gunter)
  • 7. Morphopragmatics (by Dressler, Wolfgang U.)
  • 8. Narrative (by Georgakopoulou, Alexandra)
  • 9. Charles S. Peirce (by Parmentier, Richard J.)
  • 10. Polysemy (by Brugman, Claudia)
  • 11. Semantics vs. pragmatics (by Turner, Ken)
  • 12. Sign (by Wouters, Els)
  • 13. Text structure (by Virtanen, Tuija)
  • 14. Translation studies (by Schaffner, Christina)
  • 15. Lev S. Vygotsky (by van der Veer, Rene)

1998 installment : us ISBN 9781556197642


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Anaphora (by De Mulder, Walter)
  • 2. Attention and language (by Stamenov, Maxim I.)
  • 3. John L. Austin (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 4. Gregory Bateson (by Servais, Veronique)
  • 5. Categorization (by Rosch, Eleanor)
  • 6. Cohesion and coherence (by Bublitz, Wolfram)
  • 7. Comprehension vs. production (by Cutting, J. Cooper)
  • 8. Deixis (by Sidnell, Jack)
  • 9. Integrational linguistics (by Harris, Roy)
  • 10. Irony (by Giora, Rachel)
  • 11. Modality (by Kiefer, Ferenc)
  • 12. Edward Sapir (by Vermeulen, Jeroen)
  • 13. Speech community (by Rampton, Ben)
  • 14. Terms of address (by Braun, Friederike)
  • 15. Benjamin Lee Whorf (by Lee, Penny)
  • 16. Word (by Mithun, Marianne)

1999 installment : us ISBN 9781588110008


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Communication (by Harder, Peter)
  • 2. Communicative dynamism (by Firbas, Jan)
  • 3. Communicative success vs. failure (by Good, David A.)
  • 4. Communicative style (by Selting, Margret)
  • 5. Conversation types (by Hakulinen, Auli)
  • 6. Definiteness (by Laury, Ritva)
  • 7. Figures of Speech (by Kienpointner, Manfred)
  • 8. Language ecology (by Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove)
  • 9. Vilem Mathesius (by Nekula, Marek)
  • 10. Motivation (by Dornyei, Zoltan)
  • 11. Negation (by Miestamo, Matti)
  • 12. Notation systems in spoken language corpora (by Lenk, Uta)
  • 13. 'Other' representation (by Coupland, Nikolas)
  • 14. Signed language pragmatics (by Janzen, Terry)

2000 installment : us ISBN 9781588110299


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Mikhail Bakhtin (by Bjorklund, Martina)
  • 2. Causality (by Vandepitte, Sonia)
  • 3. Michel Foucault (by Martin Rojo, Luisa)
  • 3. Borrowing (by Treffers-Daller, Jeanine)
  • 4. Frame analysis (by Telles Ribeiro, Branca)
  • 5. H.P. Grice (by Brisard, Frank)
  • 6. Implicature and language change (by Kearns, Kate)
  • 7. Indeterminacy and negotiation (by Zanotto, Mara Sophia)
  • 8. Intentionality (by Nuyts, Jan)
  • 9. Metalinguistic awareness (by Mertz, Elizabeth)
  • 10. Charles Morris (by Petrilli, Susan)
  • 11. Prosody (by Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth)
  • 12. Ferdinand de Saussure (by Harris, Roy)

2001 installment : us ISBN 9781588113764


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Cerebral representation of language (by Paradis, Michel)
  • 2. Clinical pragmatics (by Perkins, Michael R.)
  • 3. Computer-mediated communication (by Georgakopoulou, Alexandra)
  • 4. Ellipsis (by Wilson, Peter)
  • 5. Emergent grammar (by Helasvuo, Marja-Liisa)
  • 6. Iconicity (by Tabakowska, Elzbieta)
  • 7. Language change (by Hickey, Raymond)
  • 8. Language contact (by Matras, Yaron)
  • 9. Language dominance and minorization (by Patrick, Donna)
  • 10. Language ideologies (by Kroskrity, Paul V.)
  • 11. Perception and language (by Lindsay, Roger)
  • 12. Predicates and predication (by Mackenzie, J. Lachlan)
  • 13. Primate communication (by Tomasello, Michael)

