Logic and computer design fundamentals

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Logic and computer design fundamentals

M. Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime

Prentice Hall, c1997

  • Prentice Hall International ed.

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


ISBN 9780131820982


Based on the bestselling texts "Digital Logic and Computer Design" (1972) and "Computer Engineering: Hardware Design" (1988), this text presents the fundamentals of hardware design and integrates state-of-the-art techniques and technologies in an easy-to-understand style with abundant use of examples. Students taking introductory courses in digital logic design, computer engineering, or computer hardware design should find this text useful.

Table of Contents

Digital Computers and Information Representation. Combinational Logic. Combinational Macros. Sequential Logic Circuits. Sequential Macros. Memory and Programmable Logic. Register Transfers and Datapaths. Sequencing and Control. Computer Instructions and Addressing. CPU Design. Peripherals and Input-Output. Memory Systems.

Prentice Hall International ed. ISBN 9780132067805


Presenting the fundamentals of hardware design, this work integrates state-of-the-art techniques and technologies in an easy-to-understand style. Examples are used to build understanding and problem-solving skills. The text provides preparation for courses in contemporary computer architecture and organization that emphasize system-level concepts but which present only a cursory treatment of actual hardware design. To strengthen motivation for study, an ongoing example of a simple computer system is used to illustrate the principal impact of each topic in digital systems design.

Table of Contents

  • Digital computers and information representation
  • combinational logic circuits
  • combinational logic design
  • sequential circuits
  • registers and counters
  • memory and programmable logic
  • register transfers and datapaths
  • sequencing and control
  • computer instruction architecture
  • central processing unit (CPU) design
  • input-output and communication
  • memory hierarchies.

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