: [set] : eur ISBN 9789027221575


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Bilingualism and multilingualism (by Heller, Monica)
  • 2. Case and semantic roles (by Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida)
  • 3. Channel (by Slembrouck, Stef)
  • 4. Code-switching (by Eastman, Carol M.)
  • 5. Context and contextualization (by Auer, Peter)
  • 6. Conversational implicature (by Lakoff, Robin T.)
  • 7. Correlational sociolinguistics (by Dittmar, Norbert)
  • 8. Creoles and creolization (by Mufwene, Salikoko S.)
  • 9. Culture (by Sarangi, Srikant)
  • 10. Functional sentence perspective (by Sgall, Petr)
  • 11. Hermeneutics (by Van de Craen, Piet)
  • 12. Honorifics (by Irvine, Judith T.)
  • 13. Interlanguage pragmatics (by Kasper, Gabriele)
  • 14. Intercultural communication (by Hinnenkamp, Volker)
  • 15. Language policy, language planning and standardization (by Herbert, Robert K.)
  • 16. Mass media (by Jucker, Andreas H.)
  • 17. Phatic communion (by Senft, Gunter)
  • 18. Register (by Dittmar, Norbert)

1996 installment : eur ISBN 9789027221582


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Authority (by Wilson, John)
  • 2. Collaboration in dialogues (by Aronsson, Karin)
  • 3. Consciousness and language (by Chafe, Wallace)
  • 4. Frame semantics (by Petruck, Miriam R.L.)
  • 5. Grounding (by Warvik, Brita)
  • 6. Humor (by Attardo, Salvatore)
  • 7. Jargon (by Martin Rojo, Luisa)
  • 8. Lexical semantics (by MacLaury, Robert E.)
  • 9. Markedness (by Comrie, Bernard)
  • 10. Politeness (by Kasper, Gabriele)
  • 11. Polyphony (by Roulet, Eddy)
  • 12. Pragmatic particles (by Foolen, Ad)
  • 13. Public discourse (by Sarangi, Srikant)
  • 14. Social institutions (by Watts, Richard J.)
  • 15. Text type (by Pilegaard, Morten)

1997 installment : eur ISBN 9789027221735


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Karl Buhler (by Musolff, Andreas)
  • 2. Dialect (by Macaulay, Ronald K.S.)
  • 3. Discourse markers (by Lenk, Uta)
  • 4. Wilhelm von Humboldt (by Nerlich, Brigitte)
  • 5. Implicitness (by Bertuccelli Papi, Marcella)
  • 6. Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski (by Senft, Gunter)
  • 7. Morphopragmatics (by Dressler, Wolfgang U.)
  • 8. Narrative (by Georgakopoulou, Alexandra)
  • 9. Charles S. Peirce (by Parmentier, Richard J.)
  • 10. Polysemy (by Brugman, Claudia)
  • 11. Semantics vs. pragmatics (by Turner, Ken)
  • 12. Sign (by Wouters, Els)
  • 13. Text structure (by Virtanen, Tuija)
  • 14. Translation studies (by Schaffner, Christina)
  • 15. Lev S. Vygotsky (by van der Veer, Rene)

1998 installment : eur ISBN 9789027225603


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Anaphora (by De Mulder, Walter)
  • 2. Attention and language (by Stamenov, Maxim I.)
  • 3. John L. Austin (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 4. Gregory Bateson (by Servais, Veronique)
  • 5. Categorization (by Rosch, Eleanor)
  • 6. Cohesion and coherence (by Bublitz, Wolfram)
  • 7. Comprehension vs. production (by Cutting, J. Cooper)
  • 8. Deixis (by Sidnell, Jack)
  • 9. Integrational linguistics (by Harris, Roy)
  • 10. Irony (by Giora, Rachel)
  • 11. Modality (by Kiefer, Ferenc)
  • 12. Edward Sapir (by Vermeulen, Jeroen)
  • 13. Speech community (by Rampton, Ben)
  • 14. Terms of address (by Braun, Friederike)
  • 15. Benjamin Lee Whorf (by Lee, Penny)
  • 16. Word (by Mithun, Marianne)

1999 installment : eur ISBN 9789027225733


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Communication (by Harder, Peter)
  • 2. Communicative dynamism (by Firbas, Jan)
  • 3. Communicative success vs. failure (by Good, David A.)
  • 4. Communicative style (by Selting, Margret)
  • 5. Conversation types (by Hakulinen, Auli)
  • 6. Definiteness (by Laury, Ritva)
  • 7. Figures of Speech (by Kienpointner, Manfred)
  • 8. Language ecology (by Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove)
  • 9. Vilem Mathesius (by Nekula, Marek)
  • 10. Motivation (by Dornyei, Zoltan)
  • 11. Negation (by Miestamo, Matti)
  • 12. Notation systems in spoken language corpora (by Lenk, Uta)
  • 13. 'Other' representation (by Coupland, Nikolas)
  • 14. Signed language pragmatics (by Janzen, Terry)

2000 installment : eur ISBN 9789027225757


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Mikhail Bakhtin (by Bjorklund, Martina)
  • 2. Causality (by Vandepitte, Sonia)
  • 3. Michel Foucault (by Martin Rojo, Luisa)
  • 3. Borrowing (by Treffers-Daller, Jeanine)
  • 4. Frame analysis (by Telles Ribeiro, Branca)
  • 5. H.P. Grice (by Brisard, Frank)
  • 6. Implicature and language change (by Kearns, Kate)
  • 7. Indeterminacy and negotiation (by Zanotto, Mara Sophia)
  • 8. Intentionality (by Nuyts, Jan)
  • 9. Metalinguistic awareness (by Mertz, Elizabeth)
  • 10. Charles Morris (by Petrilli, Susan)
  • 11. Prosody (by Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth)
  • 12. Ferdinand de Saussure (by Harris, Roy)

2001 installment : eur ISBN 9789027226006


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Cerebral representation of language (by Paradis, Michel)
  • 2. Clinical pragmatics (by Perkins, Michael R.)
  • 3. Computer-mediated communication (by Georgakopoulou, Alexandra)
  • 4. Ellipsis (by Wilson, Peter)
  • 5. Emergent grammar (by Helasvuo, Marja-Liisa)
  • 6. Iconicity (by Tabakowska, Elzbieta)
  • 7. Language change (by Hickey, Raymond)
  • 8. Language contact (by Matras, Yaron)
  • 9. Language dominance and minorization (by Patrick, Donna)
  • 10. Language ideologies (by Kroskrity, Paul V.)
  • 11. Perception and language (by Lindsay, Roger)
  • 12. Predicates and predication (by Mackenzie, J. Lachlan)
  • 13. Primate communication (by Tomasello, Michael)

2002 installment : eur ISBN 9789027226020


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Adaptability (by Verschueren, Jef)
  • 2. Appraisal (by White, Peter R.R.)
  • 3. Emile Benveniste (by Van Hecke, Tine)
  • 4. Emphasis (by Lauerbach, Gerda Eva)
  • 5. Information structure (by Gundel, Jeanette K.)
  • 6. Intertextuality (by Slembrouck, Stef)
  • 7. Language acquisition (by Gillis, Steven)
  • 8. Manipulation (by Chilton, Paul)
  • 9. Metaphor (by Taverniers, Miriam)
  • 10. Non-verbal communication (by Payrato, Lluis)
  • 11. Tense and aspect (by Binnick, Robert I.)
  • 12. Truthfulness (by Vincent Marrelli, Jocelyne)
  • 13. Ludwig Wittgenstein (by Leilich, Joachim)
  • 14. Word order (by Fried, Mirjam)

2003-2005 installment : eur ISBN 9789027232298


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Franz Boas (by Darnell, Regna)
  • 2. Cognitive science (by Coulson, Seana)
  • 3. Conventions of language (by Gu, Yueguo)
  • 4. Componential analysis (by Goddard, Cliff)
  • 5. Corpus analysis (by Aarts, Jan)
  • 6. Deixis (by Sidnell, Jack)
  • 7. Erving Goffman (by O'Driscoll, Jim)
  • 8. Humor (by Attardo, Salvatore)
  • 9. Literacy (by Cook-Gumperz, Jenny)
  • 10. Mass media (by Jucker, Andreas H.)
  • 11. Metonymy (by Panther, Klaus-Uwe)
  • 12. Phenomenology (by Reynaert, Peter)
  • 13. Rhetoric (by Kienpointner, Manfred)
  • 14. Harvey Sacks (by Watson, Rod)
  • 15. Cerebral division of labour in verbal communication (by Paradis, Michel)

2006 installment ISBN 9789027232359


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Applied linguistics (by Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise)
  • 2. Analytical philosophy (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 3. Communication (by Harder, Peter)
  • 4. Conversation analysis (by Clift, Rebecca)
  • 5. Creole linguistics (by Muysken, Pieter)
  • 6. Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis (by Wodak, Ruth)
  • 7. Cultural Scripts (by Goddard, Cliff)
  • 8. Default interpretations (by Jaszczolt, Katarzyna M.)
  • 9. Gender (by Lakoff, Robin T.)
  • 10. Historical pragmatics (by Jucker, Andreas H.)
  • 11. Interactional linguistics (by Lindstrom, Jan K.)
  • 12. Interjections (by Ameka, Felix K.)
  • 13. Negation (by Miestamo, Matti)
  • 14. Repair (by Sidnell, Jack)
  • 15. Sequence (by Sidnell, Jack)
  • 16. Speech act theory (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 17. Structuralism (by Van de Walle, Jurgen)
  • 18. Truthfulness (by Vincent Marrelli, Jocelyne)

2007 installment ISBN 9789027232458


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Aisatsu (by Ide, Risako)
  • 2. Attention and language (by Stamenov, Maxim I.)
  • 4. Authority (by Wilson, John)
  • 5. Creoles and creolization (by Mufwene, Salikoko S.)
  • 6. Evolutionary pragmatics (by Wildgen, Wolfgang)
  • 7. Folk Pragmatics (by Niedzielski, Nancy)
  • 8. Integrational linguistics (by Harris, Roy)
  • 9. Intensional logic (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 10. Language ecology (by Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove)
  • 11. Language rights (by Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove)
  • 12. Modal logic (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 13. Model-theoretic semantics (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 14. Motivation and language (by Ushioda, Ema)
  • 15. Possible worlds semantics (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 16. Presupposition (by Delogu, Francesca)
  • 17. Ferdinand de Saussure (by Harris, Roy)
  • 18. Think-aloud protocols (by Jonasson, Kerstin)

2008 installment ISBN 9789027232571


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Authenticity (by Gill, Martin)
  • 2. Conceptual semantics (by Nikanne, Urpo)
  • 3. Contact (by Wei, Li)
  • 4. Embodiment (by Quaeghebeur, Liesbet)
  • 5. Enonciation (by Johansson, Marjut)
  • 6. Listener response (by Xudong, Deng)
  • 7. Overlap (by Xudong, Deng)
  • 8. Socio-onomastics (by Ainiala, Terhi)

2009 installment ISBN 9789027233196


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Bilingualism and multilingualism (by Heller, Monica)
  • 2. Constructional analysis (by Nikiforidou, Kiki)
  • 3. Contact linguistics (by Meeuwis, Michael)
  • 4. Control phenomena (by Lyngfelt, Benjamin)
  • 5. Experimentation (by Sandra, Dominiek)
  • 6. Functional discourse grammar (by Hannay, Mike)
  • 7. Genre (by Solin, Anna)
  • 8. Mental spaces (by Oakley, Todd)
  • 9. The multilingual lexicon (by Dijkstra, Ton)
  • 10. Participation (by Sidnell, Jack)
  • 11. Phonetic notation systems (by Verhoeven, Jo)
  • 12. Pragmatic markers (by Aijmer, Karin)
  • 13. Reported speech (by Holt, Elizabeth)
  • 14. Role and reference grammar (by Van Valin Jr., Robert D.)
  • 15. Sequence (by Sidnell, Jack)
  • 16. Social semiotics (by Bezemer, Jeff)

2010 installment ISBN 9789027233219


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Agency and language (by Ahearn, Laura M.)
  • 2. Code-switching (by Auer, Peter)
  • 3. Cognitive sociology (by Saferstein, Barry)
  • 4. Contextualism (by Bianchi, Claudia)
  • 5. J.R. Firth (by Shore, Susanna)
  • 6. Indexicals and demonstratives (by Corazza, Eros)
  • 7. Intensional logic (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 8. Interactional sociolinguistics (by Verschueren, Jef)
  • 9. Language change (by Hickey, Raymond)
  • 10. Language ideologies (by Kroskrity, Paul V.)
  • 11. Philosophy of mind (by Cuypers, Stefaan E.)
  • 12. Possible worlds semantics (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 13. Psycholinguistics (by Sandra, Dominiek)
  • 14. Variational pragmatics (by Schneider, Klaus P.)
  • 15. Ludwig Wittgenstein (by Leilich, Joachim)
  • 16. Deconstruction (by Schirato, Tony)

2011 installment ISBN 9789027233226


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Applied linguistics (by Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise)
  • 2. Analytical philosophy: Ordinary language philosophy (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 3. John L. Austin (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 4. Clinical pragmatics (by Perkins, Michael R.)
  • 5. Conceptual integration (by Oakley, Todd)
  • 6. Corpus analysis (by Aarts, Jan)
  • 7. Dialectology and geolinguistic dynamics (by Vandekerckhove, Reinhild)
  • 8. Epistemology of testimony (by Faulkner, Paul)
  • 9. Grounding (by Warvik, Brita)
  • 10. Language and the law (by Angermeyer, Philipp S.)
  • 11. Language ecology (by Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove)
  • 12. Reference and descriptions (by Bianchi, Andrea)
  • 13. Translation studies (by Schaffner, Christina)

2013 installment ISBN 9789027233264


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Age and language use (by Englert, Christina K.)
  • 2. Common ground (by Allan, Keith)
  • 3. Corpus pragmatics (by Jucker, Andreas H.)
  • 4. Creativity in language use (by Pitzl, Marie-Luise)
  • 5. Experimental pragmatics (by Noveck, Ira)
  • 6. Grammaticalization and pragmatics (by Boye, Kasper)
  • 7. Historical politeness (by Kadar, Daniel Z.)
  • 8. Impoliteness (by Culpeper, Jonathan)
  • 9. Mediated performatives (by Kampf, Zohar)
  • 10. Text comprehension (by Dirks, Una)

2014 installment ISBN 9789027233271


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Traditions
  • 2. Forensic linguistics (by Carter, Elisabeth)
  • 3. Linguistic Landscape studies (by Gorter, Durk)
  • 4. Nexus analysis (by Lane, Pia)
  • 5. Methods
  • 6. Grounded theory (by Dirks, Una)
  • 7. Handbook A-Z
  • 8. John J. Gumperz (by Auer, Peter)
  • 9. Ideology (by Maatta, Simo K.)
  • 10. Language learning in immersion and CLIL classrooms (by Nikula, Tarja)
  • 11. Social class and language (by Snell, Julia)
  • 12. Therapeutic conversation (by Voutilainen, Liisa)

2015 installment ISBN 9789027233295


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • 1. Argumentation in discourse and grammar (by Piazza, Roberta)
  • 2. Collocation and colligation (by Lehecka, Tomas)
  • 3. Emotion display (by Koole, Tom)
  • 4. Geoffrey Leech, 1936-2014 - The pragmatics legacy (by Culpeper, Jonathan)
  • 5. Interpreter-mediated interaction (by Wadensjo, Cecilia)
  • 6. Laughter (by Holt, Elizabeth)
  • 7. Omoluabi (by Odebunmi, Akin)
  • 8. Pierre Bourdieu - Perspectives on language in society (by Blommaert, Jan)
  • 9. Silence (by Kurzon, Dennis)
  • 10. Sound symbolism (by Akita, Kimi)

2016 installment ISBN 9789027233301


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of Pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. It is also available online.


  • Harold Garfinkel and Pragmatics (by Watson, Rod)
  • Historical sociolinguistics (by Conde Silvestre, Juan Camilo)
  • Life stories (by Van De Mieroop, Dorien)
  • Pragmatic acquisition (by Zufferey, Sandrine)
  • Contrastive pragmatics (by Verschueren, Jef)
  • Developmental dyslexia (by Nijakowska, Joanna)

manual : eur ISBN 9789027250810


The Handbook of Pragmatics, published under the auspices of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), provides easy access, for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with converging interests in the use and functioning of language, to the field of linguistic pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social, and cultural study of language and communication. It is a continuously updated state-of-the-art report, functioning as a tool to enhance cross-disciplinary intelligibility in this necessarily interdisciplinary domain of scholarship. While the bulk of the Handbook is published in loose-leaf format to allow for annual updating, this bound Handbook Manual was designed to provide as much as possible of the necessary background information on formative and related traditions and methods of research. An introductory chapter on "The pragmatic perspective" is followed by over one hundred articles situating pragmatics in relation to various traditions in the cognitive sciences, social sciences, cultural studies, philosophy of language, and linguistic proper, and exploring a range of important methodological tools.


  • 1. Preface
  • 2. The pragmatic perspective (by Verschueren, Jef)
  • 3. Traditions
  • 4. Accommodation theory (by Coupland, Nikolas)
  • 5. Action theory (by Allwood, Jens)
  • 6. Analytical philosophy (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 7. Anthropological linguistics (by Blount, Ben G.)
  • 8. Applied linguistics (by Gunnarsson, Britt-Louise)
  • 9. Argumentation theory (by Eemeren, Frans H. van)
  • 10. Artificial intelligence (by Gillis, Steven)
  • 11. Autonomous vs. non-autonomous syntax (by Nuyts, Jan)
  • 12. Behaviorism (by De Mey, Marc)
  • 13. Case grammar (by Anderson, John M.)
  • 14. Catastrophe theory (by Wildgen, Wolfgang)
  • 15. Chomskyan linguistics (by Riemsdijk, Henk van)
  • 16. Cognitive anthropology (by Levinson, Stephen C.)
  • 17. Cognitive grammar (by Langacker, Ronald W.)
  • 18. Cognitive linguistics (by Geeraerts, Dirk)
  • 19. Cognitive psychology (by Caron, Jean)
  • 20. Cognitive science (by Coulson, Seana)
  • 21. Cognitive sociology (by Saferstein, Barry)
  • 22. Componential analysis (by Goddard, Cliff)
  • 23. Computational linguistics (by De Roeck, Anne)
  • 24. Connectionism (by Weijters, Ton)
  • 25. Construction grammar (by Kay, Paul)
  • 26. Contact linguistics (by Meeuwis, Michael)
  • 27. Conversation analysis (by Hutchby, Ian)
  • 28. Conversational logic (by Lakoff, Robin T.)
  • 29. Creole linguistics (by Muysken, Pieter)
  • 30. Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis (by Wodak, Ruth)
  • 31. Critical theory (by Geldof, Koenraad)
  • 32. Deontic logic (by Cornelis, Gustaaf C.)
  • 33. Dependency and valency grammar (by Gebruers, Rudi)
  • 34. Developmental psychology (by Ervin-Tripp, Susan M.)
  • 35. Dialectology (by Schutter, Georges De)
  • 36. Discourse analysis (by Ostman, Jan-Ola)
  • 37. Discourse representation theory (by Kamp, Hans)
  • 38. Epistemic logic (by Cornelis, Gustaaf C.)
  • 39. Epistemology (by Buekens, Filip)
  • 40. Ethnography of speaking (by Fitch, Kristine L.)
  • 41. Ethnomethodology (by Firth, Alan)
  • 42. Firthian linguistics (by Ostman, Jan-Ola)
  • 43. Formal pragmatics (by Bunt, Harry)
  • 44. Functional grammar (by Mackenzie, J. Lachlan)
  • 45. Functionalism vs. formalism (by Nuyts, Jan)
  • 46. Game-theoretical semantics (by De Mulder, Walter)
  • 47. General semantics (by Allan, Keith)
  • 48. Generative semantics (by McCawley, James D.)
  • 49. Geneva school (by Roulet, Eddy)
  • 50. Historical linguistics (by Goossens, Louis)
  • 51. Intensional logic (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 52. Interactional sociolinguistics (by Verschueren, Jef)
  • 53. Interpretive semantics (by Nikanne, Urpo)
  • 54. Lexical field analysis (by Geeraerts, Dirk)
  • 55. Lexical functional grammar (by Ackerman, Farrell)
  • 56. Literary pragmatics (by De Geest, Dirk)
  • 57. Logical semantics (by Vergauwen, Roger)
  • 58. Marxist linguistics (by Helsloot, Niels)
  • 59. Mentalism (by Nuyts, Jan)
  • 60. Metapragmatics (by Verschueren, Jef)
  • 61. Modal logic (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 62. Model-theoretic semantics (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 63. Montague and categorial grammar (by Frosch, Helmut)
  • 64. Neurolinguistics (by Bertuccelli Papi, Marcella)
  • 65. Objectivism vs. subjectivism (by Schneider, Hans Julius)
  • 66. Ontology (by Vergauwen, Roger)
  • 67. Phenomenology (by Verschueren, Jef)
  • 68. Philosophy of action (by Buekens, Filip)
  • 69. Philosophy of language (by Kasher, Asa)
  • 70. Philosophy of mind (by Cuypers, Stefaan E.)
  • 71. Possible worlds semantics (by Gochet, Paul)
  • 72. Pragmatism (by Buekens, Filip)
  • 73. Prague school (by Sgall, Petr)
  • 74. Psycholinguistics (by Prideaux, Gary D.)
  • 75. Relevance theory (by Blakemore, Diane)
  • 76. Rhetoric (by Kienpointner, Manfred)
  • 77. Role and reference grammar (by Van Valin Jr., Robert D.)
  • 78. Semiotics (by Pankow, Christiane)
  • 79. Situation semantics (by De Mulder, Walter)
  • 80. Social psychology (by Potter, Jonathan)
  • 81. Sociolinguistics (by Romaine, Suzanne)
  • 82. Speech act theory (by Sbisa, Marina)
  • 83. Structuralism (by Willems, Dominique)
  • 84. Stylistics (by Semino, Elena)
  • 85. Symbolic interactionism (by Watson, Rod)
  • 86. Systemic functional grammar (by Butler, Christopher S.)
  • 87. Tagmemics (by Pike, Kenneth L.)
  • 88. Text linguistics (by Beaugrande, Robert de)
  • 89. Truth-conditional semantics (by Carston, Robyn)
  • 90. Typology (by Comrie, Bernard)
  • 91. Universal and transcendental pragmatics (by Leilich, Joachim)
  • 92. Methods
  • 93. Contrastive analysis (by Jaszczolt, Katarzyna M.)
  • 94. Corpus analysis (by Aarts, Jan)
  • 95. Deconstruction (by Schirato, Tony)
  • 96. Dialogical analysis (by Linell, Per)
  • 97. Elicitation (by Senft, Gunter)
  • 98. Error analysis (by Ringbom, Hakan)
  • 99. Ethnography (by Agar, Michael)
  • 100. Experimentation (by Sandra, Dominiek)
  • 101. Fieldwork (by Senft, Gunter)
  • 102. Interview (by Briggs, Charles L.)
  • 103. Intuition and introspection (by Schneider, Hans Julius)
  • 104. Linguistic explanation (by Frawley, William)
  • 105. Logical analysis (by Vergauwen, Roger)
  • 106. Reconstruction (by Nurse, Derek)
  • 107. Statistics (by Hout, Roeland van)
  • 108. Taxonomy (by MacLaury, Robert E.)
  • 109. Notational systems
  • 110. Notation in formal semantics (by De Mulder, Walter)
  • 111. Transcription systems for spoken discourse (by O'Connell, Daniel C.)

21st annual installment ISBN 9789027263087


This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access - for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and functioning of language - to the different topics, traditions and methods which together make up the field of pragmatics, broadly conceived as the cognitive, social and cultural study of language and communication, i.e. the science of language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics is a unique reference work for researchers, which has been expanded and updated continuously with annual installments since 1995. Also available as Online Resource: https://benjamins.com/online/hop

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    • 9789027232458
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    • 9789027233196
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    • 9789027233226
    • 9789027233264
    • 9789027233271
    • 9789027233295
    • 9789027233301
    • 9789027263087
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  • 出版地
    Amsterdam ; Philadelphia
  • ページ数/冊数
    v. (loose-leaf)
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
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